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View Full Version : Where to Buy?

05-15-2008, 11:08 AM
Hi guys,

Where do you buy your software from? I've noticed some places have "rewards" type programs going now too.

Where do you like to shop for software and why?

I am in Australia and I know that doesn't really make a difference, but Aussies - any good Aussie places?


Nurhisham Hussein
05-16-2008, 01:38 PM
Whenever possible, I try to buy direct from the developer. I much prefer this as many of the software aggregators like Handango or Pocket Gear take a huge cut (up to 50%) off the retail price as their commission. If you want to support independent developers, always buy direct.

05-16-2008, 04:09 PM
I do the same as Nurhisham Hussein. Everything is downloadable for the devices, so if the developer has a storefront, then it is best to buy direct. All of the gimmicks (e.g. rewards programs) will have to be paid for somewhere - - typically a hike in the product price.