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View Full Version : So I got to check out Restore from Backup

11-22-2008, 08:59 PM
Between last night and thins morning, I've installed two new things on my iPhone - the 2.2 firmware and BdEmailer http://web.me.com/alanc/BdEmailer/Information.html, a promising but buggy email app.

Picked up the phone a while ago and it is completely dead - no sign of life at all. Now I know the battery life isn't that great, but the phone charged overnight so should have plenty of power.

So I hooked the sad phone up to my PC and iTunes gave me the news that it needed to be restored from the backup. As luck would have it, I had synced with the computer last night. I don't very often because my calendar, to-dos, contacts and notes are all synced over the air.

The process when pretty smoothly and I was expecting the restore to be just at I had left things, just like restoring from backup during a firmware update.

Well, the basics worked, I don't think I lost any data. My three mail accounts had all gone back to old names, but the rest of the settings were still there. All my apps were installed again, although all my little icon tiles are now scattered everywhere, not in the order I want them. Some passwords were saved, others have gone.

So rather interesting really, and fortunate to happen whilst I'm at home working on my PC. I'm afraid to put BdEmailer back now, it has some great features, but I don't want this process to become a regular thing.

Vincent Ferrari
11-24-2008, 12:30 AM
So rather interesting really, and fortunate to happen whilst I'm at home working on my PC. I'm afraid to put BdEmailer back now, it has some great features, but I don't want this process to become a regular thing.

I've had it happen where something locks up in the background and then runs until the battery dies, and then when you try to start the phone you get nothing and have to restore. Happened to me twice with my first gen iPhone on 1.x but so far hasn't happened on 2.x. I did have one occasion where an app didn't quit and just sucked my battery dry but that was a one off and it didn't need a reset to fix.

Either way, it's good to know that the backup can be restored when needed, isn't it?