12-04-2008, 09:27 PM
WM down 3%, iPhone up 328%. ( Not really much surprise there.
On a related note, is anyone else tired of John Gruber's "analysis" (
MacDailyNews has numbers from a Gartner report on worldwide smart phone market share. The OS numbers are interesting: Symbian at 63%, RIM at 16%, iPhone OS at 13%, and Windows Mobile at 11%. But it’s the year-over-year growth where you can see who has actual momentum: Symbian is down 12% and Windows Mobile is down 3%; RIM is up 82% and iPhone OS is up a staggering 328%.Yes, the iPhone is the top smartphone dog right now. You don't need to twist stats to prove that. Apple rolled out its lone smartphone product to dozens of new markets - of course it's growth is going to be "staggering" when you increase your target market by tenfold. It doesn't establish any sort of trend, though. Next year's growth stats will be the real interesting ones.
It's too bad most of his posts are like this, because he has 1-2 original content posts a month that are truly must-reads.
On a related note, is anyone else tired of John Gruber's "analysis" (
MacDailyNews has numbers from a Gartner report on worldwide smart phone market share. The OS numbers are interesting: Symbian at 63%, RIM at 16%, iPhone OS at 13%, and Windows Mobile at 11%. But it’s the year-over-year growth where you can see who has actual momentum: Symbian is down 12% and Windows Mobile is down 3%; RIM is up 82% and iPhone OS is up a staggering 328%.Yes, the iPhone is the top smartphone dog right now. You don't need to twist stats to prove that. Apple rolled out its lone smartphone product to dozens of new markets - of course it's growth is going to be "staggering" when you increase your target market by tenfold. It doesn't establish any sort of trend, though. Next year's growth stats will be the real interesting ones.
It's too bad most of his posts are like this, because he has 1-2 original content posts a month that are truly must-reads.