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View Full Version : Att Wifi and HP 5500 not working

06-06-2008, 05:20 AM
I signed up for ATT wifi with the rewards program at Starbucks, but I am not able to sign in. Error says user name and/or passwork incorrect. I contact Att Wifi and they confirmed I was registered, using the correct id and password, and even could remotes logon with my id and password. However, I can not log on with my HP Ipaq 5550. The tech at Att thought it might be that Pocket IE on pocket pc 2003 might not be compatible. Anyone have any thoughts.



Reid Kistler
06-09-2008, 12:37 PM
Just to help tie down your problem for anyone with more specific knowledge:

Is this a generic problem, or exclusive to AT&T/Starbucks?
Are you able to sign on at other public wifi sites? (Panera Bread for example)

Are you running WM2003 or 2003SE?

With my Axim, Dell shipped both it's own wifi client AND something called Odyssey, from Funk Software. Think HP also provided Odyssey with some of its pdas - have you tried that?

Good Luck!

RK -
Axim X30 w/ WM2003SE

06-11-2008, 07:48 PM
Now this is a rumor, but I have heard you need to use the
back space key and clear out the login due to extra characters
that do not show up, but it will block you from logon. Its seems
to be a bug, but you might want to give it a try.
