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View Full Version : Broken Toshiba e350, can i salvage my notes from a backup ??

03-13-2008, 01:02 AM
I have a Toshiba Pocket PC e350 and yesterday it just stop working. The only way i can get anything out of it is by unplugging the battery and plugging it back. When i restart it, it just beeps and lines appear on the screen, very weird. I saved a backup on active sync but i need to restore my notes from it, but it won't start, just turns on, and power off after a couple of seconds. Is it possible to salvage some information from the backup ?? 8O

Nurhisham Hussein
03-13-2008, 07:08 AM
I'm not sure about the answer, but you can refer to this thread (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=51491&) for possible solutions.

03-13-2008, 10:27 PM
Ok well it's my battery that is dead. Now it works but the ppc is zapped, it happened to me before. Now my problem is that the active sync pretend it's not the same pocket pc. It says to change the regionnal settings and it might work but it doesnt... how's it possible to restore my config then ???

Nurhisham Hussein
03-20-2008, 05:22 PM
Now my problem is that the active sync pretend it's not the same pocket pc.

IIRC, that has always been one of the problems with Activesync backups - it just won't accept devices after a hard reset. I'm not at all sure what if any remedies are possible at this stage. I do seem to recall Menneisyys (the author of the link I gave) had a tutorial for extracting files from an AS backup, but I can't find it at the moment.