View Full Version : The HP Magic Giveaway: Win $6000 in Hardware and Software, Then Share It
12-16-2008, 02:36 AM
I would give a laptop to my older sister who is living on her own, paying off bills and loans, and yet for some reason owns no computer. I would give the mini book to my parents.
Bboy Daniel
12-16-2008, 02:49 AM
Dear HP Giveaway,
This Christmas season, unlike the others, I would like to give back to my family. Never once have I been able to find the time to work a part-time job in time for the holidays and even now my younger siblings are working themselves.
Recently, my brother has been going to the same university as I have for the past two years and we’ve had a sort of falling out with our lives becoming more individualized. It had only come to my attention a little over a month ago when I had a small conversation with him that his current laptop finally outlived its usefulness and broke down. I know how much that laptop meant to him as he would spend hours on it working on schoolwork, playing games and talking to friends. If there was any other second home to him represented as an item, then it would be his laptop. So in the spirit of love family, not even the holidays, I’d like to hand to him a new HP HDX Premium notebook pc to replace his cherished, but not forgotten laptop. Maybe it’s as simple as giving him a new laptop that we could rediscover our brotherhood through items like these once more.
Another individual in my family that I would like to grant a surprise Christmas present to is my younger sister. Although she may be one year younger than my brother and even though she is in college, she is still my baby sister. She’ll always be that someone who I have to protect and care for regardless of our situation. Right now, the funds of our family is coming to its end concerning payments for our college education, especially hers with only a few hundreds left. In order to relieve the financial stress both on my parents and her as well as the inconvenience of her always walking to the computer lab late at night to study, I figured it be best for her to receive the HP Pavilion notebook. With her expanding opportunities and memories in college, there would be no better way to store and manage these things with this notebook, but this goes not without mentioning its performance capabilities and data storage/transfer management for keeping up with her assignments and reading materials for class.
One exceptional person I would love to give a present to would be my girlfriend, whose head is nearly as big as her heart (lol haha, just kidding). There has been no other person so far that I respect and love as I do her. In fact, she’s much better than I am in most things like being responsible, clean, nice, funny, caring, and thoughtful and a bunch of things that I’m not. Ok, before I continue, in my personal defense against myself, I just want to emphasize how much of life she has in order than I do and it’s only fitting for someone like me to show my gratitude for learning so much from her. Everyone including myself would agree that her current laptop is of no better use to her than a cement brick that’s marked up with the words laptop. So to make her life easier and mine, she’d be given the HP Mini, lightweight and cute as a button just like her, a smart thinker too.
It goes without showing that one of the most important women in a person’s life is his mother. Now I can’t say too much about my mother’s ability to use or even understand how to turn on a computer, but a mother always deserve something for the hard, back-breaking work they do to keep a family together and happy. No other in the person in the world that I know of cares more about our family than she does and to make it easy for her to forget the difficulties of life and remember all the precious memories she created then the wonderful media management of the HP TouchSmart, HP Photosmart, and HP MediaSmart connect would best be given to her. In this way she can store all the videos and pictures that she’s gathered over the years and have a convenient way to print and show off to her wonderful family to her friends. I’m quite confident that my father will take part whole-heartedly to teach my mother how to make use of all this technology. (If not, then at least they can watch silly movies and poke fun at pictures together at home of their “all growed up kids”).
Compared to me, I deserve no such luxuries with my mistakes, misfortunes and mishaps. All I care to see is that I can finally give something back this holiday season, something nice-looking and useful to people I care most for. Simply, I would like to see my family close together once again and light up a room with our smiling faces. Nothing more, not even gifts like these would match up to what it would be like to see us all smiling at the same time this Christmas.
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Happy Holidays Everyone,
Daniel De Alday
[email protected]
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Quite frankly I don’t think there are enough presents involved in this giveaway. I’ll continue on anyway to an organization I take part in, CSULB Breakers. We are a sport/recreational club dedicated to promoting the peace, love and unity given through sharing the experience of breakdancing. We are a fairly new club to the California State University Long Beach campus. Every semester or so, we try our handout teaching free workshops to inner city children in the <st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Los Angeles</st1:place></st1:city><st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Long Beach</st1:place></st1:city> and Homeland recreational center where we also teach more kids. Apart from the prizes from this contest, if there is any other way to help my organization out in helping the younger generation, then please feel free to contact me through email. area. During the winter we hold a toy drive and a dance battle to raise money for those less fortunate. Likewise we have a summer workshop program with affiliation with the City of
Thank you for your time and patience, happy holidays to you all.
12-16-2008, 03:19 AM
I’ll try to keep this as short as possible because I know that the person/people reviewing this post have a LOT to read through.
My name is Chris and I’m a 15 year old Aussie who is a tech ADDICT, I admit it, calling me a geek is a compliment! A lot of my viewers and friends know that I make tutorials for people on youtube, I don’t charge for these tutorials, nor do I put advertisements on them, so I am pretty much doing all these tutorials for free, and helping people in the comments section with them too!
I have been making websites for well over five years now and am also into video production, animation, practically EVERYTHING in multimedia. I am also into building computers that friends want me to build (I COULD charge them for letting me build it, but hey, I enjoy it so I honestly don’t care! I obviously charge them for the hardware though :P)
If I won this package, I would use just ONE of the laptops for school and business. As many of you know, I have quite a number of ideas for technology products that I want to get on the market (one of them required that surround sound system that I bought. That took me MONTHS to earn.) I have figured out almost everything to do with the products. Even though I haven’t built one yet due to financial restraints, I DO know that I’ve planned out how to build these items and they WILL work, I'm 100% sure. Every issue with them that has come across my mind when I visualise the final product, I have been able to fix, JUST by thinking about ways to fix things, or improve things.
I have been in contact with a patent attorney for the past few weeks and we are trying to get some patents pending (which is surprisingly cheap - $50 USD, roughly), so I can present these ideas to other companies (with the protection of a patent pending), such as AMD for example, and to see if we can create these products in a joint-venture, where we both work on the product. These ideas have a LOT of potential, even my patent attorney thinks so - even if he didn’t think it was a good idea until I fully explained it to him. I know, I’m only 15, but these are seriously great ideas. I really do need the assistance of a light weight computer.
The thing is, I don’t care all that much about the money, so I want to make these awesome products as affordable as possible and give a few of them away as well. I don’t want BIG NAME companies to keep charging $7000 for a TV that cost’s them well under $1000 to make, and if you weren’t to pay the scientists, etc who improve the technology, it would probably work out to well under $100 to make one of their TV’s.
As I said, I need a computer that is also light weight (under 4.5kg/10lbs) - or something that’s not to heavy. This computer would be for school. I am going into TAFE next year. Well actually, it kind of started a few weeks ago due to my schools new system, but in any case... I am going into a TAFE course in electronics for year 10, to get certificates so that if I ever need to get a job, I can get higher paying ones, or at least have a better chance at getting a good job. In year 11, I’ll hopefully be doing IT & multimedia courses. This is the MAIN reason I need just ONE of the laptops, the rest (excluding the printer and media center) will be shared/given to others.
I have been looking to save up for the HP MiniNote for MANY months now - although, I may choose a more powerful one out of the three, but with the recent changes in the USD and AUD, the prices have gone up 35% and the prices are now out of my reach. Just look at the new macbooks, they went down $100 in America but went up $700 in Australia!
My parents have a job that relies on commission, and in these hard economic times, things are VERY bad. My parents need a computer for their work, so I would also be giving them one. I believe we may be selling the house we moved into, just one year ago. Somebody came over to look at the house the other day, I’m really not sure what’s going on there, but this is just to give you an idea on how bad things are at the moment.
Finally though, I would give one of the computers away by holding an online contest - the person that needs it the most (and they need to prove this to me) for their creativeness or skills would win. Whether that be art, program development, architecture or anything creative that will CONTRIBUTE to society.
I would also give away the 2 dvd’s of Kung Fu Panda, and the blu-ray version in another contest. As I already have office 2007, I would be giving that away too, in another contest, I will give away VideoStudio 11.5 (my older version of the software) on top of all this as well.
You may be asking, how is this impacting on others lives? Well, first of all, I’d be helping people get jobs if I am successful at setting up a company and second of all, this would make other products more affordable, so it would help consumers and people looking for tech jobs. I know it's a long shot, but then again, it's better than not trying at all, this is how big things happen!
It will impact the life of the person who wins the computer that I give away and it will impact on my parents lives, because never before have I been able to give them something for Christmas… even though due to financial struggles, past the last seven years, I, myself haven’t had any Christmas presents either. Even so, my parents work so hard, so this would be a BIG surprise to them which will ALSO help them with their job, it would take a LOT of stress off their backs - they've been talking about needing a laptop for work for months and haven't been able to get one - and now it's harder than ever.
My end goal though, is to start this company and get through school with top marks. Oh, by the way, I am a shocking writer, and my school is now allowing students to bring their own computer along to type on. My record is 124 words per minute for typing off the top of my head. As for writing, I would say about 1 word every 2 seconds at best. This ONE computer would help me so much and the three that I am giving away will help my family and a person who enters my contest. This means that ALL FOUR computers will be pushed to their limits and used by the best people in the world... The people who support their family and the people who do something for society.
In a nutshell, here is what is happening as of January of 2009, in my life.
I am going to be holding down my own job, recording FREE tutorials for youtube, going to TAFE AND normal school, also be in talks with companies to get my idea on the market and maintaining my websites.. which by the way, pay people for their work! It’s a LOT and this would really give me that last bit of “omph” I need to put in my best on all of it, if I fall behind in school because I don't have a laptop, then I'm going to fall in on everything!
I just wanted to add, I don't want the financial crisis to impact much on this contest - I just wanted to tell you, it's not like I can go out and buy a laptop. I DO NOT want this to come across as a sob story like many other entries from others, I want it to come across as a "here is what I am doing", "here is my goal" and "here is what I need to make it happen!" story... or fact?
Thank you so much for reading and thanks so very much for this wonderful opportunity. I want to wish EVERYBODY who has entered ANY of the contests the best of luck and I wish you all a very happy Christmas!
12-16-2008, 03:22 AM
If I win the contest, I will donate one computer to the local animal shelter, one to the synagogue, one will go to my son who is starting college and one will stay in the house for everybody. the software will go to those who need it the most. the printer will go to college.
Great contest! Thanks!
12-16-2008, 03:27 AM
If I win, I would keep the mini for my brothers and sisters to do their school on and one other laptop for my father who is in colorado so that he could contact us better. The rest I would donate to the monroe county elementary school.
12-16-2008, 04:45 AM
I would keep the netbook for myself and also the printer.
I would then let my brother in law choose his pick - either one of the other laptop or the touchsmart- then let my cousin pick his choice of what is left. Both need a computer.
The remaining computer I would donate to my local church.
12-16-2008, 05:00 AM
I would give one notebook and the photo printer to a friend of mine who is a single mother who is in nursing school and barely scraping by - and who faces moer difficulties in this life than I could. The other notebook I would give to my girlfriend(her laptop is on its last legs - this would be great timing). The TouchSmart and Mini I would keep.
I don't need a computer. I have one, and I know how to use approximately .0000024% of its features. Sure, it's always good to have a second back-up system, but hey. Other people need HP's magic more than I do. Here's the peeps I have in mind:
My son, Johnny Pie. His computer was stolen just before Thanksgiving. He's a tech guy laid off from his job. Yeah, yeah, he can use a library computer to apply for jobs. But c'mon. A person with so much technical talent should not be without his lifeline.
My daughter, Annie Pie Bananny Pie. She's on the Dean's List in college, and aspires to Teach for America. Her computer crashes. And crashes. And crashes. Enough already.
My friend, Vicki Pie. (Okay, I don't really call her that. She'd slap me.) She suffers from post-polio syndrome, and multiple chronic health problems. She's going to have to quit her job. She should have quit a long time ago, so she could stay home and take care of herself, but she hasn't the money. She has no computer of her own. I believe she could stay home and earn a little money from her computer, and try to manage financially on disability.
The rest would go to my hometown community theater. They rely on contributions. Given the economy, I worry they will have to shut down after forty-plus years of delighting our community. Their computer system is pathetic. Because they aren't a "life or death" charity, they may not seem as worthy as other charities
presented here. But our society needs the arts as desperately as we need antibiotics or oxygen.
The good news? Now that he has the time, techie Johnny Pie could set everybody up with their new systems.
The End.
P.S. Thank you, HP MagicPie.
12-16-2008, 05:28 AM
I work for a school district so I know how resource starved the education system is. I would therefore donate some of that hardware to the schools so that it could be put to good use by a child who may not be fortunate enough to be able to have access to a computer. Education is a competitive advantage and it's up to those that care to make a difference.
12-16-2008, 05:49 AM
I am a tech-crazy home schooling mom with four kids. I would give each of the kids their own computer to help them with their education.
12-16-2008, 06:59 AM
If I would win this awesome prize I would definitely be sharing this whit a bundle of people. The people/organizations that I would be sharing this with is my sister, my mom and dad, the Yorkton Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, and the Big Brothers and Sisters of Yorkton. To my sister I would give the HP Pavillion dv4-1145go, because she has no computer and is living on her own now. She wants to go back to school and get here degree in nursing. I think that would be the best gift to here since we do not always see eye to eye, maybe this will be a turning point in both are lives. To my mom and dad I would give the HP TouchSmart IQ816 PC because they are computer illiterate and I believe that it would be easier for them to be able to touch where they want to go. For the Yorkton SPCA I would give them the HP Mini 1000. I feel really compelled about animals and how they are treated. The Yorkton SPCA accepts dogs and cats every day that have nowhere else to go. They are a sometimes given a second chance when someone adopts them. Last time I was there they were using an old windows 98 computer, which the staff says hardly works most of the time. I believe that if they had a better computer they might be able to save more animals by creating poster and making a web site of the available animals. The HP HDX18 series Premium Notebook PC, the copy of windows Vista Ultimate, and the Microsoft Office 2007 Home & Student would go to me because I will be attending college next fall studying computer science and computer engineering and will need a laptop computer to take notes in class and do assignments. The rest of the equipment including the HP MediaSmart Connect, and the HP Photoshmart C6380 Wireless AIO Printer and all the software left will go to the Big Brothers and Sisters of Yorkton. They are a non-profit group that relies on donations and sponsorship for their income. They have been around since 1983. They started out matching Big Brothers with Little Brothers and have grown to include a variety of different programs that serve both boys and girls. They provide a Big Brother or mentor to a little brother form a poor family or anyone that wants one. This is important in are society today to have reliable role models because otherwise the children get the wrong impressions from TV, video games and the internet. I do not know if they can use some of the equipment so maybe they could raffle off it and gain money to help with the funding of the organization. In general I think that there are many people that could use this in my community but those listed above are the ones I have chosen to donate to. I love the fact that HP and Microsoft is so generous to donate this wonderful package of goodies. Hopefully they will continue their generosity in to the future with further contest like this one. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
12-16-2008, 07:07 AM
I would be sharing the magic with two organizations very near and dear to my heart, St. Jude's Hospital and Ronald McDonald House. Both are charities that provides temporary housing for pediatric cancer patients and their families. Both organizations offer a strong, supportive and caring environment which encourages and nurtures the development of child-to-child and parent-to-parent support systems. My two nephews developed pediatric cancer at a very early age and as a result this cause has become very personal for me and my family. My mother and I have spent time with the families in Ronald McDonald House NYC and have raised money for both organizations. We like to volunteer our time during the holidays when it's more difficult to find anyone willing to donate time. I found myself a victim of the banking bust this year and was laid off at a very untimely moment, during the holidays, which left me with less to give. Should I be selected, it would mean a great deal to me to be able to do something I've been accustomed to being able to do, give to others, especially since my nephews found support when they needed it, the idea that I could provide that joy and help to someone else is very important to me.
12-16-2008, 07:30 AM
The only system I would keep is the Mini. I just built a new PC this summer so I don't need anything else for myself.
The Touchsmart would be given to my parents. Their current system is barely fast enough to check their email. I think my dad would get a kick out the touch capabilities.
I would give the HDX to my brother in law. He's been wanting a powerful notebook for a while now. He's trying to get started producing his own videos and would like to be able to render clips on site.
The Pavilion dv4 would go to my younger sister. The laptop she has now is causing nothing but trouble for her.
I guess I'd probably be able to find a use for the Mediasmart and I'd donate the Photosmart and the software.
Thanks to HP and all sites involved!
The Yaz
12-16-2008, 07:50 AM
My name is Steven Yagozinski. My current job is Director of a Non-Profit Foundation, but computers have always been my hobby. I volunteer my time on the Technology Committee for St. Mary’s Prep, a local Catholic School where my 3 children attend.
One of the projects our Committee is working on is to acquire computers, a small server or NAS for videos and music files and a projector for the school library to create a media center that the teachers can utilize to enhance the education program. The teacher’s believe such an arrangement works better with younger children than sitting them in the computer lab.
Your prize package would go a long way to helping us achieve this goal. While the prize package does not have a projector, the Touchsmart will suffice nicely!
If I were to win this prize, I would give the school all of the equipment except the Net-Book (which the computer geek in me would love to have) and one copy of Kung-Fu Panda.
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If you would like to find out more about the school, use thefollowing link to the school’s website: (
Please let me know if you have any further questions and I’ll be happy to give you more information.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Steven Yagozinski
[email protected]
12-16-2008, 08:32 AM
I would give one of the laptops to my mom, who just lost her job and her company issued laptop along with it. I would also give another laptop to my uncle, who has an older laptop and is very hard on it, and could use a new one but can't afford it. I would give the printer to my sister, who is a college student. I would keep one laptop for me to use in college (I'm an EE and CS double major). Thanks for the chance to win, Andy
12-16-2008, 08:39 AM
I am Karthik S Rao, Student aged 20 currently residing in Mangalore, (India)
First of all i would like to wish u a Merry Xmas and have a wonderful 2009.
When i read about the contest clauses the only person who came to my mind is my Uncle "Panaje Venkatrama Daithota" who is a Folklore Medicine Expert.Even though he completed Engineering in one of the most reputed National Institute of Technology, he sacrificed his dreams to fulfill his fathers wish. This "Folklore Medicine" tradition has come a long way from his ancestor time.They treat the poor as well as the rich. They do not charge anything, i mean its free of cost.Since it was a family tradition and his brothers were not willing to follow the tradition he stepped in and made a huge sacrifice. Here is an article by a leading Indian newspaper on him after being conferred the Janapada Vaidya Siri Award
Here is another blog written on him which explains more about him
Even though he is rich in knowledge he is always in a financial crisis. His daily food is from the rice gifted by his patients. Even though the government recognised him recently no financial support is given. There are days where he and his wife havent eaten for days. Sometimes they had to prepare food from the plants available nearby.Inspite of all this he continues to help the poor and the rich.
The reason why this contest would help him is the fact that he maintains record of his patients for reference. A laptop would certainly be helpful in maintaining these records of the patients.He can also have a web presence which will help a lot of people who wish to stay in touch with him. I would love to donate the laptop to him so that he can carry his research along with him wherever he travels to.
Apart from this I would also donate the other mini laptop to my sister who has just finished her medical studies (Ayurveda - Indian Medicine). It will surely help her in her research works. I would keep a laptop and the printer and then media smart connect for my personal use. I am not sure about the softwares but i might gift it to some of my friends at University. The kung fu panda definitely goes to my neighbour, she is 6yrs :p she would surely love it :)
Thanks for having this wonderful contest.Thanks also goes to the sponsors who are kind enough to share these wonderful gifts which will cheer in the ongoing economic recession. May the deserving win :)
Thanking you,
12-16-2008, 10:01 AM
This giveaway package is certainly magic. Were I to win it would make me a goddess in the gift giving department. To my son, the soon to be graduate, I would give the Laptop, my father in law, the Entertainment Notebook, to my sister the Touch Smart, for her shop ( unless her husband gives her one this Xmas), to my brother, the media connect thingy. and hope I understood what it did. I would give the Photo printer and Photo package to the local nursing home. I really want that mini, if I am right it would make a fantastic ereader. The rest would go to the community as appropriate.
12-16-2008, 10:23 AM
I’ll be sharing with the Shady Shakespeare Theatre Company, FREE Shakespeare in the Park in Northern California. They are committed to making Shakespeare accessible to people of all ages. They are 100% volunteer and could use some new stuff.
12-16-2008, 12:43 PM
I would like to participate in your HP Magic competition.I already do have a computer & i don’t have a need for another.If i get the opportunity to win, i would love to distribute the entire package among the children of a local children home/school where i teach at.I would love to give their address & contact information so that you can send them directly if i win.
Now let me say something about the home. The name of the home is “Arushi (
[email protected])” .
Arushi means "The first ray of the sun".The home has been established over sixteen years ago to provide a home, education, medical aid & opportunity to some of the children of my city Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) who found themselves living on the streets of the city.Children who suffer extreme poverty and who have little or no ability to change their lives. More than anything they need the love and security of a home.
This home takes the responsibility of these children so that these kids can get proper education,proper foods & atleast some happiness & can grow up like a normal kid should.This organization strives to integrate poor children with no family & children with disabilities into the mainstream of society.
The home runs by an NGO called “Elaan” here in Calcutta.This NGO deals with Child Sexual Abuse issues.If you want to know more about the kind of work this NGO does,you can please visit their blog here (
If you have time, you can give my post a read here ( on the blog of the NGO.I think,you will get the idea how much pain & suffering these children are going through.
Some of the pictures of these kids can also be found here ( on my Flickr photostream.
This NGO also runs six other child homes where more than 700 former street children are living & studying from Kindergarten to Class 10.These homes also take in children from the surrounding slum communities where kids may have a family but parents are unable to send their children to schools because of the cost of the education.
My job is teaching in one of these homes as i’ve mentioned earlier.And not only me, many college students are teaching the children here in their part time.In my school,there are more than 150 children who share 10 old desktop computers.These homes try to educate these children so that they can prepare themselves for the higher studies.
So, you can see,the opportunities are endless.I would love to donate those computer parts to our school so that the children can get better opportunity to learn & prepare themselves for a better future.Thank you for understanding.<O></O>
12-16-2008, 01:33 PM
IF i win i first i will give hp mini 1000 to my nephew who is studying in 6th grade and who doesn't have a pc. he is not only a curious child but is quick witted. So to enhance his learning i will give hp mini to him.
OTher than that i will give one laptop hp hdx to my Niece (sisters daughter). She has just graduated from a college in graphics and multimedia, animation. just joined a company . this particular laptop will help her to make her work truly easy. this enable her to do things that wouldn't have been possible on pentium 3 pcs.
I will give hp dv4t to my younger brother who has just joined a university. This laptop is the exact thing he needs for his studies. dv4t is a laptop best suited for college and graduate students. I hope i shall be able to give him that.
I will distribute printer to my niece and nephew they need the most.
Then i will keep rest of it that is the touch smart That i always wanted for my own work of computer programming, web desginning. and video editing. I hope it comes to me.
In hope of winning.
12-16-2008, 01:37 PM
Before anything else, I felt bad when I tried to write an entry and almost finished because Firefox crashed so I had to write again – apparently it is because of my system’s limited resources. Basically, I just want the Kung Fu Panda DVD. :D j/k.
Here's my story.
I am John Raul Joven II, 21 years old, and I am web developer trying-to-be-geek here in the southernmost city of the Philippines called Davao (do a Google Map search). Actually, I lived in the outskirts of the city so it’s more like I’m a geek living in the middle of the jungle than surrounded by buildings. Here many people don’t know how to use computers and most things are still done manually.
I participated because some of the prizes can change my life and the lives of the people who need the prestigious computer resources.
Computer and technology have been bound to me since I was little. My interest with computers started when I was younger and watching Super Mario in my neighbors place. I grew up in a poor family and we used to live in slums. I really wanted to play the game but I couldn’t put my hands on it because my parents cannot afford to do so. Regardless of that fact, as a young person I thought of ways.
Out of desperation, I climbed a tree in our backyard and sold fruits in the villages under the mid-day sun to earn money – I was six years old. There were days that I was successful but then the tree’s fruits are gone, I always ended up crying because I couldn’t put my hands playing my favorite Super Mario. That game wasn’t just a game for me, I learned logics. However, it made me frustrated because my family can’t afford to buy it during my young age.
In my high school, I was lucky because computers were one of our subjects. I always loved Tuesdays because we go inside out computer laboratory and I got my first time hands-on. It was during that time I learned how to program in QBasic and Foxplus. I’ve always wished to have a computer myself and whenever a friend invites me to come into their house, I would never hesitate to go especially if one has computer – because it was only my few means to get my hands on it.
Using other person’s computers, I learned how to use desktop application software, designed logos and wrote stories. I went to my neighbors houses and fix their computers (yet I didn’t own one for myself) and I helped a lot of classmates and friends when it comes to computer stuffs.
One day, my parents spared me a little money and they bought me an Intel Pentium II 350 MHz computer. I was jumping to the roof that day and started with Windows ME (Millennium Edition). It took me 7-10 minutes before I enter my desktop and it made me wonder why in Internet cafes computers are so fast.
During this time, the fastest CPU speed was 2 GHz Pentium 4, and I was running at 350 MHz. Despite that, it was my gateway to learn Flash 5, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and other software, which sucked because I had to run one application at a time. After 2 years, I completed a Pentium 4 computer which ran at better speeds, yet the technology I had was 3 years behind the latest ones. I’ve always wished to do extensive video editing, to innovate on the web with my skills, but my system prevents me to do it.
My web knowledge in computers until 2003 was summed up on the greatest accomplishment I had on Geocities that is still live until now:
Profile - ANMJOVEN.COM Final - John Raul R. Joven II's Official Website Version 3! (
And a few videos with effects limited by my system:
YouTube - Kadayawan - Technographix VI Entry by John Raul Joven II (
YouTube - John Raul Dot Com (
I had many classmates in college who had computers but they didn’t use them well. I’ve always wished to have a better system so that I can explore more my talents and hone them as I really want to be productive like making tutorials, editing sound through Audition, learning Flash and ActionScript, 3Ds Max, Vegas and a lot more. With my current system I cannot run the software I want to learn and it frustrates me a lot because I have so much motivation to learn, and ideas to put in action to make a difference.
When I graduated two years ago and started working at home for an employer who provided me a laptop to use for work, I was able to do the things I dreamed to do way back when I was younger. However, still the limitations are so low --- I can’t play games, I can’t do HD video editing using Premiere, Photoshop crashes, and there are many software I couldn’t run once or at the same time because the laptop lacks CPU speed and dedicated graphics card. My desktop experience hinders my overall productivity so much.
It’s noteworthy, however, that despite these limitations, a laptop slowly changed my life.
6 Months of Work:
My Workplace In The Corner Of The World | John Raul dot Com (
9 Months of Work:
My Workplace After Nine Months Of Home Work | John Raul dot Com (
Last December:
YouTube - Season Greetings! Christmas 2007 (
1 Year to Present:
After 21 Years On The Floor, Finally I Will Have My Own Room! | John Raul dot Com (
My Geek Room Is Now Occupied, But Still Incomplete | John Raul dot Com (
My greatest fear is to lose ownership of this laptop since my employer might ask me to return it back -- I am afraid to lose a life and career. I cannot afford to buy a laptop or computer of my own yet. I want to do more, I want to produce and I want to continue helping people -- losing my laptop will take all these motivations from me.
I wish a lot that you select me to be the beneficiary of HP HDX 18 series Premium Notebook PC. I believe that this system is what I need to realize all my ideas and put them all to action. This is just what I sorely need and I earn only $250 per month yet a breadwinner in my family here in the Philippines.
If I win, I would do anything in return to the community within the range of my skills. I can do:
• Web design Web development (PHP/MySQL/JavaScript/ XAJAX)
• Search Engine Optimization / Internet Marketing
• Content Writing
• Multimedia-rich tutorials
• Virtual assistance
I pray that I win the laptop. Although I know some people or organizations here in the Philippines that need the prizes, for me, the laptop is already too much for this Christmas. It can already change my life and let me do many many things. And from the things I can do, I can help more people and make them motivated to study or appreciate computers and technology. I highly believe that it will lead us to our future to escape poverty.
Giving me the laptop will enable me to do magic to other people. I am already capable of doing so, but there are many many people who needs help and I can't let them down just because my computer doesn't allow me so.
If I am chosen I would suggest that you roll the prizes again and give the rest of the prizes to all other young people or organizations that participated here -- especially the ones who are struggling to be more productive in life but limited by the power of their computer system – just like what I’ve experienced. I know how it feels.
Thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity. I hope I would feel the presence of Santa this year.
Thanks for bringing sunshine to people's lives and sharing magic to them.
12-16-2008, 02:49 PM
I will do one of the following with the prize.
1) Donate a part of the package to (
2) I use the 2 laptops for my village. These laptops can be very useful for the people of my village where they can use it freely anytime. I will also get the Internet connection for them which will be much more useful for the students. And also our institute ( has a very good service, e-Sagu: An IT based Personalized Agricultural Extension System (, for farmers. Most of the farmers in our village can access this service using these laptops. It will be of great use for the farmers and the students.
In brief, I will use the 2 laptops i) to familiarize the village people in using computers and internet, ii) to provide the training freely (this may take some time to regularize) iii) to provide free printing services iv) to provide free e-mail fecilities for the people who have their relatives staying outside the village(mostly abroad and longer distance).
Currently the above ideas have been in my mind for a long time. But as I can't afford to buy the required accessories alone, I have been waiting for funds from my friends to implement the above. Currently I am I am not able to buy the computers...Adding to the above laptops I will try to collect some funds from my friends and buy some more accessories to make it successful.
12-16-2008, 03:05 PM
I will be giving away
• HP MediaSmart Connect
• HP Pavilion dv4 series Entertainment Notebook PC (with Windows Live)
• HP Mini 1000 (with XP)
• HP Photosmart C6380 Wireless AIO (printer)
• HP 564 Photo Value Pak
• Microsoft Windows Live
• Corel VideoStudio X2
• Kung Fu Panda (2 widescreen DVDs; 1 widescreen Blu-ray disc)
I will give these away to an orphanage. There are many ill-equipped and impoverished orphanages in Chennai, India, where I live. The children there are brought up in a computer-free environment and I will take this chance to make sure that they are not introduced abruptly into this digitized world.
12-16-2008, 03:19 PM
Hi, my name is Daniel Alvarez, I am a software developer from Argentina. I am participating in this contest because I really need a notebook, and for economic reasons, it is impossible to buy it. I have a desktop computer and It is a little old, and for existing technologies is a little out of time. In the event of winning also, I have thought about helping my 8-year-old goddaughter, who lives in Formosa, giving her a computer too, so as to help in her education.
Thanks and good luck to all!!!
Gosh, what a wonderful opportunity to share a windfall. I have a sister, who has never owned a computer except for her daughter's that doesn't work. She lost her daughter 6 years ago and cannot bring herself to part with the old computer because it has things on it that she can't throw away. I would give her a notebook, and try to have the info transferred to it so that she has the memories and also a functioning computer to let her "stay connected". The other gifts would be sorted to a friend who teaches special needs and could use some technology help, and that could be in the way of a printer and a computer with software. The rest is an unknown right now, because it is hard to give homes to something that isn't yours to give yet. Wow, whoever wins this, will make someone or more than someone really happy. cheers and good luck to all
12-16-2008, 04:02 PM
First off, I'd give the TouchSmart to my mom, who isn't very good with computers normally but only needs one to see pictures the family sends and to view :)
I'd take the HDX; I'm currently a college student studying computer science, so having a laptop that can handle any programs I make for it would be a great boon to me, as well as clear up some of the dorm room clutter caused by my old desktop.
I would donate the MediaSmart Connect to my school, LeTourneau University, as they have a lounge that is in desperate need of such a device.
The HP Pavilion dv4-1145 would go to my high school AP Computer Science high school teacher. She fostered in me my love of all things related to computers, but being a high school teacher with a family, has always been too strapped for cash to afford a laptop.
The netbook would be given to my university's ACM program as part of their yearly raffle in order to raise money for the club. We're a small school with a relatively small CS department, so our club hasn't been able to do many of the activities we've wanted to.
With the printer I'd like to start a community print service on my dorm floor at school. I'd charge a small fee for usage to cover paper and ink costs, or give it to someone else with the intention that they do the same. This is due the insane costs of printing at school, and not everyone has their own printer.
I'd take the copy of MS Office. OpenOffice is great, but I often run into formatting problems between it and what my professors give me or what they want submitted.
I'd give the VideoStudio software to my local church so that they can better advertise upcoming or past events.
Finally, I'd give the Kung Fu Panda DVD to my grandma, who has taken it upon herself to raise her great-grand children and who could use the break this distraction would give them.
12-16-2008, 04:08 PM
I am Rama Rani Jain from Delhi, India. I had done Electronics and Telecommunications from Delhi Engineering College, New Delhi. After it, I worked for four years in several technical houses.
I was a person who was always busy in parties and other similar activities but it all changed when my only child, my daughter "Muskaan" (in 'hindi' her name means 'a bright smile') died in a car accident at the age of 19. When her dead body was brought home wrapped in white sheet, besides the known people there were some unknown people also who were crying and appeared in grief. These people were poor and lived in nearby slums. On enquiring them I came to know that my daughter used to pay for their children's school fee from her pocketmoney. This moved me to my core. I pledged to keep my daughter's spirit alive by working for the same cause. I decided to use my computer knowledge to give these children best computer education alongwith financial support. Thus was born my child "Muskaan (" on August, 2007, again.
I started alone but determined; I pursuaded my friends, neighbours and now we are a healthy group of more than dozen volunteers who donate their time & resources
Since its inception we have diversified our focus and now provides technical, educational & financial support to 3 kinds of women/girls.
1. Girls from slums or who are victims of terror attacks/sex abuse.
2. Poor rural women
3. Working women
We collect old & discarded pc's and refurbish them (we also sometimes collabrate with local public schools to let us use their computer labs or sometimes borrow pc's and laptops from our friends for some time) and then use them in our varoius workshops. Know more about what we do ( Our vision for yr 2008 was to help the women who are already emploed but don't have computer skills and are therefore dominated by by male workforce. We achieved it by extending our mission and organising for regular bi-monthly workshops for such women!
Now, our vision for 2009 is to provide the women of 'Kajapur village' tools to setup an e-commerce site which will be used to encourage the sales of their excellent Handicrafts & other home made products by providing greater visibilty and direct contact with customers, without the middle-man. Muskaan can manage the site in the initial stages and slowly help them learn how to manage it on their own.
These people have very less and any help would mean much to them. We are a young org and don't have permanent resources but we are willing to offer our expertise to make that happen & we are hoping to share magic together with you, by empowering women & girls with the tools they need but have no way of getting by themselves.
This one is mine with workshop girls.
The below has Valsa Williams, an active volunteer.
Please find some photos ( on our website.
12-16-2008, 05:07 PM
I would be very excited to win these prizes. If I were to win, I plan to give one of the laptops to my church. They could really use a new laptop to run the powerpoint during worship.
12-16-2008, 05:37 PM
I just bought a HP laptop. A touchsmart PC wouldn't hurt :)
12-16-2008, 05:37 PM
I would like to be an angel to my local Asheville-Mountain Chapter of the American Red Cross by donating all but one of the computers to the Emergency Services Department. Donations are down in this tight economy, and they have no money to upgrade old computer equipment so essential in the work with clients who have experienced a disaster. This awesome HP computer equipment would help tremendously. I would keep one computer for my own work with the American Red Cross, as I am a volunteer on call 24/7 for disasters, whether local, state or national. Thank you for this chance to win some much-needed equipment for a very worthy cause.
12-16-2008, 05:56 PM
If i were to win..
I'll give one laptop to a little girl recently featured on a reality show. She's seven years old, and has to take care of her bed-bound mother, clearing her bedpan, and clean and cook, and help her father tend a newpaper stand.
The second laptop will go to the patient staying in the same hospital, ward and bed I was in a fortnight ago.
12-16-2008, 06:00 PM
My son, 17 is a senior that plans on going to college. The HP HDX would exceed anything I could give him for graduation. With plans to go on for Bio-Chem Engineering a computer would be awesome for him. He deserves the world, if only I could give it to him.
My other son,10 would truly benefit from the HP Touchsmart PC. He is legally blind. Our current computer does not meet his visual needs and a new one is not forseen in the near future. He can only tolerate about 20 minutes on the computer. His neck starts to hurt from having to lean in too close to the screen. An addaptive program like Window Eyes, Zoom Text or Jaws is what he needs, but our current computer needs major updating for them. I could just cry picturing him enjoying the computer like other kids his age.
He would benefit from a notebook at school as well. The computer has a vision program loaded for him, but it doesn't always works properly for him. If he could not use it at school I surely would find someone that could use one. There would be no need for us to hold on to it. He would love to donate it to the Lion's Camp that he attends every summer. I'm sure the accessories in this package would probably go to them as we wouldn't need them all. Elijah loves to give, he's got the biggest heart out of anyone I know. He would be super happy to give the notebook away if school wouldn't let him use it there.
My mother would get a notebook as well. She's my back bone. I don't know what I would do without her. Her computer became too out dated for internet service about a year ago. And now, it took a total dive. She will not be able to get a new computer again. Perhaps, I would give her my current computer and donate the notebook. The notebook may be way beyond her needs anyways.
My 2 year old son would say, "OH WOW!" with big eyes and all. We'd sure share the joy with him.
For me to recieve and then to give this gift, honestly would be a dream come true.
12-16-2008, 06:02 PM
Well I know a lot of people have hugely charitable proposals to try to win themselves and a number of fantastic causes some new computer kit - I'm afraid mine isn't quite so selfless but nonetheless would make us very happy so here's my two cents!
Were we to win the giveaway I'd share the prize with my parents and in-laws, for the simple reason that my wife and I had our first child just three weeks ago and she's a wonderful daughter! Both sets of our parents live hundreds of miles distant - so despite being utterly smitten with their early christmas present, they're not seeing as much of her as they would like.
Hence I'd simply share the fantastic prize between the family and try to get everyone to use the webcams on those lovely laptops so they can wave at our new addition over Christmas!
Good luck to all.
if i will win
i will give one of the laptops to the orphanage in our district to help the girls @ school (for girls only), and the DVDs too.
and a computer to my cousin
12-16-2008, 06:21 PM
The HP Magic Giveaway contest is awesome :) Winning the gear would greatly benefit me and a many other people – I will try explaining why.
First of all, I am a student from Lithuania, who has been recently married to a lovely wife, and we are both trying our luck in getting a MSc degree in the University of York, United Kingdom. Studying and living in the UK is Very Expensive for someone coming from a small country like Lithuania. This is why we cannot afford getting any new gadgets and the only computer we have is a 2-year old no-brand laptop (Asus barebone). However it started showing signs of breaking (the screen turning green suddenly) and the disk space is lacking :/ But let's not get into details – one of the laptop computers would replace this old computer.
Another HP laptop would be a gift to my wife (she does not know that I am entering this contest – would be a great present for Christmas). Since we have only one computer, we have to share it. However, our specialties require a lot of computing – I am studying MSc Software Engineering and she is studying MSc Mathematical Finance. Whenever we both need a computer (which happens very often), we go to use the computing facilities in the University. However, there we have to fight the freezing in the classrooms and sometimes get to return home at 1am only.. So another laptop would replace an empty space on my wife's desk and allow her to make the calculations by computer instead of by hand.
Moreover, I would share the big HP computer with my parents in Lithuania, who have given us the chance to try and get the Western education. Funding our studies and studies of my brother and sister, they are stuck with a 5 year old computer and a small TV. A big HP computer would be a great present for Christmas and would make them very happy – and would give a better way to communicate with their children (that's me and my siblings) abroad.
Finally, I may share some of the stuff with my brother and sister (e.g. the Mini notebook), who are alone in other cities (Birmingham, UK and Berlin, Germany) also going forward to acquire Western education.
12-16-2008, 06:52 PM
I would give the larger notebook to my sister, who I just found out is on email, but who does not have her own computer (we're 20 years apart). The other large laptop would go to the kids' daycare provider. I'm not sure about the rest (the links in the original post are dead, and I'm too lazy to search).
HERE is a video that I made for this contest, I want to share with you:’s my family’s last holidays. I’m studying on Buenos Aires and I can see them only
once a year for Christmas. They live on my little home town. So I was thinking to buy them a computer and a webcam to chat with them every day and so they can see me on the webcam, and then I heard about this contest and I think it can be the answer to my prey. I’ll give them ALL the computers but a notebook for me, that I don’t have, the desktop for my family and THE OTHERS ONE for my mother's school, she is an English teacher on my home town. It’s a perfect Christmas present, I think. I miss them so much.
12-16-2008, 07:00 PM
I would keep some of the things for myself. Most of it would go to my brother and wife and kids. They are having a tough time right now, and need a new computer
12-16-2008, 07:02 PM
First i have to say thanks to HP for starting off such a great competition giving a chance to people to achieve there magical dreams.This is also chance to poor people have an opportuniy to make this christmas magical .
If i had a chance o win these prices i would share with my family as well as with charity .currently im living in village area so children over here doeant have the enough money purchase wat they dream for like to buy a new computer or a laptop getting these things for them would be really helpfull to them to earn knowledge and every information of outside world so i would share Hp touchsmart PC and mini100 to the charity,so it would be helpfull for them .
Im a webmaster i own couple of website started off just a previous months back and i would be joining university in coming months so having a laptop would be greatly helpfull regarding my managment of my sites along with my studies .
I would share the other laptops with my own brother currently hes is
working in a company so giving him a laptop would be really helpfull and also
i would share with my family so i can in touch with them and rest all of the
giveaways including Hp touch smart,mini would go to charity centers .
So that i can make this holiday magical to everyone in my whole area and also
make there dream come true .So whoever wins this competition share part of
the giveways to poor people .
Happy holidays and merry christmas to everyone*
12-16-2008, 07:28 PM
My husband just started a new job (after a LONG job search) and is in desparate need of a laptop. He would definately get one. Then I'd give one to my kids to help with their school work, especially my son who has special needs and is really having difficulty finding the right learning environment. Though he is fascinated with computers and learns quickly on them, so I think this may be the key to helping him. I would share one with my son's special needs school so that other children could also benefit from this. I'd donate one to our local performing arts organization. They really need to update their technology and this would be a wonderful addition. Thanks for letting me dream on how to make other's days a little brighter! It's been fun!
12-16-2008, 07:57 PM
I would give a notebook to my husbands 15 year old daughter who lives across the US from us. This is the one thing she really wants for Christmas.
The Kung Fu Panda would go to his 3 year old daughter, and my sons would put the rest of it to good use :)
Thanks for the cahnce--and
Happy Holidays!!!
12-16-2008, 08:07 PM
Another great contest. :-)
Jason, it would be great to win via a random draw. And, if I'm the winner, the Touch would be for me, since I can't justify spending the money one one. The netbook would be for my wife, so that she can take it with her when she visits her daughter and new baby granddaughter.
My stepdaughter, who just had the baby, will be the recipient of one of the laptops. She's always had "hand-me-down" computers and a new one would be simply awesome for her.
I don't know who I'll give the other stuff to. I'm thinking of the local animal shelter or the Catholic grammar school that put up with me for 8 years. Both of them would surely put them to good use.
Mom on the R
12-16-2008, 08:17 PM
I am exhausted. Just spent 15 minutes trying to log in. You can tell I am not a regular to this site. Phew!
This $6K package is too much for one person. I would keep the following:
Touchsmart, printer, software -- for me as I work at home as a freelance writer
notebook -- for my husband as he will have to return his laptop when he changes jobs in June
notebook -- for my 2 daughters. One is 5th and one is 7th. Both have many assignments requiring a computer, writing, research, etc.
I would give away the following:
one desktop -- my son's former preschool -- a church run school without limited funds.
mini, DVD -- Children's Hospital in D.C.
12-16-2008, 08:34 PM
Lots of goodies here, so I could outfit my whole family! I'd give a laptop to my mom, who is a huge Ebayer and emailer, because she raised me right. I'd give another to my daughter, who is a big WOWer, because I raised her right, and I'd give another to my son, who needs to do his homework, because he needs the help. I'd keep one for myself, and we'd all use the rest together.
12-16-2008, 09:11 PM
Thank you for hosting this contest and please thank HP and Windows Live for donating such amazing prizes.
If I won this package, I'd keep the Mini for myself and give one of the laptops to a friend of the family that needs a new computer.
As to everything else, I'd be donating it to the Hospital for Sick Children ( in Toronto, Canada. I've had friends treated there through the years and the dedication of the doctors, nurses, and other staff at the hospital is always an eye-opener to me. Many of the children there suffer from terminal illnesses and will have to spend the holidays in the hospital. These computers and accessories would brighten up their days during trying times. I know the patients there, the majority of whom are young children and teenagers, along with their families, would love to receive these gifts and I would love to see that happen.
12-16-2008, 09:33 PM
Going down the list, here's what I would give away and to whom.
The HP Touchsmart PC: I would give it to my grandmother, she is fairly new to computers and a touch-screen based interface could be very helpful for her.
The HP HDX Notebook: That would be the lone hardware item that I keep for myself, as my Thinkpad is showing its age.
The HP MediaSmart Connect: This would be an item I would give my immediate family. We have a nice HDTV, but barely any HD content available for it. This would be a great addition to our media setup.
The HP Pavilion dv4: That would goto my sister, she uses her laptop extensivly, and a upgrade to it would be huge for her.
The HP Mini 1000: This would goto a friend of mine that is using a aging P3-era Dell laptop. It is falling apart, literally. The screen has various marks in it, the battery is basically worthless, and the casing is scratched and beat up.
The HP Photosmart Printer and the Photo Value Pak: This would go to my father, he is an avid amatur photographer, and a shiny new printer and camera would help his photography out.
As for the software...
I would have Vista installed on all the computers except for the HP Mini (as that only runs XP anyway), as I think it is very underrated as an Operating System.
The Office editions I would put on the HDX laptop, the Pavilion, and the HP Mini.
I would also install Windows Live on all the computers (as it is free)
The Corel VideoStudio I would give to my cousin, as he is an avid videographer and any software to help him would would be nice.
And last but not least, Kung-Fu Panda, I would keep one DVD for the family library, one to a cousin of mine (who likes animation), and the Blu-Ray to a family friend (as we don't have a Blu-Ray player).
Bob Anderson
12-16-2008, 09:38 PM
If I were lucky enough to win this prize package, here's what I would do with it:
1) Two devices would stay with me - The TouchSmart IQ816 and the HDX 18. The good news is that my HP ZD8000, gently used but runs Vista Ultimate well would be donated, see below.
2) The Pavilion dv4 Entertainment notebook would be donated to a family I know in Las Vegas that had their PC (and other things) stolen from their house. They need to be able to connect to the internet so that kids can do homework / parents can pay bills, etc.
3) The Mini 1000 would be donated, see below
4) The MediaSmart Connect would go to a very dear friend of mine who has the perfect home network setup and could use this device to round out the network.
5) PhotoSmart C6380 would be donated, see below
6) HP 564 Photo Value Pack would be donated, see below
7) Microsoft Office Home and Student Edition would be donated, see below
8) Corel Video Studio X would be kept by me, to help make sense of all the mini-dv tapes I've taken and yet to do something with (Sorry family!)
9)Kung Fu Panda DVD & Blu-Ray would be donated, see below
Donation Target: South Kitsap School District #402. The reason this school district would receive the donations is two-fold, #1, K-12 education is critical for all citizens in this country, and #2, my computer literacy (or addiction, depending on the vantage point!) can all be traced back to my school district putting a small group of us in front of an Apple II in the late 70s and early 80s. To give something back, that would sit in front of another student pondering what technology could do, would be awesome. I consider it a sort of "pay it forward" gesture.
12-16-2008, 09:52 PM
I'm really entering this contest in hopes of winning a computer for my friend Kyla (not that I'll not enjoy one myself =)) - she's an amazing young woman who wants to get through pre-med so she can join the navy, get her medical degree, and become a special forces navy seal medic. Personally - I wear myself out when I get up from the computer too fast - but she's serious about this and has been trying to get herself to the height of physical perfection - while doing a biomedical engineering major with a medical engineering double major. Why? straight up because "she wants to help, and show everyone that women can do anything." Honestly she's killing herself doing crew, the double major, all while living on nothing (her parents are schoolteachers for army bases - not a lot of money) and but she's pretty unstoppable. Whatever her choices in the future (I'm hoping she'll "lighten" up to just one major =)) - I'd like to support her anyway I can, and good equipment would mean a lot.
Another computer would go to a friend of a friend who just lost her job when her department was eliminated - no sob story, I'm going to be training her up on databases and programming to help her find a new job and her morale is pretty decent (especially for being laid off right before xmas) - but I think a new computer to practice her lessons on would make a big difference in her life =)
One will go to my gf cause she's been wanting a new computer for ages, but held off cause we have no money =)
And one of them I'm just gonna play games on ;)
12-16-2008, 10:49 PM
Alright! I really, really need this! I need the touch desktop for my mother (she's 70, on a fixed income, but computer literate. I need a large screen laptop---or glasses). I'd give one to a friend who helped me find a mobile home to live in after my house burned down. (No insurance since it sky rocketed in '05). I have no printer, lost that in the fire. Then I would try to trade what I had left for the electric & water I need to make my mobile home liveable. I'm nearly there, but I fore see about 4 or 5k of work to be done. And this recession is really kicking my business in the butt!! I'd donate our older model dells to some kids who need a working computer, but not all the horsepower of newer ones. I'd sure be happy to be home again and not at my mothers most of the time!
12-16-2008, 11:06 PM
I would love to be able to win this package and share it with my Mom and Aunt. They are both retired and on fixed incomes. My aunt recently retired and really misses having internet access. I think the internet is something a lot of people don't realize how much they rely on it until they don't have it any more! My mom does have a PC, but it is ancient and just limping along. They (and I) would be so thrilled if we won this.
12-16-2008, 11:09 PM
Thanks for running this contest!
The first person I would give the computer equipment to is my brother. He got a call on his birthday (Oct. 31st) from the doctor letting him know that he had four brain tumors. There are now five. He has had surgery and is taking radiation treatments everyday for five weeks. He has never had much extra money since he worked for the highway department and a new cellphone was a big deal. This equipment would mean alot to him and I hope help him through his illness.
The remainder I would use in my classroom at Rome High School. This is a low-income high school and right now eight out of 24 of my classroom computers is not working.
You can see there is a real need!
Madhatter Mo
12-16-2008, 11:40 PM
I'm a 9-1-1 dispatcher and nothing tears at my heart more than kids involved in domestic violence. Some of the equipment would go to Henderson House which is my local domestic violence women's shelter. This shelter provides women and children a safe haven when they leave abusive homes. They support the ladies by giving them not just food and shelter but clothes, transportation and moral support when having to go to court, not to mention legal advice.
The laptops would be a great addition to the shelter. They would put them to great use assisting the women in finding a new home and a job to suppor their children if need be.
In addition I also help a non-profit organization called Hope on the Hill. If by the grace of God I was chosen I would use the rest of the equipment to implement a program for newly single moms. So many of limited skills and when they are forced to enter the workplace in order to provide for their children they are unable to find a decent job. It's my plan to go to their home and offer basic computer training, my idea is that while mom and I are working the kids could be entertained by watching Kung Fu Panda. The last part of their training would be to type up a resume. After that I would assist them in searching for a job and if need be help with transportation.
Good luck to all!
12-16-2008, 11:42 PM
first let me say wow, what an amazing contest.
i would give the touchsmart PC to my gf who has dreams of starting her own handbag making business, and recently had her laptop die on her. i would gove one of the laptops to my mum also because her and my dads PC is so old and full of junk and viruses.
i would keep one of the PC's for me though because it would be great for when i start university in england. i plan on going for a digital film degree, and the laptop would be great to write down any ideas i have, and carry it to class with me,
the DVD's would be great for the kids my girlfriend babysits to watch.
I was recently laid off, so i could really use a new PC to help with my resume and my job search. I have a friend who got laid off before I did, and I would give her a laptop to replace her aging laptop. My niece goes to college next fall - I might give her one(some colleges insist their freshman all have the same type of computer).
12-17-2008, 12:28 AM
Winning this would mean so much to my daughter and I. Next year my daughter is going to college and I would love to be able to give her a laptop but right now that's not possible. I'm a single mother currently working in a minimum wage job. I've seen how well she can do in school and I know she can really do something with her life if given the chance. So right now I'm trying to save up for her. She plans on picking up a job soon as well. Unfortunately, there are so few scholarships that all money will probably have to go towards her tuition and books leaving nothing for a laptop. Unfortunately she also wants to go into computer graphics so you see why a computer would be so important to her.
I would love to keep one computer for myself because my current one is extremely outdated.
12-17-2008, 01:07 AM
I would give the HP TouchSmart to my 70-year-old mom, who is using an old computer that runs on Win 98 - when it runs at all. Mom would love having a computer that doesn't give up every other day and that could access her favorite websites.
My sister's daughters would get one laptop and the mini 1000 for college. I would probably give one of them the printer, since I have one that functions.
I would keep one of the laptops for my schoolwork. I'm in the web technology program at our local community college, I'm behind in my projects and it's finals week. One of my projects is creating websites. My first project was for the Webster County (Iowa) Museum. I plan to create more websites for local nonprofit organizations while I'm in school. This will give me more experience (plus it's required to do websites, although not necessarily for nonprofits) and would benefit the organizations I do work for.
If I win, this will directly benefit me, my two daughters, my sister and niece who are living with me (because I won't need to use my sister's computer) , that same niece and her sister because they will have computers for school, that same niece again when she graduates from nursing school, my husband who won't have to try to get my mom's old computer working again, and the nonprofit organizations I create websites for. Creating the websites leads to the possibility of helping people indirectly through the organizations, and when my niece becomes a nurse, she'll help people. That's the ripple effect. :D
12-17-2008, 01:19 AM
What would you do, if you had the chance to win $6000 worth of computers and accessories?
I know, I know, in these times when the economy is rough and we are all watching our bottom line, this is mind blowing!
I have been thinking about this for most of the morning, and this is what I have come up with. It isn't save-the-worldish, but it would make a huge impact none the less with those who I could bless.
First I would make sure my fabulous soon to be graduate had a notebook set up and ready to take him into college. I know this would make life much easier for him to be able to carry it to class and back home for studying and notes. He is a true gem,having fantastic grades, perfect attendance and also takes college credit courses already while still in HS. This would be a great surprise for him, and one he would truly benefit from.
The mini would be perfect for my 10 year old who attends a magnet school with focus on math and science studies. he placed 3rd over all in his school's science fair this year by studying the effects of soda and diet soda on weight gain and energy levels. Time and time again he spent hours researching online, and typing up his reports and findings. Currently he is learning excel, and power point. I do believe this would expand his education by allowing him to experiment with the new lessons from school at home.
My parents are about to retire in 2010 and start up their very own Barkery. (bakery for dogs). Mom is running a very old system currently, and reboots often just to keep it going. They would be able to run the business with a new PC and keep on top of building their online presences with a blog and website of their own.
Remaining items would have to go to my middle son's school. They have a fantastic program with focus studies in Math/Science, Arts and Cultures, Micro society, and The Performing Arts. They do so much for the students, and the teachers go way beyond in their out of the box teaching. I know the school could inspire more students through the use of new computer equipment.
These are my wishes if I were to be so lucky as to win. Thank you HP for being so generous and making such a huge impact in the lives of those who win. This is a wonderful gift in these hard times.
[email protected]
12-17-2008, 01:27 AM
If I win I will donate all of the equipment except the D4 and the DVD to the local Habitat for Humanity. Habitat is a great orginization that before I moved to seattle I donated quite a bit of time / effort / cash. What other orginization not only help people truely in need, but enhance the pride in owinig their own home by requiring them to put several hundred hours of sweat equity, + trainig on basic home maintenance, budgeting.... so they can stay in their new homes. Truely a worth orginization. I don't know specifically how they will use the computers or peripherials, but do know that at the last habitat I was associated with there was a real need. the mini would be great for keeping track of what is going on and to-do lists at the constructions sites..
12-17-2008, 01:30 AM
The HP TouchSmart IQ816 PC ( - I would probably end up keeping this one from myself. It would make working from home much, much, easier versus the ancient beast I have currently.
The HP HDX 18 series Premium Notebook PC ( tegory=notebooks&a1=Category&v1=Entertainment+powe rhouse&series_name=HDX18t_series) - I would end up giving this one to one of my employees who is a single mom trying to make ends meet. I know she's struggling financially and taking night classes. This would be a great gift so both her and her daughter can access computer programs to continue their education. They'd be entirely shocked with the streak of luck they are having lately.
HP Mini 1000 (with XP) ( tegory=notebooks&a1=Category&v1=Mini&series_name=m ini1000_series&a1=Category&v1=Mini) - I would end up keeping this one for myself as well and donate my current laptop (HP DV8000) to the local elementary school.
HP Pavilion dv4 series Entertainment Notebook PC (with Windows Live) ( ebooks&a1=Category&v1=Mobility) - I would give this one to my little sister. My family couldn't afford nice things growing up, and she still lives at home (teenager.) So this would be a great present to give to her since my parents and myself aren't financially able to at this point.
The HP MediaSmart Connect (, The HP Photosmart C6380 Wireless AIO Multi-Function Printer (, Corel's VideoStudio X2 (, Kung-Fu Panda ( oduct&id=1915586),The HP 564 Photo Value Pack ( would all be donated to my church so they can identify families in need and pass it on to them accordingly.
12-17-2008, 01:52 AM
My entry for the Digital Home Thoughts HP Magic Giveaway focuses on feeling. I'm not really trying to win all the prizes but trying to win the feeling of giving them away. I don't, in my lifetime, know of any other kind of high or anything that feels as good as giving something to someone and all the excitement, gratitude, happiness, and contentedness that comes with it. I recently took up photography because I liked seeing pictures of stuff that I took. It feels good. What I didn't realize is when you take pictures of people and then show them to them.. it's like a gift as well. I hope that makes sense =] Giving away happiness rocks! =]
With that being said, I would give the Touchsmart to my Father. He has Parkinson's Disease and saw the 22" model at Sam's Club and fell in love with it. We about had to drag him out of there =] My Brothers and I wanted to pitch in and get it for him but we just can't afford it. If I were to be albe to walk in Christmas Eve, set that big wrapped box on the floor and watch him open it up.. that feeling would stick with me for a good long while. He would cry like a baby and I would get to see him smile =]
Next up would be Emma. Emma is 10 years old and is a good friend's Grand Daughter. (being raised by her Grand Mother too). They are great people, very positive, happy, honest, and sincere (hard to find type people anymore I think). They take all their money and pay for tuition to a Catholic Girls School for her. She's a really neat kid in need of a laptop and a printer. Emma has to type and print her stuff out on a few select peoples computers in the building. None of us mind that at all. Being able to give her the Pavillion DV4 and the Photosmart wireless printer, and Office Home and Student would be a home run feeling as well. I'd have to run because that kid would be trying to hug the life out of me =] Emma is deserving and would appreciate the opportunity to have her own setup etc. That would feel good as well =] (I couldn't think of anyone else better to be on the receiving end of the Kung Fu Panda dvd's as well:)
I would give the HP Mini to a friend that lives in the building as well. He works full time and goes to school full time. He has a decent computer (P4) at home but the guy runs 100mph all the time. I rarely see him at all anymore and I honestly have no idea how he does it. (I couldn't). The mini would be perfect for him because of it's size and would fit in his book bag, he could put his assignments and projects on it and work on them between classes etc and just snyc it with his home machine when he needed to. He would say he couldn't possibly take it but it wouldn't be too hard to convince him after telling him about the contest and he was in it =] His name is Randy and when he does come over he makes me look silly trying to play guitar hero lol.
I would give the media connect to my Brother John. He's the homebody of the family and has tons of music, movies, etc and has his HP computer in the living room hooked up to his t.v. His wife hates it because she would rather have that computer sitting back in the office so she could do her thing. If I understand this device correctly, he could just put the Media Connect in the living room, put the computer back in the office and still be able to stream movies and music. This give would actually be more for his wife but he'd never know it lol. =] She would also be extremely thankful =]
Finally the HDX. I hope this isn't a bad thing but I would want to keep it but I wouldn't. I would sell it on Ebay and then buy two more laptops. I would give one to my Mother in Florida because she has an older machine that always seems to be jacked up one way or the other. Phone support gets tedious but she's pretty sharp and we can always seem to get it going again. As for the other laptop I would buy, I would take it with me when I start my Wedding Photography adventure in July. I've never seen any photographer upload the pictures onto a laptop and show them off at the reception. Another friend of mine has a daughter that's getting married in July and I am shooting it for free. They are having it on a golf course and I'm stoked because I know the photos are going to come out awesome. She's already thinking I'm a hero but she'd do the same for me I'm sure =] I'm going to find someone to video tape the ceremony too and I'm sure the Corel VideoStudio X2 will come in handy for editing that.
Well, thanks for reading my book here. That's what I would do with the goods.
Thanks to HP, Microsoft, Corel, DreamWorks, and of course Digital Home Thoughts for being so generous with all this stuff. I've never seen anything like it before. It rocks =]
Jason H. West
12-17-2008, 01:54 AM
If I win, I'll keep the Touch Smart for myself.
I'll send one of the laptops to my brother in Cameroon. The screen on his current 8 year old laptop has gone kaput.
I'll give the other laptops, printer and the rest of the giveaway to the parish school of a church that I sometimes attend. The children of this school are mostly from low-income families. This gift will make a nice addition in their library.
12-17-2008, 01:58 AM
I would like to keep one of the laptops for myself, probably the HP HDX 18 series Premium Notebook PC. I work a lot with biomechanics modeling simulations programs and I need a robust laptop to this job.
The HP TouchSmart IQ816 PC will be for my parents. They live alone in Arequipa-Perú and need a new desktop pc for their work with adult people and also to communicate with their children (my brother working in Mexico, my sister in Spain, and me in San Vicente de Cañete – Perú) using skype.
All other laptops will be for Instituto Rural Valle Grande (Perú). They do an excellent social work witch mission is to contribute to the professional and human development of the farmers and ranchers of the central coast of the country and of Yauyos's saw. This is accomplished by means of initiatives based on solidarity, work, the family unit and the preservation of the environment. You can visit their web site
My old laptop, HP Pavilion dv9000 also will go to Instituto Rural Valle Grande.
Good luck for all,
12-17-2008, 02:00 AM
I would keep the desktop and give one of the laptops to my granddaughter for use at college. The others, including the printer and software I would donate back to this site to be awarded to those who have a need for them. I would ask however that anyone who receives a portion of this package be willing to help out a family in need.
12-17-2008, 02:17 AM
My name is Pat Govender and I’m a school teacher in New Zealand. If I won, I would first of all like to help the Haven of Rest Community Center in Tongaat, South Africa. Tongaat is my home town but I moved to New Zealand as a singe parent with my twin boys 10 years ago. I would like to give the Touchsmart PC and a Laptop to the Haven of Rest.
My retired mother who is 70 years old volunteers there a lot, it’s like a second home to her. Their passionate volunteers and staff run a Church, Rest Home, Hospice, Medical Center, Orphanage for Children with AIDS, School, and Rehabilitation programmes. I want to share the prize with them to enable them to bring joy to the local community, and help people in need.
The Medical Center caters for the residents and local community. They need a laptop at the Medical Center to help with administration of medical records, as they have a very old desktop currently, which often crashes. The doctor often worries the medical records of the residents may be lost if the computer malfunctions, but cannot afford to purchase a new one.
The children at the orphanage would love to have a computer to use as many of them do not get to use a computer regularly as their small number of donated computers regularly fail or a too slow to use effectively. If they had the Touchsmart PC it would enable the children to enjoy movies and other forms of entertainment, enhance their learning and to keep their minds of other issues they face such as AIDS.
This Christmas gift would bring hope, joy, happiness and a touch of magic to the kids who live there. If I was selected I would also give them the Kung-Fu Panda DVDs for them, and the residents to enjoy. I believe this is a very worthy cause, and every resident who uses the center would benefit from these gifts (unlike a huge organization where only a few will).
Next I would gift my younger sister. She and her husband have started up a restaurant business venture. The Printer and Media Center would help her play/store music, print menus and other business documents in high quality colour prints.
I’d give the other laptop to my twin sons, as they are really interested in computers and technology, and I can’t afford to buy one for them (we share my laptop)
Lastly I’d keep the Netbook for myself, to replace my ancient laptop and help me with my duties as a teacher. It'd also help me create better,exciting lesson plans, which I really want to do.
Heres a video I made using called Share the Magic:
It is about the residents of the Haven of Rest, who I'd really like to gift, and give them some Christmas joy and magic.
Thanks to Digital Home Thoughts, HP and Microsoft, and good luck to everyone else who entered. I really hope I can share the magic, and true spirit of sharing with my family and the Haven of Rest.
Pat Govender
12-17-2008, 02:21 AM
I'm in the military so I wouldn't be able to afford this prize on my own. I really want the mini for myself for my schooling. The touchsmart I plan to give to my girlfriend since she just moved away from her family for the first time and doesn't have a computer of her own. I figure this will help her stay in touch easier. The other two computers I plan on giving away, one to my nephew Nico. I want him to be able to start using a computer regularly now while he is still young so maybe he can do something with that in the future, plus his parents just divorced so it would be a good present for him to play with and stay busy. And the other is going to my friend David who recently got out of the military and is studying to be a nurse. Thanks for this opportunity.
12-17-2008, 03:03 AM
First the all in one computer would got to the local volunteer fire department, which I'm currently an active fire fighter. Secondly my girl friend needs one. She creates and designs thank you cards, season greeting cards... Finally my youngest brother needs one. he currently shares one and it would make him happy to have his own, and of course it would make me happy know the giving happiness. and the rest of the stuff would be donated go to the local school.
12-17-2008, 03:08 AM
I consider myself to be a caring and charitable person. Iʼm involved various charities in my community such as the Clean River Campaign. We organize several yearly local area river cleanups. I have also volunteered to travel to New Orleans with our church to help the rebuilding effort. I also volunteer with projects like Operation Shoebox, a program that sends care packages for our men and women who are serving in the military overseas. I realize that charities need my particular skills and talents more now than ever. Volunteering is my fuel and my energy, and I love it. When you see the impact you're making, it is incredible. Despite the downturn in our fortune I still see ways I can contribute like donating food, toys or clothing to people in need.
The HP HDX18 goes to...
My oldest son recently returned to school after the loss of his wife. She was taken away from us after an extended illness that left him with a great deal of debt. Many people donʼt realize that medical debt is one of the biggest reasons that people lose their homes. He is trying to raise his three children on one salary and has realized that in order to be promoted he needed to return to college. We had talked about helping him do that but now that Iʼve lost my job we are unable to contribute anything towards his tuition or things he needs like a computer. I would like to give him the HP HDX18 Notebook.
The HP Mini 1000 goes to...
My other son will soon be stationed in Iraq . Although he doesnʼt speak about it much I know that heʼs nervous about going. One of his friends was killed by an IED last year. Communicating with him across the miles is difficult. I would love to give him the HP Mini 1000 Notebook because it is light and easy to travel with. This way we can stay in touch with him while he is away.
The HP Pavilion dv4-1143 goes to...
Today I saw a story on the news that said unexpected job loss is now the biggest reason for homes going into foreclosure now. Our country is in a recession and people canʼt afford the basic need of a roof over their head. It is for this reason I would love to be able to donate the HP Pavilion dv4-1143 Notebook PC to Habitat for Humanity. This amazing organization provides new homes and brighter futures for more than one million people around the world. I would definitely donate one of these computers for this wonderful organization.
The HP TouchSmart goes to...
My wife. With everything that has been going on, she has been very understanding and supportive. I lost my job and we will be moving out of the house in a couple months as we have until March to sell it. She deserves it! After many years of service her other HP laptop has served her well, but is starting to show some wear.
12-17-2008, 03:18 AM
I posted a video for this on
I consider myself to be a caring and charitable person. Iʼm involved various charities in my community such as the Clean River Campaign. We organize several yearly local area river cleanups. I have also volunteered to travel to New Orleans with our church to help the rebuilding effort. I also volunteer with projects like Operation Shoebox, a program that sends care packages for our men and women who are serving in the military overseas. I realize that charities need my particular skills and talents more now than ever. Volunteering is my fuel and my energy, and I love it. When you see the impact you're making, it is incredible. Despite the downturn in our fortune I still see ways I can contribute like donating food, toys or clothing to people in need.
The HP HDX18 goes to...
My oldest son recently returned to school after the loss of his wife. She was taken away from us after an extended illness that left him with a great deal of debt. Many people donʼt realize that medical debt is one of the biggest reasons that people lose their homes. He is trying to raise his three children on one salary and has realized that in order to be promoted he needed to return to college. We had talked about helping him do that but now that Iʼve lost my job we are unable to contribute anything towards his tuition or things he needs like a computer. I would like to give him the HP HDX18 Notebook.
The HP Mini 1000 goes to...
My other son will soon be stationed in Iraq . Although he doesnʼt speak about it much I know that heʼs nervous about going. One of his friends was killed by an IED last year. Communicating with him across the miles is difficult. I would love to give him the HP Mini 1000 Notebook because it is light and easy to travel with. This way we can stay in touch with him while he is away.
The HP Pavilion dv4-1143 goes to...
Today I saw a story on the news that said unexpected job loss is now the biggest reason for homes going into foreclosure now. Our country is in a recession and people canʼt afford the basic need of a roof over their head. It is for this reason I would love to be able to donate the HP Pavilion dv4-1143 Notebook PC to Habitat for Humanity. This amazing organization provides new homes and brighter futures for more than one million people around the world. I would definitely donate one of these computers for this wonderful organization.
The HP TouchSmart goes to...
My wife. With everything that has been going on, she has been very understanding and supportive. I lost my job and we will be moving out of the house in a couple months as we have until March to sell it. She deserves it! After many years of service her other HP laptop has served her well, but is starting to show some wear.
12-17-2008, 04:19 AM
I would give my husband the the Touch Smart or one of the other computers if that is what he wants. He's an IT guy who works at a non profit, so we don't have extra money and since he can keep his computer running, he does and his only want would be a new computer, but it's not a need so we haven't gotten him one. I would then give a laptop to a college friend of ours who was in the foster care system, but is now on her own. She wants to get her nursing degree and work with those in need in 3rd world countries. I would love to be able to give her a computer so she could do all her homework or whatever she needs to do to graduate, then she could also take it with her, when she goes where ever she's going after she graduates! I would then give the rest to our Community Pregnancy Center. They run on old computers, and function with the least amount of anything. I would love to give them computers and software and movies, so help them in any way possible! Thanks
12-17-2008, 04:47 AM
If I were to win, I have to admit, a few bits and pieces would remain in my hot little hands. This is primarily due to the fact that my old laptop died a slow and painful death at the beginning of this year having pulled me through 5 years of tortuous university essay writing sessions / moving flats and being left under my bed/couch/desk with a fair amount of panache and tolerance for my occasional food spillage across the keys.
Also, I want to start freelancing (my degree was in design studies so I want to start using my sweet skillz but am sorely computerless! woe is me! thank goodness I can always borrow my wonderful boyfriend's laptop when the need to blog is dire) so I'd keep the Touchsmart PC, as well as the netbook and printer/scanner set up. Essentially, that's me set as a self-employed member of society! Nothing better as a Christmas present for this poor unemployed sausage!
The Premium Notebook PC would go to my dearly beloved mother, who is constantly making a fuss about how much she'd love to have a laptop. I think I'd get her daughter of the year award as well. Choice!
My Aunty would get the mediasmart connect as she's quite keen to get amongst the multimedia goodness. It also helps that she has an HDTV, as well as constantly feeding my boyfriend and I whenever we run out of foods and need some good tucker in our tummies!
The final laptop would get sent over to Australia to my younger sister who recently relocated to Brisbane and is missing the family something chronic. With functioning computers both here and in Brisbane, we'd be able to keep in touch via skype way more easily than in our current situation.
FINALLY, I'd give a copy of Kung Fu Panda to my little brother and sister (they're six years old and loooooove watching pixar films - Cars is my little brother's favourite movie EVER. Lightning McQueen might well be a name he considers taking in future.)
12-17-2008, 04:55 AM
I do a lot of volunteer work and the laptop (an old Toshiba someone had given me) was broken when I fell down my apartment stairs last week. Needless to say I am like a boat without a rudder. I have been using my daughter's macbook when she is gone but I can't take it with me to Volunteer meetings or to event sites. A new computer would be a major blessing, I can't give money to these worthwhile non-profits but I can offer myself and my time and part of that has been my ability to help out with letter writing, spreadsheets, one-sheets, press releases etc that I have always been able to do on my computer. If I win this computer, no worry that it will end up on EBAY, it will be put to good use helping others.
I would also like to give some of the hardware and soft ware to a teacher, Miss Iyes, who was an inspiration to my daughter, she helped her get a scholarship to Cal-Arts for the summer because of her my daughter now wants to me an animator.
I know she uses some older equipment and some was stolen so I would like her to get some so she can inspire other children.
I would also like to give something to Diane who teaches youngsters musical theater. They put on a complete show each summer and then she works with 1-6 graders in an after-school program and I know she can always uses any help she can get
Thank you
P.S. I have a lot of events coming up in the next few months so I will keep you in the loop where the computer is and what it's up to if I win.
12-17-2008, 04:58 AM
I hope I get this in in time. But if I were to win this contest then I would donate one of the pc's to my church which hass been having trouble with their old laptop to run power point slides in church. the laptop is about 3 years old. Our church does not have the funds to upgrade the system just yet.
I would donate the touch screen pc to the Early Childhood Development Program at our church which is a pre school. They try and teach some computer skills to their kids and this would be a great addition.
I would most definitely keep one system for myself as I am currently running a p3 system.
12-17-2008, 05:07 AM
A friend of mine named Chuck was working in a job he didn't like, but he just got a job as a personal assistant to a pretty famous athlete. He has an old tired laptop and no printer, so he's constantly asking me for help with invoices, research, etc. I'd like to give him the HP Pavilion dv4 series Entertainment Notebook PC with the HP Photosmart C6380 Wireless AIO multifunction. The laptop/printer combination would be great for him in both his new job and his hobby, because he's also an amateur photographer.
12-17-2008, 06:04 AM
I'm entering this contest with the hopes of giving away the HP HDX18 series Premium Notebook Computer, the HP Photosmart C6380 Wireless AIO, the HP 564 Photo Value Pack, the Microsoft Office Home & Student 2007, and one of the Kung Fu Panda DVDs to an organization called "Son City Kids - Edison Gardens". This is located in South Bend, Indiana, at a small government subsidized housing area.
My wife, Shelley, has been leading a monthly ministry there for kids 12 and under for several years. Recently, she has organized more volunteers to start an after-school program that occurs each Monday, and may be able to grow later. They could really use all the hardware I listed above, because they have none of those resources today to help kids to be able to complete their homework.
I want to give her the HP Mini 1000 series because it would be the perfect size for her to take along with her and stay in touch, organize all those volunteers, and keep everyone involved informed.
I hope to give my oldest son, Kevin, HP Pavilion dv4-1145go Notebook since he will be heading to college next fall and will definitely need a new notebook computer.
I want to donate the HP MediaSmart Connect to another organization known as "Monroe Circle Community Center" in downtown South Bend, Indiana. Monroe Circle is an especially impovished neighborhood that the church we attend has developed over the past few years. It has fabulous programs, including a food pantry, an after-school program, GED program, and now a Tuesday night program called "The Gathering". It's The Gathering that could really use the MediaSmart Connect because the leaders deliver multi-media content at each weekly Gathering that is not easy to keep effective using the DVD players they have been using (they can't be 'cued up', they break down, and they are slow to start).
I plan on keeping, at least for awhile, the HP TouchSmart IQ816PC so I can use it over time to see if that touchscreen system might be appropriate for a "kiosk" or similar solution at the Food Pantry at Monroe Circle. I was thinking how this could be helpful for folks who really need the ability to get connected to the right available resources when they are trying to take their next steps out of poverty.
Merry Christmas!
12-17-2008, 06:09 AM
This is surely must be a God send!
If I were to win this contest,first I would most naturally keep the HP TouchSmart IQ816 PC ( for my mother and I to use for my school work and her graphics work.
The HP HDX 18 series Premium Notebook PC ( tegory=notebooks&a1=Category&v1=Entertainment+powe rhouse&series_name=HDX18t_series) will go to my father since his computer is very slow and often crash when he overclocks it.This laptop will be a life-saver for him.
The HP MediaSmart Connect ( will be given to my aunt since her laptop is fried from a thunder few weeks ago.She was very devastated of her loss since not only her lost her personal information on it,she needed one for her work.With this,it will both solve her problem and lighten her day.
The HP Pavilion dv4 series Entertainment Notebook PC (with Windows Live) ( ebooks&a1=Category&v1=Mobility) will be given to one of my friend who is going to America with her father since her father have a job over there.She was very upset as she want to continue to study here along with her friends.This laptop will hopefully put a smile on her face.
The rest will be donated to my old school since all of the computers there are either too old or broken.This will be a major step forward for them.
Thank you for hosting this contest and good luck to everyone.
12-17-2008, 06:29 AM
Tell me how you'd share this prize pack, with whom, and why:
I'd start out by giving one of the laptops to my wife, who is just finishing school to be a special education teacher. Another one would go to my mother, who would enjoy having a laptop in her kitchen.
Outside of the family, I'd give a computer to the school that my wife will be working at as schools never have enough funding.
No, there is no one dying, suffering, or penniless that I currently know that could use a laptop like some of the respondents, so I hope my simple giving will be will make a difference to some hard working people.
I would keep the TouchSmart as my old P4 computer is literally falling apart and too slow to be of much more use than internet surfing. Unfortunately the money isn't there to buy the latest & greatest right now.
Thanks for putting up this contest!
12-17-2008, 07:04 AM
Well, I've written an entire post on my blog here ( But in short, if I were to win, I'd give it all away. Times are tough right now and I can honestly say that I'm not in need of anything. I'm happy and content. And I'd love the blessing of giving to someone else. I'd share the package with our local Crisis Pregnancy Center, our local Salvation Army office and our local Ronald McDonald house. If you read my post, you'll understand why I chose those groups. Thanks for the awesome opportunity!
12-17-2008, 07:09 AM
I ll keep the HP touch smart! I want to replace my computer at the study room for ages, but I do not want to spend any money cos that computer is usually for my gf to use. I have my desktop hook to my LCD TV in the living room.
I ll also keep the HP mini 1000 for remote control (VNC) my desktop.
then give 1 laptop to my dad, 1 to my mum and 1 to my girl firend's family .
12-17-2008, 07:14 AM
My husband and I are very blessed. We both have decent jobs (so far, at least), and we’re only in debt for the house and our single car. I'm lucky enough to be working in a community theatre, which touches the lives of patrons, volunteers, and students every day. Tim and I can afford to buy Christmas gifts, go out to eat, and take very good care of our eight rescue cats. We cannot afford to buy, or at least we can’t justify buying, a laptop computer. That’s the main reason that I am trying to win one of these HP Magic packages. Also the Media Connect would be really cool to have.
I would like to give one of the computers to my in-laws, who don’t have a computer at all. Maybe it would be the desktop or maybe the HP mini would be enough for them. I figure they will mainly use it for e-mail with their three children and only granddaughter, and perhaps they’ll occasionally check out a website. They have complained that companies, organizers and the news media just assume everyone has internet access and they can’t follow the links to get more information or fill out forms. I’ll give them the printer, too, so they can print photos that are e-mailed to them. It would be so nice to be able to e-mail them information about a recall, or a promising cancer treatment (FIL has cancer), or just to send photos. They live in a small town, sort of near their oldest son, but hours away from DH and his sister.
One of the computers I will donate to Pensacola Little Theatre. It’s a non-profit organization, and I happen to work there. The computers we have are decent, but they are slow and sometimes lock-up. A laptop computer could also be used to run sound effects for the traveling shows we take to schools and the productions we do in our black box theatre. It would give a lot more control to the sound operator than trying to hit the cues just right on a portable CD player.
The fourth computer in the package, I will give to a deserving young person. I will ask around at the theatre and contact friends who work at other non-profit organizations. I would like to find a young person who does well in school, is respectful and a contributing member of his or her community, someone whose family just doesn’t have the money to provide a home computer. Not only will the gift help that person, but it might show others that being a good person can lead to rewards “just because.”
When I was a child, Christmas was all about what I got. Now, I buy for myself most of what I want. I enjoy the pleasure of watching someone else receive something special. As I said, we’re doing okay financially, but I’m not really in a position to surprise total strangers with really nice gifts, especially not something like a computer. This competition would allow me to play Santa and give someone else a very special Christmas. You can’t buy joy like that.
12-17-2008, 07:36 AM
I would give one to my husband. He has been generous enough to take care of me for so long and never asks for anything. He has 3 wonderful kids who live on the East coast and tries his best to stay in touch. So I would give one of them to his son who doesn't have a computer. This way they could stay in touch. I will never know what it is like to not be close to my kids and I would like to help him with this.
My mom is elderly and has an old emachines computer I bought her several years ago. I would like to give her a computer as well. She is sick and I like to keep in touch as best I can with emails and photos....she also lives in another state.
I respect and admire so many with charities to donate to but I must be honest. I have so many family members who could use a computer that they are the ones who I would take care of. I would have to check with my other kids and see how they are set and who needs one the most. If not, then I know a couple expecting a child who have no computer and could use one.
Thanks for this chance. Have a great day.
12-17-2008, 07:51 AM
Well if i win this contest i would give the HP Touchsmart to my daddy, he´s an independent worker and he urgently needs a new pc for work. I know he would be very happy with this prize, because he has one but its too old and works very slow, he needs a faster one. The HP mini i would give it to my friend Ylonka, she´s such a good person, she deserves it and she need it too because she´s studying telematic engineer, like me, so obviously she needs a computer, but she doesn´t have enough money to buy a laptop, i know she would be surprise and very, very happy with this Hp mini. The microsof office home and student edition and the kung fu Panda DVD´s i would give those to my little cousins the first one they would use it for making the homeworks of the school. They are smart kids and they like to learn new things, and the kung Fu Panda for entertaiment, that would be a great christmas present for them. The printer i would share it with the husband of my aunt he´s always printing and scanning documents for his job so this present will perfectly fit for him. The Hp pavilion dv4 i would give it to my sister and to her friend Willy (well she would share it with him), they are studing at school and like we have just one computer at home my sister sometimes want to work on it for making some school work and the pc is unavailable because someone its on the pc, so i would give it to her and her friend (they always study together) so they would be happy and i would be happy too because i wouldn´t have to wait for using the pc.
And like i study too i would keep the HP HDX 18 for myself, i would make a lot of good things with it, projects for school, homework, etc. I would be more than happy if i win this contest.
Thank you very much for the opportunity.
12-17-2008, 08:19 AM
I have been helping out a local orphanage for some time now and It's just so rewarding to know that you impart knowledge to these young minds. There are of course limits as to what you could teach them especially in a situation where books and school materials are lacking in numbers. With the HP magic giveaway, I could change the lives of these children forever. It would surely open their minds to a whole new world where information and technology has no boundary or limits. But because these hardware has more than enough capabilities it could offer these children, I would share these gifts to the community as well. This would probably be one of the best Christmas gifts they would ever receive.
Orphanage: Jesus Loves the Little Children Foundation located at 19 A Esguerra St. Pinagbuhatan, Pasig City 1602, Philippines
12-17-2008, 09:34 AM
What a wonderful dilemma - who to choose.....
Two of the computers - desktop & one laptop would go to my local PFLAG chapter. They do such good work and their office is using very old computers. The next laptop would go to the community chorus I sing with because they bring so much joy into my life. My sister would get one because I love her and I would keep one for myself along with the printer since mine doesn't work. This would be a Magic holiday for us all. Thanks to you and HP for this opportunity.
12-17-2008, 12:17 PM
Well it is an amazing giveaway by HP and you! Thanks for sharing the magic!
What would I do with the big prize!
I will keep the DX-18 for myself.
I will give the Mini 1000 to my nephew who is doing his Engineering
The other two PCs, I will donate to my old school in India.
The rest of the stuff, I will let my sister choose whom to donate in her school. (a poor school even by state standards in India)
12-17-2008, 12:20 PM
I would give one laptop to my sis and one to my hubby for organizing their cleaning business
If I win I would share this gift with my family. My son is going off to college next year and needs a computer badly. Right now I am trying to find a motherboard for an old computer my sister gave me but if I won this I wouldn't have to try to scrape up the cash for it. I would also share with my grandmother. My grandmother is a wonderful woman who would love to email and share photos with the rest of us. Her sister keeps telling her to get a computer and I just know that she would love this gift. Finally, I would share with my husband. He is the best man in the world and would love to wake up and find a computer under the tree.
Well, I'd keep the HP HDX 18 series Premium Notebook and the HP Mini, and would donate everything else to Pequeno Principe Hospital, here in Brazil, which treats small children.
It was a short description, but I wouldn't have much to do with so many that's it.
Many thanks to HP and Microsoft for this amazing initiative.
12-17-2008, 01:37 PM
Thanks for participating in this great contest! If I was fortunate enough to win this fantastic giveaway the prizes would go to my two children who are college students. My son would more than likely share some of the equipment at his fraternity.
The rising cost of college and the shape of our economy today this would be a great contest to win! Happy Holidays to all!
12-17-2008, 01:54 PM
What a wonderful giveaway! I have two children in college and that is who I would be sharing the magic with.. My son also belongs to a fraternity and I am sure he would want to share some of this amazing equipment with them as well. With the rising costs of college and the state of our economy today this would be such a blessing for our family.
Thank you for having such a fantastic giveaway.. Happy Holidays to all!
12-17-2008, 03:25 PM
I'd give the desk top and one of the laptops to US Fencing. They can always use more in donations to keep national tournaments running.
12-17-2008, 04:08 PM
The HP HDX and the printer would go to my best friend ever! During the past years he has helped me beyond the usual understanding of friendship. He is a poor, unemployed photo artist so the gear would really help him. It's high time that he get his own life going again. He has used too much time helping other people while putting his own life on hold. A more true friend I don't think anybody will ever meet.
Best of luck to all and wishes for a merry christmas from Denmark!
I would love to be able to share some of these great prizes. I have no need for that many computers. I would keep the Touchsmart for myself. I want one of these so badly but don't have the extra cash these days. I would give my husband one of the notebooks. He works so hard and never wants anything for himself. One of the notebooks I would give to my son who was recently laid off. Maybe it would lift his spirits a little. Some of the other things I would donate. I just don't know to whom yet. I live in a small town and I would have to check into that if I win. I may look into Make-A-Wish. This would be an amazing opportunity for me to give to someone who might have this on their wish list. And HP has great products! Thank you for participating in this awesome giveaway!
12-17-2008, 05:37 PM
I would share this with my new boyfriend and his children. They have been unable to afford a computer and I would love to help them out. In addition, I would give the netbook to my mother as she doesn't have a PC and only needs quick internet access :)
12-17-2008, 05:40 PM
Just one of those computers would be more than enough for me. But the opportunity to give such wonderful gifts to the people dearest to me would make this our best Christmas yet. Of course, the value of the presents shouldn't be more important than the thought, but who can't help but smile at receiving these for presents. I get all giddy thinking about how my family members would look when they receive it. The mini notebook would go to my younger brother who travels a lot and has been saving his money to get that very same model. One laptop would be for my mother, who is retiring this year and finally has the time to learn to make better use of the computer (her very own no less!) like she always wanted. The Touchsmart is for my older brother and his kids. My niece and nephew would get a kick out of that interface. Whoever ends up winning this package is going to have a rocking Christmas indeed! Good luck, everyone!
12-17-2008, 06:39 PM
I will give a 1 laptop to my wife and 1 laptop and printer to my daughter. My wife has to wait until I get done with my desktop before she can do any computering. My daughter really needs a new laptop and printer for college.
Thanks, Norm
I serve on the board of a local grass roots charity organization dedicated to providing computers and technology to schools and shelters in need. So far I've donated a lot of time but haven't been able to donate any technology. This would be a great opportunity and I'd gladly give one of the laptops. I also have a couple of family members that don't have any computers so one of the other laptops will find it's way in their hands too. Thanks for the opportunity.
12-17-2008, 06:55 PM
I would give all of the PCs to the family's of soldiers overseas. It makes such a difference to be able to communicate with your loved ones via webcam and chats rather than just phonecalls. Some of the kids left behind are so small, it would be great for the parent to get to 'see' them on a regular basis.
12-17-2008, 07:03 PM
I will donate the HP Pavilion dv4 series Entertainment Notebook PC (with Windows Live) to my mother-in-law and the netbook to my mom. They both have ancient computers around 600 MHz each (and no money to replace them). We'd love to buy them Christmas presents like this, but times are tough for us as well. My mom would love the netbook because she frequently stays with my grandparents to help them out with things. They don't want to use a computer, so she goes without e-mail when she stays there.
My mother-in-law has one of my sisters-in-law living with her (as well as her baby). They are sharing the one computer that just doesn't work well anymore.
12-17-2008, 07:18 PM
To me, the magic in my life is my family. I have a great wife and two wonderful grown sons! I am truly blessed. Therefore, I would not keep any of the wonderful HP products for myself.
That is why, if I win this generous contest, the HP Magic Giveaway I will share the computers with my family. My oldest son (32 years-old) has had a jagged year. He is in the middle of remodeling his home and a contractor really took advantage of him - left him high and dry. He is just now getting back on his feet. I would gift him the HP TouchSmart IQ816 PC. That way he can have an awesome computer to come home to when his house is finally finished.
My youngest (30 years-old) is now putting the fourth engine in his work van. He is a small business man (plumber) and desperately needs his van for his jobs. His engine just broke again last week. Through it all, he still has a smile on his face. I know a Christmas HP Pavilion dv4 series Entertainment Notebook PC would keep it there.
My wife of thirty-four years is recently retired and starting her own business. When I retired, she worked tirelessly, after her full-time job, to help me make my enterpriser a success. She started a blog ( and wants to do updates to it on the run – she would receive the HP HDX 18 series Premium Notebook PC.
My wife is working feverously to attract followers to her blog. I plan on giving her the HP Mini 1000 (with XP) so that she can hold a blog contest of her own and recruit followers. I think this is an awesome way to extend the HP Magic Giveaway for another month! I think each entry will have to submit a story, of 250 words or less, of how they are going to make 2009 a better for those around them.
My niece and nephew would receive the Kung Fu Panda DVD. The other Kung Fu Panda DVDs would be donated to the Make a Wish Foundation.
I would not keep any of the loot for myself. This year has been rough financially for my family, but it has not dampened our love and loyalty. Winning four new computers would be a magical way for us all to share in a magical launch of 2009.
12-17-2008, 07:50 PM
I would share this prize with my church and family. We would first give a computer to Our Lady of the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:PlaceType w:st="on">Lake</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Catholic Church</st1:PlaceName></st1:place> to show our gratitude to God for winning. My hubby needs a digital camera and I would love to be able to give him one for Christmas. We have two girls in college who could use laptops. My parents are in need of a computer so that they can get online and be able to keep in touch with our extended family especially now that Dad is fighting colon cancer. The movies would be given to my siblings and their families. Wow! A wonderful Christmas could be had by all. Thank you for the chance to win.
12-17-2008, 08:02 PM
If I win, I'd go to my old high school and let the 3 highest marked seniors get them. I chose my high school because it's a community high school that is majorly minority. It has 12 rooms in total, and holds 250 students from 7th grade to 12th grade. While I had attended there, we had no power or heat for two weeks during the winter. It lacks the fundings to provide the adequate education, or basic needs, so I can lend a hand with the spare computers. The highest astriving kids would surely use these computers to further expand their knowledge with online resources.
12-17-2008, 08:13 PM
Hello. My name is Jeff and I am entering this contest because if I win, I will be giving my family the various items. This year hasn't been the best for me - I have been working on my own finding jobs when I can get them. I am literally waiting for contracts to pay me so I can actually get gifts this year - if that cash can cover bills first. Otherwise, I don't have any monetary means to give presents. Therefore, this contest would be my ability to give out presents this year. I would most likely keep the TouchSmart PC, but my current machine would then get reloaded and given to another friend (which I do on a regular basis).
Thanks for your time and I hope you have a great holiday season.
12-17-2008, 09:25 PM
If I win, I plan to share the magic with my cousin who is one of my best friends. She recently lost her home and business due to the reset of her adjustable rate mortgage. She and her family have moved into a rental house, and will not be exchanging gifts this year.
A laptop for her and a computer for the kids would bring Christmas cheer for the Holidays. I also plan to by some computer games for the kids.
Finally, my mom will get one of the laptops. Just because and to do with as she sees fit.
12-17-2008, 10:24 PM
If I were to win this wonderful prize I would two of the laptops between my best friend Steven Rankins and my boyfriend Tavis Mountain. I am in really need of a computer right now. As is my friend and boyfriend. I can't afford one sadly and I was really wishing this could be my chance. I would share my proze with these two people not only because of their need of computers but they deserve them as much as I do. They are in a financial struggle as well. I've been having a hard time keeping up with my Senior Project this year and so has Steven with his class work. My boyfriend Tvais is in college and has a difficult time as well keeping up with all the assignments without a computer. I love them both dearly and I hope I can help them with new computers. I would love to be able to say I helped them. I really hope you take my entry into consideration.
Kimberly Caine
12-17-2008, 10:36 PM
I'd love to win one of these fabulous sets of computers, but not just for me. My SO works at an Air Force Base and the holidays are a rough time for many of them. In addition, to the possibility of deployment, they remain separated from loved ones. They also don't have the luxury of shelling out big bucks on a computer to ensure they stay connected to the ones they love most and help keep them grounded. In the spirit of the holiday season, I'd love to surprise one or two of them with their very own setup to renew their sense of family and show our appreciation.
12-17-2008, 10:41 PM
Well I would like to keep a few of the pieces to start a online bussiness.And the rest I would love to see some happy faces at christmas to my family and some friends. Simple is what is good.
12-17-2008, 10:44 PM
If I win, I will be giving to my little brother. My little brother is
an aspiring writer and wants to be a blogger like the rest of us. The
only problem is that he has never had the privilege of owning his own
computer. Winning this will help him further along his dreams.
Thanks for the opportunity!
12-17-2008, 11:14 PM
I would share the TouchSmart with my parents because they are still using a G3 Mac from 10 years ago. I would give the Mini to my brother because he is going off to college next year and I would take the HDX. Although I don't know this guy personally, a friend of my friend recently became unemployed and unfortunately also lost most of his posessions in a car crash as he was moving into his new apartment. I would share the dv4 with him, as well as my old Pentium M laptop. Finally, I would share KungFu Panda with my little cousins because they are nuts about that movie.
12-17-2008, 11:22 PM
I would give one computer to my Mom. She's in her mid-70s and walks to the library to use one now.
I would give one computer to my nephew. He starts high school next year and could really use one. His mom is a single mother and with 3 kids, money is always tight. They're moving to Atlanta in a few months and I want to make it easy for my nephew to keep in touch.
I would give one to my friend in California. He's a working photographer but work has been really slow for awhile. His current computer is a real dinosaur and I know it will be awhile before he can afford to get another one.
I would keep the last one for myself. My own computer is a real dinosaur too!
These HP/Blogger's Giveaways are amazing! Thanks.
12-17-2008, 11:33 PM
Hi everyone!
I'm from Hungary, and I really want to win this package. I would keep the Touchsmart and the HDX18 for myself, and I'd give all of the other stuff away. I would give the Pavilon to my sister, bacause she stars collage soon, so she will need it, and everythin else would go to my old elementary school, bacause they really need it.
12-17-2008, 11:36 PM
I would Give the Hp Touchsmart pc to my dad because he badly needs a new computer and i would be his hero if i did that. The HP Mini 1000 i would keep for myself because i need one for school. The HP HDX 18 i would give to my best friend Victor who can't afford a computer and he needs one for school also. The HP Pavilion dv4 I would give to my brother for high school work and so he can continue to look up to me. and last but not least i would give the HP MediaSmart Connect to my mother so that she can play our childhood videos and photos on her television and remember all the good times we had together. Well I would love to win and you will make a lot of people happy. Thanks for the opportunity. Matt Brown
12-17-2008, 11:55 PM
If I were to win, I'd use the HDX notebook and printer myself for schoolwork and such. I currently do not own a printer, and my own desktop is quite literally, ancient. Despite it's age it runs well and is useful for activities such as email and internet browsing, but it flat out cannot handle the software and programs I'm learning in school. Having something up to date and also portable, would practically be a miracle right now. The touchsmart I would gift to my aunt and her family. She took me in last summer while I was going through a rough time, and currently she is also helping me pay for school tuition and fees. Not only do I feel she deserves something nice for the holidays, it would also be an opportunity for me to give something back. For the other prizes, though I believe they would be a wonderful gift to any charity, I would instead like to "share the magic" with another family or individual who, like myself, entered this contest hoping to win something they could not afford on their own. If possible, I would work with the site admin to choose a runner up (or runner ups) to receive the rest of the prize package.
12-18-2008, 12:34 AM
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<o:p> </o:p>
I would also donate a laptop to my dad who really needs a new computer. He has a really slow old PC at the moment but due to the current financial troubles there is no way he can afford one. He has done a lot for me in the past and I would love to give something back to him. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
As for me, I would keep the Touchsmart. I am 15 and in the process of starting my own web design business. I have done all the preparation work and now the only thing that is holding me up is hardware. If I was to win this competition I would be able to start up my company a lot sooner as I would not have to buy a new computer. My current computer is really slow and would not have the power for creating websites. The TouchSmart would be ideal as it has a large touch screen which will be good for designing and creating websites.
<o:p> </o:p>
12-18-2008, 01:12 AM
I would give the desktop to my wife, a custom jewelry designer whose proceeds go to various children's charities around the country. Her work can be found at and she does all of the design work, marketing, promotions and web design on an older laptop that is well past it's prime. New hardware would go along way for her to be able to do her charity work for others.
12-18-2008, 02:15 AM
The touchsmart will replace my wifes current laptop. I will donate the HDX to a local charity that deals with autistic kids. I will keep the Mediasmart and the HP mini. THe dv4 will go to my brother in law who is looking for a new laptop now but is limited by budget to due some family issues. This will really help him out for work and school and of course his budget. The printer and photo value pack goes to my step dad. He is always buying a new cheap printer only to run into problems with it. This should resolve that and tide him over for a long time. I'll keep the corel videostudio. And I'll give the kung fu panda to my neighbors kid and to one my neice and newphew. Should be one great holiday for all if/when I win!
12-18-2008, 02:43 AM
Hi. Thanks for the opportunity to enter this contest. Here is what I would do if I were lucky enough to win.
Two issues that have always held a place in my heart are literacy and homelessness. I have been extremely blessed with an education and the peace of mind to never worry where I would sleep once the sun went down. Because of this, I feel it's important to help others who haven't been so lucky.
If I were to win this prize, I would donate portions of it to two causes that address both education and homelessness – (1) Covenant House ( ( and (2) Stand Up For Kids ( ( Both of these organizations have branches in Philadelphia, PA which seek out homeless and at-risk youth and offer them support services (e.g. educational assistance and job placement skills). I believe that both these organizations would benefit from an extra computer or two in order to continue helping youth.
As for myself, I'd be selfish enough to keep the HP TouchSmart only because I do not currently have a computer. The notebook that I did have (from a company that will remain nameless) died after a short two years. And because of the absolutely horrendous customer service (the worst in the world, I think) they refused to send me a replacement notebook even after they promised they would.
I was brought up to believe that giving to others brings you happiness. The times in my life that I lost sight of this belief and chose to focus on my own problems and frustrations brought nothing but more misery. Knowing this, I hope that whoever is lucky enough to win this prize keeps the spirit of giving going and gives big as well.
Thanks again!!
12-18-2008, 02:56 AM
I just got a promotion, and my brother just started college. I can upgrade my home PC, and make sure my brother has all he needs to attain higher education.
My wife has been starting her own business over this past year (riding/training horses). So, it is about time she had her own PC to manage her billing and scheduling.
My mother has been working over the past year to bring her business/hobby (raising English Bulldogs) into the 21st century. She has an OK grasp of using the Internet for research, but is now working on the presentation of her business. Managing the finances is also something she could benefit from.
So, that'd be how I'd spread this prize around.
Nice contest, by the way, HP,
12-18-2008, 03:13 AM
It would be a pleasure to give a gift to some one especially on Christmas. Helping people who are in need is something i love to do more then anything so If i win this big giveaway i would give 2 laptops to pc's for people "" they will take the 2 laptops and give it to a low income family or a business or individuals in need of a computer what they do is create new opportunities by providing personal computers and education to people who have limited experience with technology due to social, physical and/or economic circumstances. I feel that it would be a great way to spread the magic.
Next i would take the last laptop and give it to my sister starting college in January
for accounting as it would be a great help as she does not own a computer it would be a great help for homework and assignments and research.
I would give the kung fu panda to my niece and nephew to watch.
As for me i would like to keep the the touch smart and photo smart as it would help me with me so much with my college assignments along with Microsoft office 2007 winning this would come useful as i do not own my own computer
and i would give the rest of the package like the HP MediaSmart Connect to some else who needs it ;)
thanks for the opportunity
12-18-2008, 03:26 AM
I would donate one laptop to the Fisher House Chairty for Military Families, because I have friends in the military and I know how they feel when they can't communicate with family back home or vice versa. A computer would allow them to send email and even video messages to one another. I know Fisher House will be able to put the laptop in the right hands.
I would donate a second laptop to the San Diego Children's Hospital. I've volunteered there and I know that the kids there would really appreciate a laptop they could check out every now and then to watch movies on, or even blog from, there's real potential for it to be used and I would make sure it is.
12-18-2008, 03:27 AM
Thank you for the opportunity to share the joy. Here's how I'd share the HP prize package.
One laptop would to to the local non-profit soccer club. I am on the board of directors of this organization and we currently do many jobs on various pc's and at various homes...the organization could use a laptop that was dedicated to the clubs tasks.
A second laptop would go to the local non profit organization responsible for bringing ice sports to our small community. Again, I am on the board of this 501c3 and there is no dedicated technology used...all of our records are on various pc's at various homes.
The Microsoft software and a pc would stay here at home as we have three teenagers using two computers...makes it kind of tough if everyone needs the computer for their homework.
The rest of the hardware will either be used by my family (maybe to set up a personal business) or we will find a grateful home to place them in.
Thanks for the opportunity - happy holidays!
12-18-2008, 03:42 AM
This contest has been a very welcome change, opening us up to take a look outward -- a chance to take stock of our blessings and burdens, to be thankful for the good and true people in our lives. Because the entire context of our family for this century has been largely inward-directed, shaped by our younger son and his diagnosis of autism.
He is ten, going on five-years-old-forever if we don’t work hard with him... So everything we do focuses in some way on trying to build and reinforce his interactive behaviors and social skills. Since it turns out that he is surprisingly capable of interacting intelligently with computers (he is NOT "stupid", just “blocked” in some areas of social interaction), the touch-screen system in this package should dramatically influence and increase his options for productive interaction, “opening up” his future life.
We've been exceedingly lucky in his early school years, to find good special-needs teachers in our local school system - in particular one, Montessori trained, who absolutely took him in-hand over the course of four school years and more, and brought him amazingly further along than we had ever hoped. That teacher has a daughter just graduating from a local Community College here (taking eighteen months for the entire program!) and going off to a State College this next year, with a major in teaching sign language to Special Needs children.
Because that daughter has worked very constantly with our son, a couple of hours every weekend, we heard all the interesting details about how things are going for her - things like the typical hassles in getting class schedules worked out, about how many hours she works at her job, and how management finagles things to avoid having to pay overtime. Her mother's upbringing, values and attitudes have held true: she's a workaholic, and works harder than almost anyone we know... She's a good kid, a sweet person, and I would dearly love to be able to give HER one of these laptops to take with her to College this next year - she has been a strong positive outward-directed part of our life for several years, and I (WE) would really get a blast out of “Sharing the Magic” and seeing the look on her face when we give her one of these systems!
Our older son, remarkably without complaint, has gotten somewhat shortchanged in all this, and a part of this package would help improve the “balance”. He needs to use a computer and printer for school assignments, and he is planning a career as a Special Needs teacher, oddly enough (his heart is big). His online skills (and future success) would be enhanced and aided by one of these laptops and the printer, perhaps as much as it would be improved by the graphics software package...
Luckily, given the stresses and strains, our family- and community-support-network includes ASGO (the Autism Society of Greater Orlando). An all-volunteer organization, they provide (among other things) much-needed opportunities for relaxed and outward-directed social interaction, sharing time and information with other families in similar situations. They cover all of their operating costs with fundraisers and donations, and they don’t HAVE a budget for office equipment – I was talking today with Donna, the main person there, about how ASGO could best use an equipment donation, and she said that our community as a whole would get the most good from her having a notebook PC to bring her resources with her electronically, instead of having to print out everything she might possibly need when away from the office, which is much of the time. So the ripple effect of a donation to ASGO would extend to cover (and improve the quality of life within) our entire community – very cool!
I look forward to being able to aid and support people who each have been and will be a Force for Good in the world, with our aid cascading out into future benefits for all.
Personally, I’m also hoping that HP and Microsoft will want to take advantage of the Public Relations benefits of their donations by helping publicize these prizes, thereby in particular giving ASGO some well deserved publicity in the process of describing how WE have helped “Share The Magic”!
12-18-2008, 04:02 AM
This giveaway got me to researching local charities, and there are many from which to choose. If I win, I'd like to donate the HP Pavilion notebook to the ASTAR Center, a Seattle-based charity that provides services to families affected by autism. If they couldn't place it directly with someone in need, it could be auctioned off at one of their semiannual benefit events.
I'd like to keep the HP HDX notebook because my ancient Toshiba is in need of replacement, and also the HP TouchSmart because wow, it's super cool! The printer would be useful as well because my current printer leaves a trail of black dots down whatever it cranks out.
My parents could use the HP Mini and it would make a great gift. Sometimes Mom would like to surf the web and send email but Dad is monopolizing the PC, so it would be a system just for her.
I have several nieces and nephews who would love the Kung Fu Panda DVDs.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Hello. My name is Josué Samuel Barrientos Castañeda. I´m from Guatemala (a third world country) in Central America if you wanna know. Okay, so I would give one of the laptops to a cousin of mine who is a single mother and needs a laptop for her work. She had one, but someone broke in her house and stole it, and she hasn´t yet finished paying that laptop so one would definitely go to her (the mini or the pavilion). Then probably I would keep the Touchsmart and giveaway my current desktop. I would say for sure with one laptop because next year I start college and I´m gonna need one. The other laptop would probably go to my sister or a friend of mine who wants to study in the US, but he has no money; he hopes he'll get a scholarship but he will still need a laptop. So that´s it I hope to win! Thanks for the opportunity!
Mollie G.
12-18-2008, 04:12 AM
Very cool contest! I would just LOVE to share the prize with some very special people who have helped my family and me in the last several years more than I can ever adequately thank them for, although new computer equipment would certainly help. Here’s the 411:
My 10 year old son was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3. He is an absolute sweetheart of a kid! A LOT of people deserve TONS of thanks for helping him make (and continue to make) such incredible progress. A parade of therapists and teachers have moved into and out of our lives during the last several years, and I want to give back to them.
I would give some of the equipment to his school, a small private school for kids with neurological issues. It was started by a mom with an autistic son and an occupational therapist who put together a curriculum of best practices in an environment which acknowledges that kids learn in different ways and some kids need more opportunities for physical activity to help them maximize their ability to learn. Because of the problems they have with language, kids with autism are generally very visual learners. The staff at his school do a huge amount of copying and creating different learning tools with computers, and they could really use some more systems. I just learned that there are only three or four systems available for the children – and the teachers bring their own computers in from home to use.
I would also give part of the prize to a very special friend and her college-age daughter. We met them because the mom was our son’s teacher for 4 years, and her daughter has helped us with childcare. Both mom and daughter are fluent in sign language (often the only language people with autism learn), and the daughter’s college major involves teaching sign language. The mom continues to teach special needs kids. Both of these wonderful people have computers that are almost antique. I would love to be able to share part of this gift with them.
I would also offer some of the package to a local autism organization that does a phenomenal job arranging events, providing updates on all kinds of things, and generally being an incredible resource for the local community of families in our same situation. Oh, and did I mention it’s all accomplished with volunteers?
And finally, my older son deserves a new piece of computer equipment for being such an outstanding big brother!
(My husband said "but yours is too much like mine, except shorter" and I said "we ARE in the same boat, after all -- luckily I write better than you do")
12-18-2008, 04:15 AM
With four brother -in -laws, 3 in college and 1 in high school, I am certain that I would give a notebook to them. My wife and have one desktop, and have no problems sharing, but I would like her to have her so she can pursue her freelance writing interest. I work in a school, so another one of the computers would be a great asset to an after school program we have going on throughout the year. As for the other hardware and software I'm sure I'd find a way to donate that but haven't decided how yet.
12-18-2008, 04:43 AM
I would share this sweet HP gear with my family. I would give my mom a laptop so she wouldn't have to use the really old comp that she has now. She has a desktop that runs on megahertz and well there isn't much she can do with it. I'd also give my sister a laptop as she is going to be going back to school in January and this way she can do her work and still watch her kids with out having to be stuck to one little area of the house. I'd also give my nieces and nephews the Kung fu Panda movie as they would get waaay more joy out of it than I. I'd keep the desktop and printer for me. And the software. I have to think this out real hard on who would get the rest and where it would get the best use. I just haven't gotten that far. Thank you for the chance and Happy Holidays! :p:o:rolleyes:
12-18-2008, 04:53 AM
Tis' the season for giving!! (after I keep one of the computers) I would give one computer to my older sister, who does not have the financial means to purchase a new computer. I would then create a drawing at my college to give away the rest of the computers and extras. The drawing would actually be a toy drive for the local toys for tots. Each toy brought in by a student would get them a ticket in the drawing. I would make sure to advertise the contest around campus including the newspaper. There would be no limit on the number of toys you could bring in. The contest would benefit a few lucky college students and many more deserving underprivleged children!
12-18-2008, 04:54 AM
Hi my name is Alvaro Bonilla, I´m from El Salvador, but right now I´m on vacatios at Indiana. If I win this contest I would take all to El Salvador, and I will keep for me the HP HDX 18t Premium series, beause I´m in my last year on college so that will be a very helpful to me. Now to help others the rest of the package I´ll give it to the university where I go, that is Don Bosco University, is one of the best of my country, but as you know that is a third world country, so we have only the basic things, because over there we don´t see this wonderful technology, because is too expensive, many of the people make $200.00 a month so if very difficult buy something like this. But I´ll put one condition to them, that everything will be only use by the students, because I don´t want that any staff of the university will take it for them, and I know that all this equipment will serve to them a lot, and all those thing will be a useful tool, and will do amazing things for knowledge, So help me, to help them!
12-18-2008, 04:54 AM
My Inglish no is good.:D
Pero quiero participar en el concurso. No escribire mucho pero definire mi interes en el premio y la manera en la cual lo repartire si gano:
Deseo quedarme con la HP IQ816+HP MediaSmart Connect+ Mini Laptop, El disco Blu-ray de la pelicula.+Corel VideoStudio X2+HP Photosmart C6380 Wireless AIO (printer)+HP 564 Photo Value Pak :rolleyes:
Las tras 2 laptos:
1) HP HDX 18 series Premium Notebook PC+Pelicula DVD (La donaria a mi Iglesia( para que la usen(Oficina o el pastor) o la vendan(recauden fondos para alguna obra).:)
2) HP Pavilion dv4 series Entertainment Notebook PC+Pelicula Dvd+Microsoft Office Home and Student Edition 2007+Microsoft Windows Live(La regalaria a una buena amiga que tengo.Quien regalo una Laptop cediendo su derecho de dueña a otra persona que necesitaba una computadora, la cual gano en una rifa de la radio de mi iglesia.) ;)
12-18-2008, 05:06 AM
If I won this contest, I would donate two laptops to Visiting Nurses Hospice Prior to moving I worked as a hospice social worker at this hospice. A terminal illness robs people of so much: the independence, their dignity, their purpose, their relationships. If hospice had some laptops to loan out to patients and their families, I feel that it could really ease the burden on patients and families. First and foremost, it would allow the patient to keep in touch through email, pictures, etc. I cannot tell you how many patients I personally worked with who kept in touch with friends and family with email. As a disease progresses, they find themselves unable to physically sit at a desk and work on a desktop. Most people cannot afford a laptop. This would give the patient the ability to restore sense of belonging and some dignity. The laptop would fit nicely on a over the bed table and patients could remain comfortably in a hospital bed. They could also use the laptops to maintain relationships with those in the house. Just being able to sit and watch a movie together, or play a computer game allows the family to return to how they were before the disease. The photo printer would allow families to capture special memories with their loved one. Finally, my own mother passed last year of breast cancer. Her computer became her solace. It provided her with a much needed respite from her thoughts and disease, and provided her some comfort in the form of entertainment. I have had the honor of serving incredible individuals and their families, in what is probably the most difficult time in their life. This gift which I would give in honor of my mom would provide some comfort and the tools to make the most of precious time.
12-18-2008, 05:08 AM
I thank HP for this opportunity. HP probably is the best product in the world. I am sure that these prizes will make everyone happy this holiday season so these would be my plans:
First, I will keep the HP DV4 laptop to replace my "ancient" laptop with a P3 750 MHz processor and 20gig hard drive and 128 MB Ram and 20 minutes battery life.. It would be a very great help for my work as a part time graphic artist and a field engineer who always need a powerful laptop on the go. I will also share it with my little brothers and sisters when I am at home.I am the eldest in the family and I have 6 brothers and sisters.My old laptop will be given to my auntie who is an elementary school teacher, so that she will not go to computer shop and spend money anymore.
Second, I will give the HP mini 1000 will be given to my sister who is about to take college next semester. She stopped studying for 3 years because of financial problems. It would be a very great help for her. I always wanted to give my family a good life since we are not that well-off in life. I want to give them something that they will not forget. I will also keep the touchsmart PC and I am sure that my family would be very happy this Christmas.
My old desktop(2 years OLD) and the photosmart printer will be donated to my elementary school( I graduated here, batch 1998) because they still dont have one and I want to make those students computer literate. I can also give them free tutorial and lessons about using computers.
I really want to share the blessing to everyone but there are a few devices left to share, instead of just giving these to several persons only, this will be my plan so that more people can experience the spirit of Christmas. I will facilitate a fund raising campaign in the form of a raffle. I will sell raffle tickets and the remaining devices (HDX 18, Mediaconnect) will be the prizes. In this way, once I have earned enough money, probably bigger than the resale value of these devices, I will buy gifts for the poor families in my town who don't even have enough money to buy food to celebrate Christmas as they live only on the streets. I always felt pity for them. I want to help them but I don't have enough funds.
I would like to be a Santa Claus for them. I will buy grocery items/food/clothing/candies/toys and I will distribute my blessings to them, specially those street childrens who haven't experienced celebrating Christmas and receiving Gifts. Some of them are as young as 2 years old, some are even younger who just rely on eating left-over foods from the garbage. It breaks my heart when I see them and I still thank GOD that even I consider my self poor, I am still lucky because I still eat three times a day. I live in the Philippines and there are so many less fortunate persons here. I really dreamed that someday, I can put a smile in their hearts this Christmas, and if ever I will win these packages, I will be the happiest person in the world because I now have a chance to bring those less fortunate a chance to celebrate and feel the magic of Christmas at least once in their life.
The remaining money will be given to the GMA Kapuso foundation. A well known foundation in our country that helps poor people and those children in far away province. Here is their website:
Lastly, I will invite those street children in our house and I will serve food for them. I will show them the DVD Movie of Kung-Fu Panda on the Touchsmart PC. Most of them have never watched any movies yet, so this will be a very nice opportunity to show them the magic of Christmas. Smiley
Here are the pictures of the street children and poor families on our country. nes.jpg ( -street-children.jpg ( en-garbage-dump.jpg (
They are not the actual pictures as I don't have a camera. But I am willing to show pictures of them with a smile on their faces once I have given them the gifts. God Bless Us All...
12-18-2008, 05:27 AM
While I haven't worked out where everything would go, at least one computer and some software would go to my son's school. At least one other computer would go to my best friend and her kids, since their house burned down 2 months ago and they lost almost everything.
One computer would go to the business I own, so that we can update our systems.
This would be an awesome giveaway and I would help many people if I win.
12-18-2008, 05:43 AM
If I were to win this package, I currently have plans to give at least two of the laptops to people that I think would best be able to use them.
My nephew Brady has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. He is now in a wheelchair. As a High School Freshman, Brady needs a laptop. He has an older laptop but it has seen a lot of rough use, and is not powerful enough for his voice recognition software, which he uses to write school papers. He also would like to use a webcam to connect to other friends and relatives. Brady's new laptop would help him on a daily basis.
One of the other laptops would go to my cousin Marc. Marc caused an accident a few years ago and was jailed. Prior to the accident, he was a developer in a specialized computing language. But being unable to use his knowledge for the last 7 years, his skills are now "rusty" and possibly totally outdated. Marc becomes parole eligible in a couple months. He needs a computer for job search, education, communication, and research . The laptop would be the primary tool to get him, and his large family, back on their feet.
Thank you for your consideration.
12-18-2008, 05:45 AM
Thanks so much for the contest opportunity!
If I were lucky enough to win, I would split the computers between my mother and my niece and nephews. The kids live in a very rural area and are raised by a single mother. Having computer access could make a very real world difference in the lives of the kids and more than anything, I want them to have opportunities beyond their current circumstances.
As for mom, she is currently battling depression and has just begun using a computer as a tool to battle the dark times. She uses a borrowed computer now and doesn't have continual access. Having her own computer would give her the chance to explore and expand her learning opportunities as well.
Regardless of who wins, I appreciate the opportunity to enter and dream :)
Thanks for the chance to share!:)
12-18-2008, 06:03 AM
This is such a great package...first my desktop is pretty darn old so I'll be taking the TouchSmart for myself. The notebook will go to the wife who has been itching for her own notebook for a while...I think my nephew who is going to college next year can use the mini...i think they have a computer requirement now. The blu-ray will be loved by the kids...this is all perfect...thank you!
12-18-2008, 06:03 AM
If I were to win this amazing package, I would be giving away most of it because there is no need for all of that for one person. I would give the dv4 notebook, printer, and kungfu panda to my friend Jimmy back home in Indianapolis who works with a local Boys and Girls club. Theres no sad story to the Boys and Girls club, but I know it means a lot to him, and he cares about the kids in his programs. With the notebook, they could play educational games and work on homework, or watch their new kungfu panda movie. I believe he is an inspiration for todays youth thus why he enjoys so much. Printer comes in handy for some of the older kids who may be learning to write papers, and also for staff.
I also would send kung fu panda and the mini to my nephews in Indianapolis. I usually dont really have the opportunity to make it to their birthdays anymore, and when my family calls, my nephews are always asking me did I get them a present. I work alot and was attending college for the past 4 years so really havent had the time or money to go see the family. With Christmas around the corner, it would be great to give them something.
Obviously I would love to keep some for myself, so the rest I would keep, although I may end up donating or giving the touchsmart away also.
Thanks for the opportunity.
12-18-2008, 06:08 AM
This would be a fantastic prize to be blessed with and to be able to bless others. I would give one computer to my brother when he returns from Iraq because his laptop is dead. I would offer another to computer to my neighbor because I think she and her kids are in need of one. The other items I would put to use or I would see if others needed them. If there was anything left I would probably sell it and pay down some debt.
12-18-2008, 06:09 AM
One of the laptops would go to my aunt. She's a single mom who has worked really hard to make sure her kids never had to go without things that other kids had. They are grown now, and rather than relaxing and taking care of herself, she has taken in her son and his family because they are going through a difficult time financially. While I know she loves having her grandson nearby, she has given up all privacy and personal space. My aunt is an ER nurse and is always there if anyone in the extended family has a medical question or needs to visit the hospital. My cousin is a police office and his wife is in social services. They can't afford a brand new laptop and I'd love to sneak one under the tree for my aunt to open on Christmas day. Sort of a secret Santa gift.
I'd like to give one of the laptops to my husband. He's a wonderful father and husband and works hard to make sure we have everything we need as a family. I work part time from home, but I could never afford something this special for him. Since his computer is his one refuge at home, this would be a wonderful Christmas gift.
I'm not sure if the MS Office licenses can be split, but I would like to give those to other work-at-home moms (or small business owners) who need them to make their jobs easier. I would like to do the same with the VideoStudio X2.
I would like to donate the MediaSmart Connect to one of my favorite non-profit organizations to use as a silent auction item. They don't need computers, but they can always use cash. I'm leaning towards donating to Peace Games, which is a non-profit that introduces volunteers into elementary school classrooms to teach a safe-school/violence prevention/tolerance curriculum.
I would probably give the KungFu Panda DVDs to my sisters' families.
I would most likely (but not definitely) keep the TouchSmart, Mini and Printer. As I mentioned, I work from home and it would be fantastic to upgrade some of my old equipment so I could be a bit more efficient, and also allow me to be a bit more mobile (shuffling kids around hardly allows you to stay put!). Any equipment we replace would be offered to our family members first. If there's anything left, we'd donate it. I would split the Photo Value Pak (the paper, anyway) with my mom, who loves printing pictures of her grandchildren. I also use the paper to print photos for all of my grandparents.
12-18-2008, 06:12 AM
<style></style>I have retired from the Military after almost 30 years of service and now find myself unemployed and receive a partial disability from the Veterans Administration.
I have always believed in paying it forward, I have used my electronic engineering skills to help people with computer problems as a Administrator at ( for a number of years.
I believe in sharing my knowledge and trying to help people resolve PC issues without having to pay for the repairs.
I am a strong advocate and very vocal in spyware/malware abuse and try to educate people about the problem.
I have used my skills and during the free ISP days helped Senior citizens and families get free internet services. I have had people give me old computer systems, quite often. I have taken parts usually from several systems, to recycle usable components, and rebuild to useable systems, then provided them to families that could not afford to purchase one.
If I would win I would have to share the systems with my family
The HP HDX 18 series Premium Notebook PC would go to my oldest daughter who is in her first year of college and majoring in Art and Graphics Design.
The HP Pavilion dv4 series Entertainment Notebook PC (with Windows Live) would go to my middle daughter that is attending High School in AP honors classes.
The HP Mini 1000 (with XP) would go to my youngest daughter that is a Honor Roll student as well as gifted classes, in Middle School.
The HP TouchSmart IQ816 PC and HP MediaSmart Connect would be used to provide the family entertainment and for my use in assisting people with free computer repair advice.
I know that I would only be sharing this with my family, but thechildren are very serious in there studies and deserve to be rewarded.
I would donate my family computer system to Heart and Hand to go to a needy family.
I will always continue rebuilding and recycling systems and giving them to the Heart and Hand a local foundation for needy families.
Thank You for your time
12-18-2008, 06:15 AM
I would give my mother and stepfather in Louisiana one of the new computers because theirs crashed and my stepdad was recently laid off from his job. I would give another one of the computers to my dad and stepmom here in Georgia because the computer they have now was bought at a refurbishment place for $150. I would give another computer, the printer, and the media connect to my fellow interns at the theater that I work at because we’re all just starting out in our careers and it’d be nice to share that with someone to help them along. I’d give Kung Fu Panda to my little brother and his friend. The only thing I would keep would be one of the the laptops, and the interns and i would share the photo pack so we could print out some headshots. :-)
12-18-2008, 06:35 AM
All but the TouchSmart would go to my kids' school, Wayne Trace Payne Elementary. This is really a fantastic school. The teachers and staff show so much concern for each and every child that attends. My children have so far received an excellent education in a very safe and nurturing environment. For many years, the school itself has been a 'Hall of Fame School', and prides itself on the standards it sets in educating. With state and local funding down, I know the elementary is in need of new computers and technology. I just had a parent-teacher conference with my daughter's teacher in which she mentioned the school's lack of functioning computers.
It would mean so much to me to be able to give the 3 computers, the printer, and software to the school, the teachers, and most importantly, the students. Thanks so much for the opportunity!
12-18-2008, 06:36 AM
I remember when my dad bought me my first and only one laptop last year, this was a special gift because my dad made a big effort to buy me this computer because he knew that the laptop was going to help me in the future with my career in the university. This made me to think in giving the HP HDX 18 series Premium Notebook PC to a friend that I had seen in the same situation, his parents can´t afford a computer to him for the university and what better than I can give to him this computer if I win.
So, now what do I'm planning to do with it?
With all this stuff I would help to an institution and to a person. The Pavilion dv4 series Entertainment Notebook PC (with Windows Live) is going to be destined to the institution, where they take care the children with limited resources, where they could give several uses to this laptop. One of them is to be able to take the administrative control since they lack a computer and this could facilitate this control. Also I will give to them the DVD’s so the children can enjoy the movie. The HP HDX 18 series Premium Notebook PC is going to be destined to a friend that I had seen that his parents had sacrificed too much to be able to pay the university to him but they cannot provide him with a computer and with a computer he can grow more academically as professionally. He will need this computer because of his career, he will study design and he needs a powerful laptop that can open powerful programs like photoshop. As an extra I will give to him the photosmart, software and the Corel Video Studio X2. The HP Mini 1000 (with XP) I’m giving it to one of my parents because they don’t have a computer to take to their work. I’m not who is giving all this stuff, just a bearer of the kindness of the company HP and Microsoft that have such a great heart to help several human beings who lack of computers.
I’m very happy to help the institution and to a friend. By the way, this institution that I want to help is an institution that with some group of friends, we help them in the ilumination of the school and what better to help them with a computer. To see a video of this institution visit this link: Guatemala is a third world country and helping the schools with some technology, the country will be better and improved. This makes me to think about South Korea, this country was a third world country and with the learning of technology is that now is a first world country. God Bless Hp and Microsoft for this fantastic giveaway!
12-18-2008, 06:38 AM
Merry Christmas!
I would be thrilled to donate some of the giveaway items to a wonderful local ministry that I have donated to before. Providence Ministries not only operates a drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, it also operates:
- Two homeless shelters
- Two boys' homes
- Three thrift stores (proceeds from stores fund all of the outreaches provided)
Unfortunately, far too many people are losing their homes and in need of homeless shelters and basic needs as food and clothing, even if only for a brief time. Providence makes a difference in the lives of many kids and adults. Providence also recognizes the spiritual needs of each person, not just the physical and emotional needs.
Providence could really use the Mini 1000 to help with managing their operations since it is small and light. They could also use possibly the TouchSmart PC/TV or another laptop since they have two boys' homes, the three thrift shops, and two homeless shelters. They could use the MediaSmart Connect for music and video purposes in more than one "facility", but I'm not sure where they would specifically use it. They could definitely use one of the Kung Fun Panda DVDs to entertain in the homeless shelters and I look forward to sharing with them, especially to provide joy to some of the homeless at this time of year.
Go to the link for some pictures:
On a more personal level, we have 4 children and homeschool them through a virtual online academy. The school is free thru the state, but it is hard to be poor enough to get a free computer. So, we make do with what we have. Our four kids all share a 5 year old computer in need of upgrading (Compaq pictured at the link above).
Also, the only TV we have ever had is one that I bought in 1992, a 19-inch Magnavox. (Picture at the link above) That's all the kids have ever known. The TouchSmart PC could possibly replace our TV and provide a newer computer at the same time. The TouchSmart or one of the laptops would be a huge blessing to the kids (as well as mom and dad) and help tremendously with school.
Yes, a newer PC or TV would be one less thing to worry about for us as a family, but more importantly, I would love to be able to help Providence as it reaches out to those who are hurting far more than we are.
I would like to thank HP and Digital Home Thoughts for this wonderful giveaway.
Jeff :)
12-18-2008, 06:52 AM
HP TouchSmart IQ816 PC
This touch screen PC will go to a local elementary school that works with children who have special needs.
HP HDX 18 series Premium Notebook PC
I will give this notebook to my brother and sister-in-law to replace their troublesome computer.
HP MediaSmart Connect
The MediaSmart will get connected to my TV upstairs so I can have access to my recorded TV shows and media files.
HP Pavilion dv4 series Entertainment Notebook
I plan to give this to my uncle who is in desperate need of a new computer. The archaic PIII needs to go!
HP Mini 1000
I'm going to keep this one. :)
HP Printer and value pack
I have an HP printer already, so I will give this away also, but I don't yet know who that will be.
Microsoft Office
Since I already own a copy of Office, I will donate the three licenses to students attending SAIT Polytechnic (local technical college).
Corel VideoStudio X2
I plan to donate this to my church since they do a lot of video editing.
Kung Fu Panda
I'll give the copies to some of the school teachers I regularly work with and friends who have kids.
12-18-2008, 07:12 AM
Hi there,
My school has a lot of places where the prizes could be used. I'd like to give the HP Touchsmart PC to my mom to use in the kitchen to watch TV listen to music on.
I'd like to give the HP Mini 1000 laptop to my younger brother Ryan. He goes to UCLA and I know he would really like a laptop he can take to class with him to take down notes.
The HDX entertainment laptop I would give to the newly-forming Club of Independent Filmmakers. It would be the perfect laptop to do video editing on and to hook up to projectors to show films. Since the club just started, it doesn't have very many resources and this would be a great boost. I'd like to donate the VideoStudio software to the club as well.
I would keep the dv4 laptop, the printer, and the MediaSmart connect. I'm studying abroad next quarter in Germany and don't currently have a laptop to take. The dv4's webcam would be perfect to stay in touch with my family and girlfriend while I'm away. The MediaSmart connect would be perfect for streaming video to my TV, and my roommates could use it while I was abroad. I've also been needing a new printer for a while now. My printer chews up the paper half the time.
Ben Hatcher
12-18-2008, 07:22 AM
I would gladly donate some of the “prizes” to a local ministry called “Women Living Free”. The ministry is a beautiful home that shelters, feeds, and ministers to women that have been abused, or have abused alcohol, drugs, etc. WLF really changes the lives of many women in a very positive way. Of course, this has a great impact on the families involved.
I don't really need any of the "prizes". So, I do not think I would keep any of the items. However, my son and our grand kids could really use the TouchSmart PC or a couple of the laptops. My son and his wife homeschool their four children. The kids share a five or six year old PC. It is more and more a problem for them to share this PC for "fun" and school. They
can't really afford to even think about a new PC. So, at least one laptop would be really a blessing to them.
Their only TV is a 13 or 19 inch model that is at least 15 years old. So, maybe the TouchSmart PC could provide a new computer and TV in one shot.
I know the Mini 1000 would be very useful to "Women Living Free" to help with their ministry as far as managing the facility, appointments, communication, etc. Also, the MediaSmart Connect would be very useful helping to provide/share media around the house to the women they are ministering to. Many times, the kids and other family members related to the women come for a visit. So, between the kids and adults, the Kung Fu Panda DVD would be a fun addition, especially during this time of year.
I would certainly be asking my son, Women Living Free, or other organizations if they could benefit from the printer and other items. My son's printer is a few years old and I know he would probably be very appreciative of a new printer and would gladly donate his old printer since it still works.
Between my son, his wife, the grand kids, and the "Women Living Free" outreach, I know the HP giveaway would really be a huge blessing and give them a couple of things to make this Christmas time a little more enjoyable and less stressful.
All of that said, let us all remember to be thankful for all of God's blessings.
I would like to thank HP and Digital Home Thoughts for this wonderful giveaway.
Merry Christmas!
-Judy S.
12-18-2008, 07:24 AM
If I won I'd keep one computer as mine is 10 years old. I'd be thrilled to share the rest with my family. They deserve it and could really use them. I'd give one to my mom as she's never had a new computer that works well. I'd give the others to my cousins who could definitely use them for school. It would be great to see their reactions and to see them enjoy the computers. I'm moving far away soon so these would be great to help us all keep in touch easily as well. Thanks for the chance to win such great prizes!
12-18-2008, 07:45 AM
My favorite charity is the Make a Wish foundation because we've had several friends of the family who have battled cancer and when times are tough, that foundation does so much to lift up the spirit of not only those kids, but their siblings, parents and even the community. Believe me, it isn't just for a moment that hope is raised but years and it continues on even if the battle isn't won. For that foundation I'd like to donate the HP Pavilion dv4 series Entertainment Notebook PC (with Windows Live) ( & the HP Mini 1000 (with XP). ( Along with the 2 widescreen DVDs of Kung Fu Panda.
The rest of the package would go to my daughter who's starting college in January to become a sign language interpreter. She has struggled with a learning disability her entire life but has never let it be an obstacle. After her job became obsolete and the economy made it hard to find another one, she made the decision to return to school and get her degree. This prize would not only help her succeed but as she's going to school to help others, they too will benefit.
12-18-2008, 07:56 AM
I would give one of the desktops to my mother and one to my child's school. I would love to win.
12-18-2008, 07:59 AM
My son attend the High School of Computers and Technology in the Bronx, NY. For the past 8 years, my son has lived and breathed computers. I call him "The Computer Whisperer" because he has a knack for repairing computers. Teachers at my son's school ask him to fix computers for them on a regular basis. Tenants in our building are always knocking on our door to ask for his assistance with their computer problems. Even though my son loves computers so much, he has never owned any good equipment. I am a single, disabled parent on Social Security, so there is no such things as "extra money" in our household. My son loves going to the High School of Computers and Technology, but there is one problem....they don't have any good equipment! The computers are always breaking down and they are old and outdated. It is so bad, that they are working with Pentium 3 processors! This school needs help. If we were lucky enough to win this fantastic prize, we would donate everything except the HP Pavilion dv4 series Entertainment Notebook PC because he would love to own one of these!
12-18-2008, 08:13 AM
If we are selected i would share my current notebook and printer and 2 of the notebooks and the Software & Entertainment to a local girl shelter i live in the san diego - tijuana border where drugs guns and prostitution are the bread and butter of lots of people in this area the fact that somebody would take care of them make me think that there is a light and kindness in people i would encourage the local cable and internet provider to provide this place with free service for life. The Touchsmart PC will be used as a family computer i would probably keep the hp hdx since i dont own any hd gadget and probably the HP MediaSmart Connect too even if a dont have tons of knowledge on it (looks pretty cool).
Actually i just change my mind i would give one notebook to one of my friend's kids since they are pretty low income but very rich on faith and they have really take care of me in the faith department so i think that's it thank for consider me
12-18-2008, 06:03 PM
Step 1. Open all of the packages in amazement while posting un-boxing photos to flickr.
Step 2. Brag to all of my friends and family because this is an amazing package.
Step 3. After calming down and realizing this is too much stuff to own, I'd donate some of it.
Step 4. Who get what?
My nephews would get the 18inch laptop. My sister has a small partment in Atlanta and doesn't have the space for a desktop.
The 2nd pavilion would be given to a random person at the library. A lot of students visit the local library in town because they don't have computers. So I would walk around and ask people if they had a computer at home. The 1st person to say no would get the laptop.
The mini 1000 - I'd keep as I'm infatuated with netbooks.
As for the rest - taken down to a local church (not that I'm religious but they always know people in need).
Jason Dunn
12-18-2008, 06:35 PM
OK, the selection process is now underway. Entries up to and including #401 are valid - entries #402 and #403 were submitted after the deadline, so they aren't valid.
Stand by for the winner, and watch the front page where I'll be making the announcement within the next hour (give or take).
Thanks for all the wonderful entries, I enjoyed reading some of the great stories!
Jason Dunn
12-18-2008, 10:37 PM
The winner has been announced here:
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