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View Full Version : Tracking Vacation and Sick leave

Phillip Dyson
05-20-2008, 04:13 PM
I am in the middle of creating a spreadsheet that will help me track my vacation, sick and Floating Holiday accrual. And I thought I would post here and find out if this problem has already been solved.

Basically I would like to be able to plan out my leave through out the year and know how much leave I will have available at a given time (within my two week pay period would be sufficient).

It should also be able to allow me to add in my roll-over leave from the previous year.

08-11-2009, 10:17 PM
That is such a great idea Phillip:)
...think I should apply that to my VL and SL too.:D

Reid Kistler
08-17-2009, 05:21 PM
Did you try an internet search?

Tracking days off has been "solved" any number of times by Commercial software, including Shareware apps.

Seem to recall seeing a handful of Freebies floating around as well, and would be "Shocked" if someone had not already created a spreadsheet - although you would have to sub your own accrual rates to any formulas.

Back in the day - before ONE of the big Dot.Com busts - there were a number of WEBSITES where simple personnel apps such as that were available, most often as a web-app (they wanted you to use their site as your portal, and - naturally - hoped you would purchase products / apps from them).