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View Full Version : Resco keyboard Pro + 211

08-02-2008, 01:25 AM
I like resco products, love the new file explorer which is very
cool. However, the Resco Keyboard Pro is not currently able
to function on the IPAQ 211. It will cause Shell32.exe crashes
on a regular basis and the options menu will cause the
device to lock.

Now, I'm not saying its a resco issue when plenty of other
file crashes happen on a regular basis. You would think
HP would release some updates, instead of blowing off
constant bug fix requests. Anyways, at this time I wouldn't
buy the resco keyboard for the IPAQ 211.


08-02-2008, 03:24 AM
Hmm... I have an Ipaq 211 and also use Resco Keyboard Pro without any issues. My suspicion is that it is conflicting with something else. If you wanted to test that theory, you could clean reset and then just install Resco Keyboard. If it works okay, install other things one at a time until you find the culprit. That may take some time and hassle, but it might be worth it to you. (Or not)

Just re-read your post and the one difference I think I see between our setup is that I have not updated to the latest version of Explorer. (There have been some bug reports of v7.x of Explorer) I am using version 6.17 of Explorer and 5.01 of Keyboard Pro

08-02-2008, 06:02 AM
I tried re-installing the keyboard pro after a hard-reset and it worked
for a short time before locking up and shell32 crashes. I contacted
resco and they have encountered the same problems on the device
and told me there is no current fix.

Do you often get random ex crashes? This seems to be a very common
problem on the 211 devices at this time.

init13h / Lorenzo

08-02-2008, 07:19 AM
Looks like you were right init13h, it is something with Keyboard Pro on the 211. I guess I must be lucky so far, no crashes.

Yeah, there seem to be a lot of issues unique to the 21x series. We are all hoping that HP gets with it and gets them all fixed!