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View Full Version : Zune: Welcome to the Flawed Social

Darius Wey
09-24-2008, 12:05 PM
<p><img src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/resizer/thumbs/size/600/zt/auto/1222239551.usr2.jpg" border="1" /></p><p>Since the 1.0 days, Zune has matured into a very capable platform. Yet there are still flaws, some of which have bugged me more often than not as of late. Here's a handful that I believe deserve some attention.</p><p><MORE /></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Send Feature</strong></p><p>It seems simple enough. You see an album you like, you send yourself or your friends a link to it. I last used this feature a week ago, so when using it today for the first time, imagine my surprise when I was slapped with an error message stating that I had <em>"reached my maximum number of daily messages"</em>. Yes, a <em>daily</em> quota that I had no idea existed and had apparently already reached. Wow, the mind boggles.</p><p>Let's take a look at how it's done in iTunes. You see any content you like, you right-click it, select "Copy iTunes Store URL", and then use the URL to your liking. That's it. No jumping through hoops, no limitations. What will it take Microsoft to offer something as uncomplicated as that?</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Content Issues</strong></p><p>Whether it's the Zune Marketplace, iTunes Store, Amazon MP3, or Rhapsody, there's a chance you'll eventually come across, or have already come across, some sort of content issue. This includes anything from typos and incorrect album art to audio glitches. When you do discover such an issue, what's the next step?</p><p>Microsoft offers a <a href="http://forums.zune.net/71/ShowForum.aspx" target="_blank">"Marketplace: Content Issues" forum</a> for you to report content issues present in the Zune Marketplace. The idea is that you create a new thread and describe the issue in detail; with any luck, the Zune team responds in a timely fashion and the issue gets resolved. In theory, it's a fantastic idea; in practice, not so much. I've examined around a month's worth of threads in the forum and noticed two major problems: (a) the Zune team responds at a snail's pace or not at all, which could be due to (b) the fact that the legitimate threads are constantly lost in the noise generated by a handful of users who deem this particular forum a great place to post details of <em>non-content-related</em> issues.</p><p>I reported a content issue - audio glitches in an album, to be exact - over three weeks ago, and to this day, have yet to receive any indication that it's in the process of being resolved. I'm beginning to think that the 730 Points I channeled toward that album have gone down the drain.<strong></strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Region Restrictions</strong></p><p>Yes, good ol' region restrictions. We <a href="http://www.zunethoughts.com/news/show/88977/" target="_blank">can't stop talking about this one</a>.</p><p>When Zune 2.5 was released, Microsoft introduced a US-only restriction, which forced international users to set their computer's region to "United States" in order to browse and preview content in the Zune Marketplace. When Zune 3.0 was released, Microsoft introduced a Zune Tag restriction, which forced users to establish a relationship between their device and Zune Tag in order to browse and preview content in the mobile version of the Zune Marketplace.</p><p>Fair enough - these are probably steps taken to prevent users outside the US from purchasing content or a Zune Pass subscription, but surely there's a better approach that still allows anyone to browse the store? If Apple and Amazon.com can offer this, I see no reason why Microsoft can't offer the same, or <em>more</em>.<strong></strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Your Turn</strong></p><p>Now, it's your turn. What about the Zune would you like to see fixed?</p><ul></ul>

09-24-2008, 01:47 PM
UNICODE support. FIX IT!:mad:

09-24-2008, 02:02 PM
Just picked up a zune120 yesterday and it seems that everything works for me except the marketplace features that require a zune pass or purchasing since I'm in Canada. But I hear it's coming in the Fall. I'm sure the zune team is working on it as fast as possible since it's the beginning of Fall now.

The back log of my plays and incorrect or missing album art is annoying but I'm sure it will all get fixed. It's getting better than it was last week when 3.0 came out. I don't recall if I have region set up to US on the current hotmail account I'm using for zune and xbox, but I'm thinking that it's set up to Canada since I have Live Points that I use on the xbox. So I can still do the browsing and listening in the marketplace that others seem to not be having any luck. I just can't purchase anything.

I didn't know about the content issues forum, but after reading your experience, I'm not participating and adding to the mess over there with my threads. I found a song last night on my zune that was detected wrong but I know my metadata is correct. So I know what you're talking about.

09-24-2008, 02:21 PM
For me the Zune Social is worthless because my 2 kids listen to the Zune Marketplace on their pc downstairs and my daughter also has her own Zune. At least with this version, you can choose to have the Zune itself not communicate it's plays with the Zune Social, but everything that they listen to on the PC gets listed as a play and all of the recommendations combine all three of our listening, so it really doesn't have much value. I think that if you're going to buy a license that included using multiple pc's and Zunes that the technology should exhist to let 3 people have three different Zune passes and keep track of each user's listening preferences without too much difficulty.

09-24-2008, 09:54 PM
um, profiles are your friend.

09-25-2008, 01:26 AM
um, profiles are your friend.
What does that mean? I have the same problem as ziggy.

09-25-2008, 01:17 PM
a person with their own Live ID and Vista login will not have these problems.

09-26-2008, 02:51 AM
Unless you're trying to use one Zune pass, which is what I was talking about. We not only have three seperate logons, we have three different pc's, but Zune tracks your plays when logged into the Zune server, not your pc.

09-26-2008, 06:20 AM
Unless you're trying to use one Zune pass, which is what I was talking about. We not only have three seperate logons, we have three different pc's, but Zune tracks your plays when logged into the Zune server, not your pc.
Same here. My daughter must be logged in to my Vista account to use the Zune Pass on her Zune. And my profile gets all her play stats... Boo!

09-26-2008, 08:36 PM
well yes thats not possible right now. They need it to work like windows one care where you can activate the pass onto 3 live IDs.