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View Full Version : Rogers Releases the Touch in Canada

Jason Dunn
11-01-2007, 05:23 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.shoprogers.com/store/wireless/products/phones/products_details.asp?shopperID=9TWU0GMPBURT9H0RCLME3XFRPFNE3WAF&PRODUCTID=TOUCHREN&summary=1' target='_blank'>http://www.shoprogers.com/store/wir...CHREN&summary=1</a><br /><br /></div><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/htc_touchren_350x480.gif" /><br />Rogers has released the HTC Touch, making it the first GSM carrier in North America to release this very nice device. A Canadian GSM carrier coming out with a device before the US GSM carriers? Will wonders never cease! Sprint has announced the Touch as well, and will be selling it soon, so Rogers isn't quite the first carrier period to offer it. Price-wise, Rogers is selling this for $349.99 (2-year term), $399.99 with 1-year term, or $199.99 with a 3-year term after rebates on select Voice &amp; E-mail packages. Rogers is getting on the Windows Mobile wagon in a big way lately - I've seen ads from them promoting Windows Mobile devices, and they have a <a href="http://www.shoprogers.com/business/wireless/services/windowsmobile/overview.asp">whole campaign around Windows Mobile now</a>.<br /><br />The down side is that Rogers is still offering their rape-and-pillage pricing on data plans. They have a <a href="http://www.shoprogers.com/store/wireless/services/voice/navigate-mobile-internet.asp?shopperID=9TWU0GMPBURT9H0RCLME3XFRPFNE3WAF">"personal" plan</a> that gives you 10 MB of data transfer for $10 a month. Digging into the Windows Mobile section and looking at their plans...wait, you know what? What I just found is so completely ridiculous it deserves it's own post. Stay tuned.

11-01-2007, 06:04 PM
Rogers has a wireless plug in device that you can use to get broadband on your laptop or home PC 'just plug it in'.


So they do have the networks for it.

Last week in my mail box I found a flyer "Now you can use Windows Mobile" and 680 news radio is also running the ads. Rogers is marketing WindowsCE/PocketPC as a *New* OS. Many people here in Hamilton are now discovering the Pocket PC.

This is the first time I have seen a flyer with the Pocket PC OS screen shot on the front in my mail box. Its about time. I hope to see more in the future.