Darius Wey
05-15-2007, 05:42 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/zune_a_go_go/rumor-zune-flash-and-zune-20-on-june-1st-zune-track-purchases-over-wifi-259378.php' target='_blank'>http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/zune_a_go_go/rumor-zune-flash-and-zune-20-on-june-1st-zune-track-purchases-over-wifi-259378.php</a><br /><br /></div><em>"These photos claim to show a first-gen Zune running a firmware 2.14 that can purchase and download tracks over Wi-Fi with Microsoft points. They come from the same friendly Zune source that sent us the first photos of Zune 2.0 that some readers thought were Photoshopped. I can't tell if this is merely a first-gen Zune showing just an image of a firmware/download screen, or the true thing. What do you think?"<br /><br /></em><img width="360" height="480" alt="" src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/zt/2007/wey-20070516-blurryzune.jpg" /><br /><br />In response to <a target="_blank" href="http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/zune_a_go_go/rumor-zune-flash-and-zune-20-on-june-1st-zune-track-purchases-over-wifi-259378.php">Gizmodo's thought-provoking query</a>, I'm calling this one out as a fake. Aside from the fact that this story has stemmed from a source who offered us <a href="http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/portable-media/rumor-first-zune-20-photo-251472.php" target="_blank">a clear fake of the "Zune 2.0"</a> a few weeks back (yes, check out those repetitive ripples in the screen two-thirds of the way down), there's something about the red "2.1.4 Beta" text that just doesn't smell right. Not to mention the lack of a Wi-Fi icon and the infamous blurriness of the shots that we've come to associate with all things faked/leaked. Your thoughts on this one?