11-19-2007, 01:16 AM
“The Rex Hispanarium Campaign - By 1034, Sancho the Great of Navarre had incorporated Aragon, Sobrarbe, Barcelona, as well as Asturias, Leon and Castile, and he proclaims himself Rex Hispaniarum ("King of all Spains"). In the next year, 1035, Sancho III dies. His lands are distributed among his four sons:
García, his eldest son, received Navarre and the Basque country with knowned supremacy over all of his brothers, a sort of a better higher kingship, meaning more resources; education; health. Also enlarged by portions of Castile.
Ferdinand, received Castile as a kingdom.
Gonzalo, received Sobrarbe and Ribagorza as kingdoms.
Ramiro, obtained the county of Aragon.
Your campaign objective, as king of Castile, is to reunite all kingdoms, becoming Ferdinand I, El Magno "The Great" and get proclaimed Emperor of all Hispania ( Imperator totius Hispaniae or commonly, Rex Hispanarium).”
OK, enough of the advertisement, let’s get down to the facts: I haven’t played such a bad game in the last few months. Except for, maybe, Lost in the Pyramid (
Their homepage is HERE (, which itself has very bad design and a lot of English mistakes. The game is compatible with all WM5+ Pocket PC’s. It doesn’t run under WM2003(SE) – but, again, I bet you won’t want to play it either.
The good
The bad
no sound / music at all
really ugly & pixelizated – I haven’t seen so pixelizated a game for ages
text next to unreadable because of the color; and, in the help / briefing, often cut off
very simple and hollow game – there’s little strategy in there, except for wildly tapping some icons. In no way an Orions or an Azgard.
This is the first game of Sidegence. However, this doesn’t mean they should release such an unfinished cr*p, particularly not for $14.00. Sorry – there’s just no better word for this game. This game wouldn’t be worth getting even for free, let alone $14.00. I’d say it’s even worse than the games produced by the infamous IBE ( or Emcon Emsys Tech (
García, his eldest son, received Navarre and the Basque country with knowned supremacy over all of his brothers, a sort of a better higher kingship, meaning more resources; education; health. Also enlarged by portions of Castile.
Ferdinand, received Castile as a kingdom.
Gonzalo, received Sobrarbe and Ribagorza as kingdoms.
Ramiro, obtained the county of Aragon.
Your campaign objective, as king of Castile, is to reunite all kingdoms, becoming Ferdinand I, El Magno "The Great" and get proclaimed Emperor of all Hispania ( Imperator totius Hispaniae or commonly, Rex Hispanarium).”
OK, enough of the advertisement, let’s get down to the facts: I haven’t played such a bad game in the last few months. Except for, maybe, Lost in the Pyramid (
Their homepage is HERE (, which itself has very bad design and a lot of English mistakes. The game is compatible with all WM5+ Pocket PC’s. It doesn’t run under WM2003(SE) – but, again, I bet you won’t want to play it either.
The good
The bad
no sound / music at all
really ugly & pixelizated – I haven’t seen so pixelizated a game for ages
text next to unreadable because of the color; and, in the help / briefing, often cut off
very simple and hollow game – there’s little strategy in there, except for wildly tapping some icons. In no way an Orions or an Azgard.
This is the first game of Sidegence. However, this doesn’t mean they should release such an unfinished cr*p, particularly not for $14.00. Sorry – there’s just no better word for this game. This game wouldn’t be worth getting even for free, let alone $14.00. I’d say it’s even worse than the games produced by the infamous IBE ( or Emcon Emsys Tech (