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View Full Version : what a current gps software for us?

05-22-2008, 12:45 AM
I'm looking for a up to date GPS software for my TILT. What would do 3D maps and have Hawaii?
I checked TomTom on their website but don't know how good is the software I couldnt find pictures of the software screens. And igo dropped support I think for USA maps. Is there any good software out?

09-05-2008, 12:57 PM

After from tomtom I think you can try Quick GPS but it requires $10 / month expenses. It is much faster because it downloads satelitte positions and trajectories data directly.

You can also try HP GPS Software from NaqTeq. It works great and has faster response Time.

10-09-2008, 12:34 AM
Pocket Map Navigataor may be back wiht new version. I loved prowious one

10-09-2008, 09:41 PM
There's also CoPilot Live 7 (http://alk.com/copilot/), iGuidance (http://www.inavcorp.com/product/navigation/iguidance_ppc.php) and others.

Try visiting the Silicon Valley Pocket PC links page (http://links.svpocketpc.com) and searching for GPS.


10-18-2008, 02:28 AM
I have been using Tomtom Navigator 6 for about 6 weeks now & really like it. It has a couple of quirks. I tried Copilot 7 & immediately sent it back. I didn't show my address & have lived here for 7 years. I figured if it didn't show my address then it was going to not show a lot of addresses.

The navigator 6 maps are the same maps that ship with the stand alone units.