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View Full Version : Advice re: type of PDA to use as password manager

09-04-2007, 10:16 PM
I am interested in getting a used PDA to use strictly as a password manager. It would need to have the ability to allow me to install password managing software (password keeper/generator), but, for security purposes, I would never hook it to any network, just keep it with me to look up/generate passwords.

While I've got lots of desktops and laptops, I've not used a PDA since before they were actually called PDA's, so I'm totally clueless as to what might be appropriate for this function.

Any help is very much appreciated.



Nurhisham Hussein
09-05-2007, 10:04 AM
Hi, welcome to PPCT!

Based around that criteria, virtually any Windows Mobile device will do. It would realdepend on what your budget is like, and whether you prefer new or used.

Dale Daniels
09-05-2007, 11:51 PM
I had an iPaq hx2795 which features a fingerprint scanner as added security.

09-06-2007, 03:33 PM
Any PDA will work for you to keep track of passwords etc.

Pop on over to Spb and have a look at their Wallet. This generates passwords for you to what ever level you want from basic and simple to hughly complex.

here is the link:


Good luck.
