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View Full Version : Olympus 1030SW problems

07-16-2008, 09:59 PM
After Jason's report (http://forums.thoughtsmedia.com/f307/olympus-mju-stylus-1030sw-review-waterproof-89075.html) on this camera, and some discussions with folks from this site, I bought the Olympus 1030SW waterproof/shockproof camera.

For the first month and a half, I was very pleased with the camera. However, over the Fourth of July weekend, I took my kids to San Diego to do the Zoo/Sea World thing. As I was taking pictures, the camera beeped 4 times and the screen went blank, leaving the "lens cover" still open.

Pushing the power button creates an image on the screen (akin to taking a picture) and beeps four times, but nothing is saved. Pushing the shutter button does nothing. If I turn the dial to the storage mode or other Non-photo-taking mode, I can access all of the features like normal (including getting into the full setup menu). When I turn the camera to any photo mode, it acts as described above.

Luckily I was able to plug it into my computer and get all of the photos off with no problems.

I have swapped memory cards, pulled, charged and replaced the battery. Nothing different happens.

Before Isend the thing for service (as it is just an expensive paper weight now), I wanted to see if anyone had any ideas (I found nothing helpful through google.).

Thanks for any suggestions you may have.

Craig M

07-10-2009, 11:02 AM
:confused::mad: I have the same problem with my Olympus 1030SW. I took it river rafting and got a message to say 'clean contacts' (or something similar) and found a spot of water on the memory card. I cleaned it and camera worked fine. Now I am getting the four 'boing boing boing boing' sounds and its not switching on. The camera is about 6 months old...

Maybe its not as tough as they say?