Jason Dunn
11-07-2008, 11:32 PM
<p><img src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/resizer/thumbs/size/600/ppct/auto/1226096012.usr1.jpg" /></p><p>This is the last giveaway as part of the <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/news/show/90931/pocket-pc-thoughts-turns-eight-years-old.html" target="_blank">8th anniversary celebration</a> here at Pocket PC Thoughts, so I thought I'd make it a special one. No, it's not a gadget - it's a vacation! Well, part of one. ;-) Thoughts Media owns a timeshare in <a href="http://www.clubprivilegetremblant.com/region_mont_tremblant.php?lang=en" target="_blank">Mont-Tremblant</a> area of Quebec, Canada, and I'm giving away a one week stay at this resort. The resort is run by Club Privelage, and you can <a href="http://www.clubprivilegetremblant.com/centre_villegiature_exclusif.php" target="_blank">learn more about it here</a>. Depending on what time of the year the winner decides to go, they can either enjoy winter skiing, spring/summer golfing, or a variety of other activities. The winner is responsible for transport to and from the resort, and all other related expenses - this giveaway covers a one week stay at the resort. This giveaway is worth around $1500 US. And if Mont-Tremblant doesn't excite you, the winner will also have the option of <a href="http://www.rci.com/RCI/RCIW/RCIW_index?body=RCIW_rdMain" target="_blank">selecting one of 4667 RCI resorts</a> instead - but be aware that just because it's in the directory doesn't mean you can get into it (as any time-share owner can tell you).</p><p>Want to win it? Here's how: post a message telling me your top three favourite third-party applications for Windows Mobile. Which applications can you just not live without? Which applicatons make your Windows Mobile device useful, fun, or just plain awesome for you? One message per person please. I'll randomly select one post at 6 PM mountain time on Friday the 14th of November. If you don't see your post right away, please wait 24 hours before looking for it. Odds are that it's your first post since we moved to vBulletin and it's simply held in moderation temporarily.</p>