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View Full Version : Trying to insert BACKUP battery Dell Axim X3

12-16-2007, 01:17 AM
The round flat battery - where does it go??

I reluctantly took apart my Axim X3, after buying a battery online, and finding out the low battery warning I was getting referred to the backup battery. After taking apart my PDA, I see a round plastic part, but it is encased in the plastic, with wires attached.

Does anyone know how I am supposed to insert the battery I bought?

I could really use some help, thanks in advance, and happy holidays. Chip

12-16-2007, 07:47 AM
The round flat battery - where does it go??

I reluctantly took apart my Axim X3, after buying a battery online, and finding out the low battery warning I was getting referred to the backup battery. After taking apart my PDA, I see a round plastic part, but it is encased in the plastic, with wires attached.

Does anyone know how I am supposed to insert the battery I bought?

I could really use some help, thanks in advance, and happy holidays. ChipThe back up battery is probably not user replace-able. On newer models it was replaced by a capacitor. You may be able to source and replace it since you have it open. I don't know the internals of that device.

12-25-2007, 06:37 PM
I too have a DELL Axim X3 PDA with a dead "backup" battery. Technically the backup battery on this model is not classified as "user replaceable" because you have to take your whole axim apart to replace it (unlike some other models like the X5 which I believe takes a standard watch-like battery (CR2032) and just slips in a socket on the back of the unit (no hardware disassembling required).

You are correct when you say that the battery you find when you take apart the unit is encased in plastic with 2 wires coming out of it. This is a custom battery designed for this axim with a special connector to plug it in.

There are basically two ways you can still replace this battery. The first way which may be the easiest but probably the most expensive is to simply purchase a new battery. I don't believe DELL sells them (since they classify them as non-user replaceable) but several third parties do sell them (just do a Google search for dell axim x3 backup battery and you should find some). This would involve just taking the PDA apart (which it sounds like you already have), then pulling out the old battery and simply plugging the new one in.

Alternatively you can purchase the battery by itself (I think several manufacturers make them and you may be able to find the odd one on ebay as well). This is a bit more work because what you have to do then is remove the old battery, rip open the plastic seal, pull the wires off the old battery and attach them to the new battery (either via solder or maybe some electrical tape might do). Then replace the battery and voila. It is important to make sure you get the right battery too since the wrong one could (in the worst case) toast your PDA, or (in the best case) just not work right and be worthless. Take the old one apart and see what the part number is on the battery. Mine was a V20HR. Just google the part number and see what you can find.

I hope this helps.

DISCLAIMER: It is very easy to toast your PDA in a multitude of ways by doing either of these replacements so be careful (I'm not going to be held responsible for any mistakes you may make!).

12-07-2008, 07:48 PM
You see how the wires are connected on the old set up and mark the positive wire area with a + if you can so you don't get them mixed up.

Now there's a little "TECHNIQUE" to it and I'll try to explain as I go.

Using a small tip soldering iron... heat the back side of the connection just enough to melt the existing solder and remove that leg of the battery cable connection.

Only momentarily heating the point so you don't over heat and destroy the battery or any other components.

Ideally you should use a heat sink clip to attenuate the heat away from the component (battery).

Then you repeat the same maneuver with the other leg of the battery connection to remove the battery from the board.

If it's not feasible to do it from the back side of the IC board, use the small tip on the end of the wire connection on the battery side and be sure to only heat it long enough to loosen and pull the wire free. Repeat as necessary to release the other side of the battery.

Then clean the holes with the soldering iron by heating it quickly to move the solder enough to melt it momentarily to OPEN the holes to allow the new wire tips to be inserted only far enough to make the "electronic" connection. (Not sticking through and out the other side to possibly shirt out on some other part of the circuits.)

Make sure you use the heat sink clips to protect the new battery and "silver" the tips of the wires to connect to the board. This means momentarily heating the tips of the wire to allow a small amount of solder to melt onto the wire tips. Then stick them into the appropriate holes and solder them in place by quickly {momentarily} heating the solder to melt to adhere the wire to the hole with the solder. Be very careful not to over heat and damage the battery by keeping the hot tip to the solder point too long. it's not a race but you don't want to waste time heating the solder points. (You can destroy the new battery by over heating it while installing it and then you'll have to buy another one and go through this process again.)

Before you solder it in place, make sure to trim and remove the insulation from only the tips of the wire before you silver them and solder it in place. This prevents excess wire lengths and possible short circuits.

Once it's soldered in place you can reassemble the Axim (device) and the installation is complete. Clean up your mess, put the tools away and throw the old garbage away.

That simple. Hope this was clear enough to understand. Ha ha ha

Jus Me