View Full Version : Apple intro..
11-05-2008, 01:43 PM
Thought I'd get the ball rolling on the Apple Thoughts forum.
Sorry if its in the wrong thread.
Basically I thought it would be cool if people would introduce themselves by telling us how they found out/what brought them to the new Apple Thoughts and which apple product(s) they use/own.
I'll get the ball rolling.
I found out from Jason's post on the Pocket Pc Thoughts page, which I visit daily. And i have a Macbook 1,1 and iPod touch that i use daily, an iPod nano (1st gen) which is collecting dust somewhere and an old school ipod (2nd gen i believe) that i occasionally use as a portable hard drive.
11-06-2008, 03:24 AM
Ed here, writing from my MacBook Pro. Also got a Mac mini hooked up to a TV and a first-gen iPhone over on the counter (haven't felt the need to upgrade that one yet).
I found out about the site from Vinny, cuz he used to post on the forums for the TWiT podcast network.
Vincent Ferrari
11-06-2008, 02:27 PM
Welcome aboard guys. Look forward to chatting with you in the forums :-)
11-06-2008, 05:33 PM
Let me start off by answering some of the OP questions:
What brought me here? Reading Pocket PC Thoughts using RSS Owl on my macbook.
I tend to read it once in awhile. I use to frequent their forum and website all the time when I had my pocket pc's. One was the original Ipaq and the other was the Jornada by HP.
I switched to the Mac world after 25 plus years of using windows. Many reasons why I switched. Some are: WGA, the registry, spyware, anti virus software, all the overhead used for them, All my time spent running that garbage, the yearly subscription fees etc........ I'll quit here--)))
I switched a little over 3 years ago and have not looked back. I love OSX and the Apple design. Although I wish Apple would cater more to it's users needs and wants rather than as of late high priced products and what seems like less and less features. Example, the recent macbook update and the elimination of the fire wire port. The poor viewing angle on the macbook and the glossy only displays in all their latest products. Oh and the lack of an update to the headless mac mini in almost 2 years--))))
Currently, I own an original 20 in iMac intel core duo with a matte screen that till today looks and works great. I also dual boot into windows XP for the occasional game that needs direct x.
I also have a SR black macbook and an iPod touch.
Why am I here? Hopefully this will become a forum where we can have decent discussions with out sarcastic know it all replies as many other Apple/Mac forums demonstrate. Very tired of that. To have fun here and learn what others think and their experiences with the Mac.
Lastly I just want to enjoy reading about Apple products and experiences without biased moderators that promote their agendas, like sexual preferences, political views etc... Heaven forbid if one disagrees with them or if one stands up for themselves when lambasted by arrogant replies and personal insults!
Im looking for that fun learning experience that I got when visiting Pocket PC Thoughts forums.
So with that being said here's hoping to a huge success for the new Apple thoughts site and many thanks to Jason for getting it started.
11-06-2008, 09:51 PM
Oh and the lack of an update to the headless mac mini in almost 2 years--))))
Actually, not quite true. It was updated to Core 2 Duo in August, 2007 (which is the one that I own myself - I bought it on Leopard day last year), with bumps in RAM, CPU speed and hard disk storage. And iLife 08! ;)
Jerry Raia
11-08-2008, 07:24 AM
What's all this talk of Apples??? :D
Well well - this is cool and good timing as well.
A couple of weeks ago I swapped out the old trusty (but boring) HP6940 for a shiny new iPhone and I'm having great fun with it. It reminds me of all those years ago when I got my first Palm Pilot and checking out all the cool applications for it.
Oh - I found out about the new site from PPC Thoughts feed as well.
I hope the site is a success.
Jason Kravitz
11-11-2008, 03:23 PM
Hi all -
I started browsing PocketPC Thoughts many years. Soon after, I began writing occasional product reviews for Digital Media Thoughts. I migrated away from the PocketPC and Windows entirely, so its nice to see an Apple site in the Thoughts Media family.
Somewhere around 1984, my Dad bought us a shiny new Apple 512k computer. This was the start of a long love affair with all things Apple. I credit the early Apple tools like MacPaint, World Builder and later Macromedia Director and Authorware for instilling a desire for me to be creative on my computer.
I also learned how to write 2D sprite based games on the Mac by responding to an add for source code for sale from a very kind and patient guy named John Calhoun ( (Glypha, Glider, Pararena and other Mac game classics).
The Mac and I parted ways around 1997 when I decided to get a Dell and a Voodoo graphics card so I could get into the PC Gaming scene... it took nearly 10 more years before I came back into the fold with OSX and a Macbook Pro which is by far the best laptop (and computer hardware) I have ever owned. I'm looking forward to spending some time on the site.
11-16-2008, 10:49 AM
Let's start out with the first question, what brought me here:
Reading Thoughts Media RSS feeds in Google Reader; my RSS weapon of choice (although, once EventBox adds Google Reader syncing, that might change).
I saw the announcement for AT on a couple of the *Thoughts sites and made a note to check out the site and was instantly intrigued when I heard about Vince again.
I did never really contribute on the forums much, but always read at least 2 of the *Thoughts sites, namely PPCT and DMT, replacing PPCT with SPT when I had a Smartphone.
I switched to the Mac platform 3 days ago (MBP @ 2.8 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 250 GB @ 7200 RPM HDD) but have been preparing myself for the switch for the past six months, checking out software I needed, looking for replacements, reading up on the philosophy, evaluating options and the likes.
I am a geek and tinkerer at heart, always trying to make my system run as efficient as technically possible and have a tendency to reimage it (custom built Windows Images) whenever the thought strikes me fancy.
And finally, why am I here? I have been reading Apple related blogs for a couple of years (gotta know what the Dark Side does, right?) but refrained from joining any one community in particular because I, in general, do not like the sarcastic and snarky remarks all the time, not when I am looking for serious information.
Knowing how the *Thoughts communities are in general, this forum could be the place I will start calling home :)
Jason Dunn
11-17-2008, 04:51 PM
Why am I here? Hopefully this will become a forum where we can have decent discussions with out sarcastic know it all replies as many other Apple/Mac forums demonstrate. Very tired of that. To have fun here and learn what others think and their experiences with the Mac....Im looking for that fun learning experience that I got when visiting Pocket PC Thoughts forums.
That's my most sincere hope for Apple Thoughts: that we have a community similar to PPCT in the way that people are helpful and polite. I think we have a good chance of success with Vincent and his team in charge! :)
Vincent Ferrari
11-17-2008, 05:01 PM
And finally, why am I here? I have been reading Apple related blogs for a couple of years (gotta know what the Dark Side does, right?) but refrained from joining any one community in particular because I, in general, do not like the sarcastic and snarky remarks all the time, not when I am looking for serious information.
Knowing how the *Thoughts communities are in general, this forum could be the place I will start calling home :)
Well, I don't know if I can completely eliminate snark from my repertoire; I think Jason picked me at least partially because I can be a snarky **** from time to time, but I agree on the way other forums run. Often times there's too much politicking going on and I don't really go for that kind of thing.
This is a place to discuss, and without discussion this site fails, and I'm really glad to have you on board!
11-18-2008, 01:55 AM
Well, I don't know if I can completely eliminate snark from my repertoire; I think Jason picked me at least partially because I can be a snarky **** from time to time, but I agree on the way other forums run. Often times there's too much politicking going on and I don't really go for that kind of thing.
This is a place to discuss, and without discussion this site fails, and I'm really glad to have you on board!
Oh, a bit of snarkiness is always welcome, no doubt about that, but senseless bashing is just plain useless.
Glad to be here :)
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