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View Full Version : Westtek Releases JETCET PRINT 5.1

Paul Martin
10-26-2007, 12:57 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.westtek.com/pocketpc/jetcet/' target='_blank'>http://www.westtek.com/pocketpc/jetcet/</a><br /><br /></div><i>"Experience the best mobile printing solution on the market! JETCET PRINT lets you print documents, photos, email and much more from your Windows Mobile Pocket PC phone. Quickly add printers, browse to files and voila! Print! No more complicated configuration steps or additional software required. Print the most common file formats with JETCET PRINT. Printing is fast, easy and intuitive. All you need is a Bluetooth® or network connection to get started. Complete your mobile office with JETCET PRINT."</i><br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/martin-20071025-jetcet-white.gif" /><br /><br />Printing is one application we take for granted on a regular PC that is not built-in on our mobile devices. Westtek steps in to fill that void with their latest edition of Jetcet Print. Version 5.1 adds Bluetooth printing to it's list of capabilities. Check out the <a href="http://www.westtek.com/pocketpc/jetcet/">full list and download a demo here</a>.<br /><br /><b>UPDATE</b>: That was quick. The 50 free licenses are gone. Check out the thread for details on a nice discount.

10-26-2007, 10:28 PM
Enjoy the freedom to print from your mobile device today! The first 50 people who write sales@westtek.com and mention this post will be entitled to a FREE COPY of JETCET PRINT 5.1.

10-29-2007, 05:12 AM
Got my copy. Thank you very much Westtek. :D

10-29-2007, 05:17 PM
I just requested my copy. I don't know if there are any left.

I did download and install the demo.
Although I installed Jet Cet to my storage card, JetCet took up a big chunk of my internal memory. It seems that the program loaded properly on my storage card, but almost 3Mb of dll's were loaded into internal storage.

I mentioned this to WesTek when I requested by free full copy (if I'm one of the first 50).
I'm hoping there's some type of custom minumum installation.

10-30-2007, 06:24 AM
Thanks to everyone who took advantage of our offer and received a free copy of JETCET PRINT 5.1. We welcome your impressions of the product and hope you will stay in touch.

For those who missed out, Westtek is offering JETCET PRINT 5.1 at a 50% discount for one week only. So hurry! Get your copy today. Here's how:

1. Go to http://www.westtek.com/pocketpc/jetcet and put JETCET PRINT in your shopping cart.
2. Where you see “Please Choose Payment Type” select Gift Certificates and enter the promotion code 50JETCETPRINT5.1.
4. Click on the blue "Recalculate" button and proceed to Checkout.

Please write sales@westtek.com with any questions. Thank you.

10-31-2007, 07:10 AM
I actually bought this, and my serial number does not work. Despite 3 emails to support, still no reply. I hate companies like this.

10-31-2007, 08:35 AM
Sorry to hear you've had a poor experience dma 1965. You obviously haven't been corresponding with me! :) Westtek actually prides itself on the quality and timeliness of support we provide customers. Please feel free to reach out to sales@westtek.com or info@westtek.com for assistance if a fast response isn't forthcoming from Support. It's possible they are backlogged or your email was caught by our spam filter.


Shauna Cook

10-31-2007, 04:03 PM
I'm going to give this a try as it looks like a nice solution. One question that I have is if there are any plans to support office 2007 files?

10-31-2007, 04:07 PM
I just requested my copy. I don't know if there are any left.

I did download and install the demo.
Although I installed Jet Cet to my storage card, JetCet took up a big chunk of my internal memory. It seems that the program loaded properly on my storage card, but almost 3Mb of dll's were loaded into internal storage.

I mentioned this to WesTek when I requested by free full copy (if I'm one of the first 50).
I'm hoping there's some type of custom minumum installation.

I don't like to come across as being a flamer on this, but this is just poor programming. I have many programs which put all their installation files in one folder on the storage card with no problem. This is just a combination of laziness and not thinking about the end user. I would fire an engineer for doing this.

10-31-2007, 05:29 PM
I don't like to come across as being a flamer on this, but this is just poor programming. I have many programs which put all their installation files in one folder on the storage card with no problem. This is just a combination of laziness and not thinking about the end user. I would fire an engineer for doing this.

Microsoft for whatever reason chose to remove the search path concept (at least as far as 3rd party applications is concerned) that has been a part of Windows since its inception. You are also no doubt aware of the VM space issues in WM, that sometimes requires combining functionality in DLLs so as not to over burden precious slot 0 VM space. The combination of those things and the fact that printing is a system service and requires system drivers unfortunately dictates that we put some files in \windows. Westtek's engineers (plural, not singular) worked tirelessly for the last 6 months of the project to strike a balance between VM usage, storage usage, performance and effeciency, etc. all while trying to cut down on the possibility that someone could screw up their installation. We can and will do more, but what we have is a good start - and not something that just happened by accident. With all due respect, if you want to point the poor programming finger, point it at the other Redmond company for not dealing with VM and 3rd party installation issues a long time ago.

Did you get your serial number issue addressed?

10-31-2007, 06:16 PM
I don't like to come across as being a flamer on this, but this is just poor programming. I have many programs which put all their installation files in one folder on the storage card with no problem. This is just a combination of laziness and not thinking about the end user. I would fire an engineer for doing this.

Microsoft for whatever reason chose to remove the search path concept (at least as far as 3rd party applications is concerned) that has been a part of Windows since its inception. You are also no doubt aware of the VM space issues in WM, that sometimes requires combining functionality in DLLs so as not to over burden precious slot 0 VM space. The combination of those things and the fact that printing is a system service and requires system drivers unfortunately dictates that we put some files in \windows. Westtek's engineers (plural, not singular) worked tirelessly for the last 6 months of the project to strike a balance between VM usage, storage usage, performance and effeciency, etc. all while trying to cut down on the possibility that someone could screw up their installation. We can and will do more, but what we have is a good start - and not something that just happened by accident. With all due respect, if you want to point the poor programming finger, point it at the other Redmond company for not dealing with VM and 3rd party installation issues a long time ago.

Did you get your serial number issue addressed?

Agreed that Microsoft is partly to blame here. I will not continue to argue the point. I am glad that you are trying to do better.

Despite having now sent a third email (the last one was to both sales and info, as per the previous suggestion), I still have not heard back from Westtek. Perhaps you might look at your spam filter.

11-01-2007, 01:03 AM
I want everyone to know that my serial number issue was resolved. Westtek was very helpful in getting this resolved.