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View Full Version : Ongoing problems with Windows network sharing...

02-04-2008, 09:28 PM
I've got a bunch of computers running XP on my home network, home and XP. I recently retired an old Win98 machine and replaced it with a Vista Home Premium laptop.

File and Print sharing has always been unreliable. I've had a couple of different routers, and the problem has always been the same. Usually, a fresh installation of XP will work well and will be seen by other computer on the network, but after a few weeks, it will stop showing up on the other computers. Recentely, my laptop decided to start showing itself again. My printer on the desktop computer has ALWAYS worked until just yesterday, but shared folders on the desktop just never ever worked. Now I can't see the computer at all.

My server computer, which sits behind my d-link wbr-1310 router, shows up to everyone.

Why is this so unreliable!? What could I be doing wrong?

I've had to fall back on sneakernet! My flash drives are suddenly getting used a lot.

02-05-2008, 06:44 PM
but shared folders on the desktop just never ever worked. Now I can't see the computer at all.

My server computer, which sits behind my d-link wbr-1310 router, shows up to everyone.

Why is this so unreliable!? What could I be doing wrong?

I've had to fall back on sneakernet! My flash drives are suddenly getting used a lot.Ok. this has me stumped too. :oops:

I've never had to ICS / file share simultaeneously. It could be a number of things. I just don't know.

This is a starter list to eliminate the obvious

Log all participating PC's names and IP's, are they individually named? and IP'ed? Are they in the same range? The Domain/ work group correct?
PC1, PC2... none with the same name
Are all 192.168.0.x x being the only variable? none exactly the same?
Workgroup/ domain MSHOME (default) or whatever?
Some tips (http://compnetworking.about.com/od/windowsnetworking/tp/winfilesharing.htm)

Try the tracert command from different PC's (log the route and compare). on Vista start>all programs>accessories>command prompt
on XP start>run>cmd. It's like ping but also provides the route.
c:\> tracert
What path is the data taking? If it's going through the ICS server then...you might need a hostname file and some more professional help.
I'll be walking away from that :lol:

If at all possible avoid sharing folders on the desktop. Use a simpler path. c:\all users\shared documents. This will simplify permissions problems. Use shortcuts to link to desktop if that makes it easier.
Mind boggle (http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/xp_filesharing/07ntfs-permisions.htm)

Also remember, you only really need on share per network. If the permissions are set correctly. All sub folders share the parent folder properties (You could be on any PC and access the folder, read/ write to it. For the "peons" in the family maybe just read only). Simpler than remembering which shared folder on what PC did you leave it on. This I'd recommend on the PC with the biggest drive if at all possible. Makes music and video easier... maybe you'd wanna listen to dad's cd collection while at mom's PC... :| Then you could back that folder up and clear them from the misc other folders on the other PCs.

Ok. I'm outta ideas... later. but heres some Deja Vu (http://forums.practicallynetworked.com/archive/index.php/t-16.html)

02-05-2008, 07:40 PM
Wow, thats quite an answer, thanks!

1. All computers seem to be named correctly (Except "server", which never responds to it's name, only its' IP address. It never shows up in Network Places either. It has a static IP so I just use that.)

2. All computers have an IP range of 192.168.1.x as assigned by my router

3. I'll check subnets and try tracert tests

4. IPX/SPX protocol has been uninstalled on any offending computers to avoid compatibility issues (Samba can use either TCP/IP or IPX/SPX)

5. All computers are in the same workgroup: Joels Network. I'm beginning to think that the space there might be a problem. I'll return things to MSHOME or something simple.

The issue with Desktop has been solved, turns out that my firewall decided to make some changes to itself.

Laptop (Windows XP Pro, my primary machine) refuses to grant anyone access. I've never been able to get Remote Desktop to work on it either. Simple File Sharing is enabled. I think something is going on in permissions.

Vista-laptop refuses to see any shares anywhere on the network.

Well, I've got lots of reading to do, and several things to try. I'll let you know how it works out! Thanks!