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View Full Version : Bible Maps for PocketBible 3

Ed Hansberry
10-31-2007, 05:00 PM
<a href="http://www.laridiansales.com/order/productpages/LBKBMP003.asp?ref=apwzwtzws">http://www.laridiansales.com/order/productpages/LBKBMP003.asp?ref=apwzwtzws</a><br /><br />Laridian has released Bible Maps for their PocketBible 3 application, which includes both the Pocket PC and desktop version. It includes 13 maps at various points in Biblical history, a dictionary for over 350 cities and locations and more. <br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/hansberry/2007/20071031-biblemaps.gif" /><br /><br />For me one of the biggest holes in the Laridian offering was the lack of any sort of map, and now they have closed that hole. This requires about 13MB of space on your PC or device, and of course, it will work just fine on an expansion card. It is $14.99. If you don't own <a href="https://laridiansales.com/order/productpages/PBCE3002.asp?ref=apwzwtzws">PocketBible 3</a> you'll need to buy it. If you do own it, you'll need to download the latest version, which will be in your account by the time you read this.

10-31-2007, 07:09 PM
Great. I've often wished for this capability. It's one reason I still held on to a printed Bible. Thanks for the heads up, Ed.

Ed Hansberry
11-02-2007, 10:57 PM
Make sure on your Pocket PC you are running PocketBible version 3.048.

3.047 is what was posted when I wrote the front pager, and it introduced a few minor glitches (most likely unnoticed) that 3.048 clears up. It should be in your Laridian download account.