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View Full Version : Help! Microsoft Reader and iPAQ issue

11-11-2007, 05:10 AM
Hello all,
I am wanting to ask if their is any software for windows 5.0 iPAQ's that is compatiable with msReader?

I have been fighting with Microsoft and HP for the last few nights and still haven't solved the issue between my iPAQ 2495 and microsoft reader activation system. Has anyone else experienced the issue of activating reader on an iPAQ? If so how did you fix this? I've done everything including upgrading the ROM and I have Mobile 5.0 so I have a recent system. I have an email into MSREADERGIRL, thanks to this forum.

BUT...if this can't be fixed is there a different reader that will read reader ebooks? I've tried ubooks and I can't get the program to recognize that the book is on my iPAQ. And Adobe won't work either. Before I do anything else I would love someones help out here!

Thanks in advance.

Don't Panic!
11-11-2007, 05:16 PM
ereader pro (http://ereader.com/product/detail/15005?software=eReader_Pro_for_Pocket_PC_and_Windows_Mobile_Editions) is freeware and a lot of people like it. It doesn't do .lit ebooks though. I'm pretty sure msreader is the only reader that supports .lit. I'm one of the lucky ones in that the genre I prefer (Sci-Fi) is available in non-DRM .lit files over at www.baen.com webscriptions. I ran out of msreader activations a long time ago but by reading Baen non-DRM ebooks I don't need activation. Is's a pain not being able to access all the free ebooks I got from microsoft duiring their last promotion for msreader but all you can do is ask for and wait for more activations. They do give you one eventually.

11-12-2007, 10:04 PM
You might consider googling "convert lit gui". It's a program that converts lit files into other formats. I think it can even remove the DRM as long as you have the rights already. I gave up on MSReader a long time ago. If I find a lit I want, I convert it to a text file and use uBook.