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View Full Version : Hello From the New Kid On the Digital Home Thoughts Block!

Tim Williamson
03-18-2008, 02:03 PM
<p>Hello Digital Home Thoughts Readers! Sorry if you were expecting Jordan, Jonathan, Joey, Donnie, or Danny (I honestly didn't know the New Kids On The Block members by heart, thanks Wikipedia!). ;) You're stuck with me, Tim Williamson (formerly known as T-Will in the forums). I'm the newest member of the Digital Home Thoughts&nbsp; news team (although, I've been around as a reader for a few years) and will be helping out as a Contributing Editor. I work as a business analyst, but my main interests outside of work have always been computers, gadgets, photography, and music.<br /><br />I became hooked on computers in kindergarten when my parents brought home our first PC, an IBM XT PC (they paid about $3000 for it back in the mid-80's!). I spent hours playing Microsoft Flight Sim 2.0 and a math game where the equations fell from the top of the screen <em>[Editor's Note: I think that's Math Blaster]</em>, and you'd have to type the correct answer before they hit the bottom.<br /><br />Electronic gadgets have always fascinated me; I remember I always wanted a PADD from Star Trek. This is one technology that has been snatched from the TV and into real life with the numerous PDA's and smartphones available today (currently I'm a happy T-Mobile Dash owner). :)<br /><br />Believe it or not, when I was a kid I actually used to own a film camera, I even went to a photography camp for a week where we shot black and white and even developed the film ourselves! Recently I've been putting my Canon 10D DSLR and Canon SD870IS P&amp;S through the paces.<br /><br />Playing music and listening to music are also important to me. I play piano, organ, saxophone, and kazoo. When it comes to listening to music, I have a wide musical taste. Lately I've been listening to a lot of techno (gets me through the work day), but I also enjoy jazz, country, Christian contemporary, classic rock, classical, and any other good music. I hope you'll enjoy reading my posts as much as I've enjoyed being a reader of Digital Home Thoughts! :)</p>

Jason Dunn
03-18-2008, 02:47 PM
Welcome Tim! :D

Janak Parekh
03-18-2008, 05:04 PM
Welcome to the team, Tim!

BTW, weren't you known as something else before T-Will? ;)


Darius Wey
03-18-2008, 05:05 PM
Welcome to the block, Tim. :)

Tim Williamson
03-18-2008, 06:06 PM
Thanks guys!

BTW, weren't you known as something else before T-Will? ;)

I think I was known as "t-will" (with lower-case letters) at one point, and I might have used "djtipmothee" on Pocket PC Thoughts in the past too (I can't remember). :confused: :)

Janak Parekh
03-18-2008, 06:43 PM
I think I was known as "t-will" (with lower-case letters) at one point, and I might have used "djtipmothee" on Pocket PC Thoughts in the past too (I can't remember). :confused: :)

Indeed, djtipmothee was what I remembered, and then you requested your name change. ;) I was always wondering what that meant.


Chris Gohlke
03-18-2008, 06:47 PM
Welcome to the team!

Tim Williamson
03-18-2008, 07:15 PM
Indeed, djtipmothee was what I remembered, and then you requested your name change. ;) I was always wondering what that meant.


Haha, djtipmothee was a nickname an old high school friend gave me (it's pronounced DJ Tipmothee, and supposed to sound like DJ Timothy), and I used that as my email address for a while, but it wasn't easy trying to spell out this address to people.

Then in college my friends started calling me T-Will (the 1st letter of my first name plus the 1st syllable of my last name). Who was it who started this trend...J-Lo, K-Fed, K-Mart? T-Will has pretty much stuck with me, but I also answer to "T", Tim, Timmy, and TIMMAH! :D

Joel Crane
03-18-2008, 09:19 PM
I think it was 1993 when dad brought home a 3/86 with Windows 3.1. I spent lots of time playing Skifree (http://ski.ihoc.net/), Chips Challenge, and when Windows 95 hit, Fury3.