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View Full Version : Interesting PPC Choices

08-22-2008, 10:38 PM
So I've been using my HP 6940 for several years - must be the longest I've ever had a phone for. It's not that it is that great, I just have not found anything that has inspired me to change.

I'd really like to upgrade this fall, and finally there are some nice devices out there.

Clearly, the big three are SE X1, the Touch Pro and now the Treo Pro. I've been devouring the specs and reviews of each and have no idea which I will end up with.

I do like the Treo form factor, but I was spoilt in the past by the wonderful screen and keyboard of the Zaurus C860, maybe it's time to get away from S4 (Silly Small Square Screen) devices.

Of my big three, what device would all you guys be lusting after?


Reid Kistler
08-24-2008, 02:36 PM
...I just have not found anything that has inspired me to change....

3 interesting devices - would probably be able to use any of them if HAD to: but not a one that screams "BUY me"...

Sliders tend to be thick, and top row of keys can be difficult to hit - and Fitaly is a faster input method than any tiny keyboard in the first place.

Treo should be thinner - but at expense of reduced keyboard size and screen: screen is doubtless great for a phone - but if its A Phone, why bother with a QWERTY keyboard in the first place? And the "S4" screen (Cute abbrev, btw!) is nearly useless for screen-based input and is second-rate even simply for reading data.

Not to mention that most pda/phone combos are thick (breath and/or depth), clumsy to hold as phones, & stuffed with non-productive battery-sucking features that run the price tags up, are 2nd class in terms of function, and likely to leave you high-and-dry (out of power) if you do use them....

JMHO, of course! (or: the contrarian point of view.... :D)