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View Full Version : Imate JAMin suddenly dead. Urgent help needed!!

10-08-2007, 10:07 PM
I was charging my imate JAMin for 10 minutes or so through the electric charger (not PC USB), but then I had to leave my room to get something. i wanted to make a phone call downstaris but then i realised that my imate still has an orange LED light on meaning that its still charging - when it's not -. The battery indicated on the screen showed that it was running through battery power however it was kind of slower when it came to responsiveness to my commands on the screen. anyways, so i put it on sleep mode and went back up to my room 5 minutes later and to find that the screen was slowly blanking out to white and then to light blue. so i switched it off and tried switching it on, but no use... it was dead. won't switch on again. i tried removing the battery, then i tried soft reset. but nothing worked.

help plz!!!!!

the live help representatives don't seem to be very helpful too.

10-09-2007, 07:53 AM
First remove the battery. Wait a few minutes and re-install. Plug it in and leave overnight. See if it turns on.

10-09-2007, 08:28 AM
First remove the battery. Wait a few minutes and re-install. Plug it in and leave overnight. See if it turns on.

Re-install what exactly? I tried taking out the battery and putting it back again but no use.

10-11-2007, 09:09 AM
Honestly, I think its dead. :(
On the off chance that it is a software glitch...
and a pre-WM5...
If you yank the main battery and wait 30 min for the rechargeable backup battery to drain. It will force a hard reset.
Another thing to try is syncing. Maybe while the screen is dead...its not totally lost.
You could if all else fails try seeing if a SD bootloader has any effect.*This may or may not be available as an option.
Also www.pocketpctechs.com does repairs but with just even the $60? evaluation charge...I'm not sure that you'll find it cost effective .

10-11-2007, 12:10 PM
I took out the battery and left it over-night. It works fine now. I synced everything into my laptop and I got my contacts and documents backedup just in case another crash occurs. Thanks again for the help.