Jason Dunn
01-31-2008, 09:30 PM
<img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/jawbone-headset-giveaway-jason.jpg" /><br /><i>Photo taken with the amazing Nikon D300 and the equally impressive Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 lens. </i><br /><br />We <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/articles.php?action=expand,56722">published a review</a> of the Jawbone Bluetooth headset a few months ago, and after coming back from CES I happened to be given one at a press event. It was quite funny actually; Aliph (the company who makes the Jawbone) was giving one headset to every press person at the event, and it was like a rugby scrum trying to get one - I even had a little old lady jam her way in front of me to get one. :roll:<br /><br />The thing is, I don't wear Bluetooth headsets very often - I don't make or receive enough phone calls to warrant looking like a Star Trek movie extra between scene breaks. ;-) So guess what? Giveaway time! This giveaway is for a black Jawbone headset and the included accessory kit, which includes an AC power to USB adaptor, a charging cable, and the different size options for the headset.<br /><br /><b>To enter this contest, simply post a message in this thread telling me what your favourite hobby is.</b> One entry per person, I'll ship it anywhere in the world, and the contest closes at 11 AM mountain time on Wednesday the 6th of February.<br /><br /><b>UPDATE:</b> I forgot to add that this is a random drawing...I'm not going to judge who has the best hobby. 8)<br /><br /><b>UPDATE #2</b>: The contest is now closed (I left it open for a bit longer), and the winner is...<i>tcassidy</i>. Congratulations! The winner should check their private message box here on the forums for a message from me.