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View Full Version : Did Your Device Change To DST Automatically?

Ed Hansberry
03-09-2008, 11:30 PM
Here in the US, DST took effect early this morning. I have had a number of devices over the years and more often than not, one or more did not change, forcing me to do it manually. I am pleased to report that the 4 Windows Mobile 6 devices currently taking up residence in the Hansberry household all dutifully switched to DST. I am sad to say my iPAQ 2210 did not, and I suspect it is because of the change the US made last year. I think I have done a hard reset on it since last spring and now I cannot find the WM2003 compatible fix anywhere. Any pointers would be appreciated. It seems MS took all of them down prior to the Feb 2008 patch, and that only works for WM5 and above. My 2210 is my trusty alarm clock, so I need to get it fixed. If your device failed and you had all patches available that you know of, please post the model and what OS is running on it.

Darius Wey
03-10-2008, 12:47 AM
On a slightly different note, it's worth mentioning that the DST switchover this half year has changed (http://timeanddate.com/time/dst2008a.html) for a lot of countries.

The US and Canada switched clocks this weekend. Western Australia and parts of Europe switch clocks on the last Sunday of this month, with eastern parts of Australia and New Zealand the week after. What a mess. 8O

I'll be watching my devices like a hawk in a few weeks time.

03-10-2008, 02:08 AM
The iPAQ 2495b switched :) , but the 3900 with 2003 did not looks like... :(

Jason Lee
03-10-2008, 02:46 AM
My tytn ii switched just fine however my wife's and mother's cingular 8125s did not. I has enabled the timezone in the phone settings on my wife's phone and simply powering of the phone radio and turning it back on made her device update from the cellular network. I enabled the tab on my mother's device today so hopefully she won't have the problem next time around.

Ed Hansberry
03-10-2008, 03:08 AM
My tytn ii switched just fine however my wife's and mother's cingular 8125s did not. I has enabled the timezone in the phone settings on my wife's phone and simply powering of the phone radio and turning it back on made her device update from the cellular network. I enabled the tab on my mother's device today so hopefully she won't have the problem next time around.

I've never trusted those "network updates" for time chages. What happens if you get off of a plane in a different timezone? If it changes the clock, all of your appointments will be out of whack because they were set in a different timezone. If it updates the timezone, then that would be pretty cool.

03-10-2008, 03:14 AM
I had a weird thing happen with my AT&T Tilt today. I had the message that the clock had been updated for DST, but it actually hadn't! I added the hour, but hope it doesn't magically add another some time when I'm not expecting it. :?

Kacey Green
03-10-2008, 03:21 AM
I had a weird thing happen with my AT&T Tilt today. I had the message that the clock had been updated for DST, but it actually hadn't! I added the hour, but hope it doesn't magically add another some time when I'm not expecting it. :?
My T-Mobile Wing did the same thing, so I gave it a soft reset and everything was fine after the reboot.

Reset your Tilt and see if it adds the hour now.

Jason Lee
03-10-2008, 03:38 AM
I've never trusted those "network updates" for time chages. What happens if you get off of a plane in a different timezone? If it changes the clock, all of your appointments will be out of whack because they were set in a different timezone. If it updates the timezone, then that would be pretty cool.

I worry about that as well. It says in the option that is updates the time AND the timezone but i have yet to actually test this. I don't get out of this timezone very often. :)

03-10-2008, 03:40 AM
Lost my patch on the old Dell Axim but found the patch.
WM2003 PPC DST patch can be found here

03-10-2008, 04:05 AM
My Sprint HTC Touch SAID it updated whenI turned it on (9a) but didn't actually change until 11a?! Is that a WM6 or Sprint issue?

03-10-2008, 05:26 AM
My good all Mio A701 switched, by I still like the answer #4 :wink:

03-10-2008, 05:48 AM
I've got an HTC Wizard by Imate on WM 5.0, and I installed the most recent Microsoft patch yesterday to make sure that it would update, but it didn't. If I manually change it, won't it automatically adjust in a couple weeks at the old DST change?

03-10-2008, 07:30 AM
My Sprint 6700 didn't update. I updated SyncCenter on my Vista machine to the latest. I couldn't get the latest DST update to install from the PC. So, I was able to get it to install from http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile on the PPC.

After the reboot the time was still off :roll: I then manually changed it and redocked. Of course, this set the time right back to an hour behind. :cry:

How many weeks to I have to wait for it to catch up? <sigh>

03-10-2008, 08:54 AM
Although my part of the world doesn't move onto DST until the end of the month, I checked on my iPAQ 210, and the times for the US and Canada have changed to the correct number of hours behind.

Ed Hansberry
03-10-2008, 11:24 AM
Lost my patch on the old Dell Axim but found the patch.
WM2003 PPC DST patch can be found here

Thanks. That's the one. :-)

Steve Jordan
03-10-2008, 11:51 AM
Funny you should ask...

Yesterday, my new iPaq 110 switched over to DST. However, my PC running Win2K didn't, so I manually advanced it (it still thinks it's on Eastern Standard time, not Daylight time).

Upon the next sync, I realized that the iPaq's time setting was booted forward 2 hours, and every appointment I had in it was booted forward 1 hour. The only way I have been able to fix it has been to set the PC back 1 hour, and to fix the messed-up appointments.

Probably the issue is a patch I need for the PC, but I haven't found it yet.

03-10-2008, 12:55 PM
I don't know if they're related, but my machine woke up with a message about the time switch - but the PhoneWeaver software hadn't properly turned on the wifi and the phone (pretty common, actually), so I rebooted. When it came back up, the screen graphics were wrong, and all the settings dependent on registry keys were gone.

03-10-2008, 01:25 PM
Both my XV6800 and X51v (with patch) updated without a problem.

I remember there was an article about how switching to DST has actually cost more money then it saved. I wonder if they should also consider the energy used by all those PDAs around the world waking up inorder to make the time switch. :lol:

03-10-2008, 02:31 PM
I have an HP ipaq 69xx running WM5. I downloaded the patch but it still has not updated the clock. My ipaq is still showing one hour behind.

03-10-2008, 03:19 PM
I have a T-Mobile MDA that updated to DST, but I have ALC 2007 Lite installed as my alarm software. I overslept this morning because even though my device said 6:30, it didn't wake me until 7:30.

This year I am really feeling the loss of that hour of sleep. I feel like I got up but my body stayed in bed.

03-10-2008, 03:57 PM
I wrote this post only to have my ppc hang just before hitting submit. what a great start to dst.

my att8525 running official wm6 correctly set its clock, but appointments were showing one hour late in pocket informant. I had to manually fix these. I had one recurring appointment that refused to 'fix' and I had to recreate it. I wonder how my next sync will go (haven't turned on winxp pc yet).


03-10-2008, 04:14 PM
I synced my Dash with my PC around midnight and the Dash and PC time matched (before the time change), then in the morning my Dash was set 2 hours ahead. After a sync with my PC the time was corrected.

Ed Hansberry
03-10-2008, 04:57 PM
Funny you should ask...

Yesterday, my new iPaq 110 switched over to DST. However, my PC running Win2K didn't, so I manually advanced it (it still thinks it's on Eastern Standard time, not Daylight time).
MS didn't fix Win2K. there is a utility to manually change the database. TZEDIT I think. free download on MS's site.

Steve Jordan
03-10-2008, 05:31 PM
MS didn't fix Win2K. there is a utility to manually change the database. TZEDIT I think. free download on MS's site.

Thanks... I'll look for that when I get home.

03-10-2008, 08:29 PM
I've applied the patch to no avail. I've manually switched the time on my Axim only to have it flip back an hour. All my appointments moved ahead an hour. This is not good. I hope this clears itself up soon.

Steve Jordan
03-11-2008, 12:18 AM
Well, the Win2K patch worked as far as getting the PC to recognize EDT. I still had to go into Outlook on the PC and reset the appointments back 1 hour, but now they register just fine.

03-11-2008, 01:20 AM
Kaiser changed with no problems.

03-11-2008, 03:42 AM
Funny you should ask...

Probably the issue is a patch I need for the PC, but I haven't found it yet.

Microsoft has refused to offer a patch to W2K systems. Had the same problem with mine.

03-11-2008, 03:45 AM
My iPaq RX3751 did fine last fall but refuses to correct this spring.

Patches haven't fixed it. Do I really need to install ActiveSync 4.5? I lose a lot if I do.

03-11-2008, 05:16 AM
My Mogul announced that it corrected for DST, but didn't change. I set it manually. Annoying, but in the large scheme of annoying things, more easily resolved than most ;)

I had to manually reset maybe 12 clocks and timers in the house (well my wife helped). I was in the groove, and the phone was the easiest of them.


03-11-2008, 04:37 PM
I've never trusted those "network updates" for time chages. What happens if you get off of a plane in a different timezone? If it changes the clock, all of your appointments will be out of whack because they were set in a different timezone. If it updates the timezone, then that would be pretty cool.

I worry about that as well. It says in the option that is updates the time AND the timezone but i have yet to actually test this. I don't get out of this timezone very often. :)

I travel between the Eastern US and Central US tz's quite often and have never noticed a problem.

03-11-2008, 04:53 PM
My Tilt did a strange thing.

I changed the option in Settings -> Personal -> Phone to NOT automatically adjust for DST.

On Sunday morning, the Tilt displayed a message saying it had updated the time for DST -- and it had done so.

Now it was cradled at the time and synced to my WinXP PC, which was set to update for DST.

So, I don't know if being cradled/synced had something to do with it or not, but I was not expecting to see the message on the Tilt.

Everything appears to be ok - but I'm watching it closely.

Why did I have it set to NOT automatically adjust, you ask?

Well, recently my company changed to using Exchange 2007 from Exchange 2003. We still use Outlook 2003 as the front end for Exchange.

At home I use Outlook 2007.

Things were fine syncing between Outlook 2007 at home and Outlook 2003/Echange 2003 at work.

After the work upgrade, syncing between Outlook 2007 at home and Outlook 2003/Exchange 2007 at work got screwy.

The current date was before DST start. A new all day appointments THAT occurred after the DST start date synced 1 hour off on whichever PC it was NOT entered on. Ex.: enter all day appointment on work PC, sync to Tilt, take Tilt home, sync to home PC -- all day appoint is now off by one hour (runs from 1am to 1am instead of 12am to 12am.) But only on the home PC -- it stays at 12am to 12am on the work PC.

In addition, it's something to do with setting the all day flag. If I enter it, not using the all day check box in Outlook, but just specify the time as 12a to 12a (next day), then it syncs properly.

I disabled the automatic DST update flag and things seem to work ok now.

It's just weird and I don't understand it and I wish it would just leave my time and appointments alone. I enter appointments for the time they will occur in the time zone I'm in -- I don't need any adjustments to keep my head straight. If I see an appointment for 3pm in a place I know to be in the CST US tz, then I know that time is 3pm CST. If it's a conf. call and I'm in the EST and the other person is in the CST, then the time on MY calendar will be 4pm.

Ah well......

Brad Adrian
03-14-2008, 01:13 PM
Well, my Tilt adjusted just fine, it was ME who made the mistake. I had entered a couple of Monday appointments and didnt synch just prior to the timezone switch. So, even though my PC and Tilt changed timezones and kept most of my appointments where they should be, those two that I had entered before the switch stayed in the wrong place...And I was late!