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View Full Version : Pocket PC Thoughts as a Community

Jason Dunn
08-20-2007, 12:00 AM
The past few weeks have reminded me how much I value the community here at Pocket PC Thoughts (and indeed, all the Thoughts Media sites). Jon Westfall's post, <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/index.php?topic_id=56160">A Loss in the Extended Family</a>, had me thinking how unfortunate it was that <i>ToFClock</i> never reached out to his community at XDA Developers for help - the 100+ responses there show me he would have received a lot of support, if he had only asked for it. That's sort of what this post is about.<br /><br />I recently finished reading through all of the <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=56269">supportive comments regarding the passing of my grandfather</a>. I was amazed at the number of comments, and the honesty of them touched me. I had posted that on a whim, cloned from my <a href="http://www.jasondunn.com">personal blog </a> posting, more out of a desire to inform people why I might not be responding to their email messages than any desire for sympathy. What I got back instead were some very supportive messages, and many stories about losses that my fellow community members had endured - some recently, some long in the past. All of the messages helped me greatly.<br /><br />In a similar vein, there's a member of the Pocket PC Thoughts community that's in need of our help, today. Rex Winn, better known as <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=21711">code-frog</a> in our forums, has been going through a rough situation with his sick daughter for several years now, but things reached a breaking point for him and his family recently and Rex reached out to me for help. Rex can probably chime in here to explain things better than I can, but in short his daughter <a href="http://www.notreadytogiveup.com/Diagnosis.aspx">has a rare condition</a> that is extremely expensive to treat and despite Rex working 80 hours a week they've reached a financial breaking point where they can't afford to seek out new treatments for their daughter, and the month to month struggles of caring for her are slowly crushing them. There's a great deal of information about Rex, his family, and the struggles they're going through on his site <a href="http://www.notreadytogiveup.com/">Not Ready To Give Up</a>.<br /><br />I've known about Rex's struggle for a couple of years now, and I know this is a legitimate problem and not some Internet scam for money that will vanish tomorrow. I've <a href="http://www.notreadytogiveup.com/">donated some money</a> to Rex and his family, and <b>I'm openly calling on all willing members of Pocket PC Thoughts to do the same</b>. We might not all have equal income levels, but I believe that everyone can help even in some small way. I believe that when a community of people come together with a common purpose, they can accomplish great things. Some of you can afford to donate $500 or more, while some of you can afford to donate $5. The amount doesn't matter - what matters is that a member of this community needs our help, and I believe Pocket PC Thoughts readers will rise to the occasion. <a href="http://www.notreadytogiveup.com/">Make your donation today</a> and let's help a Pocket PC Thoughts community member that needs us.<br /><br /><b>UPDATE:</b> I wanted to add that, in addition to monetary support, perhaps there are other, more creative ways this community can help Rex and his daughter Kaie. Maybe someone read this is part of the medical community and can assist? Or a non-profit agency that might have as its mandate helping families in need like this one? Or, if you're the praying type, do that too.

08-20-2007, 12:48 AM
Hi Everyone,

First off let me start by saying thank you to Jason for this announcement. For my family and I it couldn't have come at a more perfect time and that's very hard to explain. Jason has gone way out on a limb to even do this on behalf of Katie and for that I'm extremely thankful. I know that many of you are going to have comments, questions and suggestions regarding this topic. Let me start by encouraging you to ask any questions you have regarding Katie, her current condition, etc...

There's a lot to this particular topic and I'll offer what answers I can. Unfortunately there are many, many questions that don't have answers. I'm going to hold off on posting too much for now. As questions develop I'll try and articulate responses to many questions to try and conserve space. One question that seems to be common among people who become aware of Katie's situation is, "How is she doing now and in the 5 years she's been alive how have things progressed?"

I'll try and answer this question in more detail in just a bit. Strangely a lighting storm of epic proportions is heading our way (storms like this just don't happen in Idaho) and I'm going to shut down until it blows over. I'll be back soon and hopefully I'll have some curiousity and questions to answer when I return.

Again, a huge and heartfelt thanks to Jason for this and I don't think he could possibly imagine how perfect his timing is on this. So in advance a thank you to the Thoughts Community for this and especially to Jason and the Thoughts Staff for being willing to make this announcement.

- Rex

08-20-2007, 01:46 AM
A donation is headed your way.

Good luck !!!

08-20-2007, 01:47 AM
I never post here but I do read this site a lot. I am also on xda and HoFo and
am pretty active, more so on HoFo then anywhere else.

Anyway, there have been some good people who have helped teach me a lot
about PPC's and I am grateful. When someone has a problem I try to reach out as much as I can. I am a substance abuse therapist and deal with almost every issue that one can deal with on a daily basis and look to give back as much as I can.

Even though I am licensed by the State of New York and went to school for this, I still encourage everyone to try to be there for someone since you never know when you will need that arm extended out for you.

08-20-2007, 02:36 AM
I read the diagnosis and challenges on the website. I have an 8 year old boy and know if something was wrong I would do anything to get him help.

I have sent a donation... Hope and pray it helps some.

Ultimately, I have you on our prayer list at church.... many prayers will be offered up. I know there is power in prayer.

Praise God
God Bless
Paul G

08-20-2007, 06:16 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I can't donate much right now but I have sent an email to a few people that might be able to contribute more than I.

08-20-2007, 09:32 AM
Well, I guess it's time for us to put our money where our mouths are: If we believe in community, then let's prove it.

Code_frog / Rex, What can I say? You struggle and you question yourself, and you beat yourself up over the what-ifs, but I stand in admiration of you and your family and what you are doing. It's been five years of hell and you're still standing. Awesome. Keep going, man; this will pass, eventually.

My contribution to getting you to the light at the end of this tunnel is on its way.

08-20-2007, 11:54 AM
Dear Rex,

Seen from France where we benefit from the comfort of a rather efficient social security system, your story is totally hair rising and your struggle is very impressive (sorry for my poor English that does not allow me to better express my feelings on such a delicate subject). Solidarity must effectively play in such a situation. I wish you and Katie a lot of courage (please check your PayPal account).

Best regards.


08-20-2007, 04:34 PM
Of the many things I do for work writing software and network and server support it's the network and server support that makes me dread Mondays. So I'm very busy right now.

I did want to share a short story though for you guys to be proud of. Jason had been out of town when I first approached him on this and while he was gone my courage had really failed me because I had taken a rousing beating on another site. I'd name the site and most of you would groan inwardly knowing that such a thing would surely happen there. So as it were when Jason got back he said he really wanted to announce this at Pocket PC Thoughts and my reply to him was "Let me think about it. It's very hard to let yourself come under that kind of attack and then to ask for another dose of it." (I'm paraphrasing here.) and his reply is what stuck in me like a fork, "I can respect that. But you should know the Thoughts Community is very different and I think you'd find a much different experience there." and ultimately it was that statement that rekindled some hope in me and gave me the courage to tell him to make a run with it.

Now I can honestly say I'm very glad he did. You guys have shown you are "Best of Breed" for online communities and have been very supportive both publicly (here on this thread) and private from email and such. If anyone does wish to email me simply use r#e#x#@#c#o#d#e#-#f#r#o#g#.#c#o#m (remove the #'s of course).

Anyway, again a big thanks to Jason for trusting and knowing his community so well and a big thanks to the community for coming out in your finest to show support. I cannot resist saying that you guys have helped to lift a mountain from the shoulders of my wife and I and you just have to trust that statement because the last 2 days have been very hard.

- Rex

08-20-2007, 04:47 PM
You have my thoughts and a contribution, my youngest daughter was very ill but at least we did not have your money worries.

Dale Daniels
08-20-2007, 05:08 PM

The Shriner's Childrens' Hospital in St. Louis has been great in helping out with our daughter. Have you been able to contact any of these hospitals for support? Anyway, we are going to scrape together what we can to send to you.

I'm not sure if it would be allowable here, but on another forum we once had an auction to help out a member. People donated items of interest (it was a collector's site) and they were auctioned with all proceedes going to the gentleman in need of help. I have some PPC items of interest that might fetch a fair price.

Jason Dunn
08-20-2007, 05:17 PM
I'm not sure if it would be allowable here, but on another forum we once had an auction to help out a member.

That's an interesting idea! I'm 100% tapped right now for time/resources, but it someone wanted to take this idea and run with it, I'd certainly throw my support behind it and promote the auction in every way I could.

08-20-2007, 05:23 PM
I have known Rex for the last 3+ years and worked for him for a year and a half helping him primarily with his networking clients. I must tell you all that he is the hardest working and most dedicated person I have seen when it comes to family and profession.

I learned a tremendous amount while working with him and the 'real world' work experience I gained was invaluable. Despite all that he and his family have gone through, he has always found time to reply to a phone call or email asking for advice and has been a great source of information to me after I started my own small support business. They are great people and I am happy to be called their friend.

I second what Rex said about the Thoughts Community being the "Best of Breed" for online communities. I have learned many things by visiting the site and forums over the years and my hats go off to all of you for your support of Rex and his family!

08-20-2007, 07:30 PM
Even before I was a registered member on PPCT, I could see the great community aspect in the Thoughts Media editors and site members. Four years later, while I'm not as active on the forums, the same community spirit is even more evident.

Rex, I hope my donation can help. Best of luck to you and your daughter.

08-21-2007, 03:18 AM

Don't lose faith. Good friends and good people come through when they are called upon. My office runs an incredible fund raiser every year for a local not for profit - they raise about $15,000 annually between just 20 people with average salaries of about $30k. Several have had very personal experiences with the charity, and their testimony brings almost everyone to tears (even though they are the same stories every year). Even a small group of people with limited resources can make a huge difference.

The charity getting all of their support is the local United Way office. Every United Way office is different, but my experience with several regions is that they are staffed by very caring individuals that have practically unlimited information for referrals (medical assistance, counseling, etc.). It sounds like you are at a point where you may need many different forms of assistance, so I would wholeheartedly encourage you to call even if you do not know exactly what you are looking for. I know they were a huge help to my wife and me when we found out that she was in for a very tough and risky pregnancy. I had no idea what they might do or offer us, but they were able to refer us to some great support groups that knew much more about the problems than trained physicians.

I'm very happy that you've decided to reach out for help. Sometimes all it takes is asking. Your family is in our prayers.

08-22-2007, 04:27 AM

Last year I was diagnosed with lymphoma and spent only six months dealing with its physical, mental, emotional and financial tolls. Still, I can't imagine what it would be like to have a small child of mine go though that trauma.

I am extremely fortunate that this year is far different for me: I'm currently in remission and in less than a month, I'm getting married to the woman that stood by me through all my treatments and stress.

While I obviously have new financial obligations these days, there's always a little something to help those that need it more than I.

I certainly hope that the small contribution made will not only help with the expenses you are incurring, but perhaps may act as a "good luck charm" and that you and your family will be able to claim a similar turn-around.

In any case, I wish you the best and hope to hear how things progress for you and especially for Katie.

08-22-2007, 05:47 AM
I don't want to embarrass myself but the story is worth telling. Jason agreed to post the article here a few weeks ago and at the time I was really unsure of going for it. The next day my wife says, "Our expenses this month are $X000 farther ahead than we are. So I hope you like peanut butter and jelly. Our accounts are overdrafted so we cannot use them. We had no food and we haven't been able to shop for 2+ weeks.

I gotta tell you guys. We went grocery shopping and we have food. We have a PayPal Mastercard and that let's us use it like a check card. I wish I wasn't saying this at all because it's pathetic. But you guys saved us in a huge way.

You are awesome. We had no other options and thanks to you guys we had a way out.

I feel very small right now but I still wanted to share and say thank you.

Dale Daniels
08-22-2007, 10:57 PM
I wish I wasn't saying this at all because it's pathetic. But you guys saved us in a huge way.

I feel very small right now but I still wanted to share and say thank you.

In a world where parents abandon their children, run away from responsibility, blame others and show a general lack of moral responsibility toward those they are responsible for caring for, I can certainly say there is NOTHING pathetic about you taking care of your family. Sure, there is nothing wrong with humility...it does help us understand that some things are bigger than us, but I certainly would never say that someone in this situation was less of a person just because they needed help. Bless you for trying so hard.

Now - Let's talk about the things that ARE pathetic. Fathers who fail to take care of their families, mothers who never know where their children are, parents who feed their dog better than their kids, sicko parents that think hitting children with closed fists is acceptable and a whole host of others who do not deserve to have someone as special as a child in their life.

The initial post shows us a man who has put in double hours to take care of his family. A father willing to go hungry to take care of his children. A person who is thought highly of by friends. And it shows us someone who is not so worried about pride as to make his ill child pay for it. Brother, you are a true hero in my book.

Come on folks, lets show him how well we take care of our own!

Dale Daniels
08-22-2007, 11:05 PM
BTW-Money is on the way (Paypal) and my wife and I will send more on payday (this Friday). As always, pay it forward! You will be there for someone when they need it most someday, and I know you will always do the right thing.

Jason Dunn
08-23-2007, 11:37 PM
In a world where parents abandon their children, run away from responsibility, blame others and show a general lack of moral responsibility toward those they are responsible for caring for, I can certainly say there is NOTHING pathetic about you taking care of your family.

Here here! One of the reasons I wanted to help Rex so much was because of how much I admired his willingness to stick by his family through even the hardest times. It's easy to be a "good family man" when things are going great - it's when things go badly that you really see where your priorities are.

There's nothing weak about asking for help Rex. True weakness is not having the strength to humble yourself and do what's needed for your family. Remember that.

08-24-2007, 12:00 AM
True weakness is not having the strength to humble yourself and do what's needed for your family. Remember that.

Too true. I'm afraid I'm about 5 years late to the party though... :|

Jason Dunn
08-24-2007, 10:08 PM
Too true. I'm afraid I'm about 5 years late to the party though... :|

Better late than never! :D

08-27-2007, 04:10 AM
I'm not sure if it would be allowable here, but on another forum we once had an auction to help out a member. People donated items of interest (it was a collector's site) and they were auctioned with all proceedes going to the gentleman in need of help. I have some PPC items of interest that might fetch a fair price.

So how do we organize this to get it started? Who else might be interested in doing this? I've been horribly sick with a stomach virus since last Sunday and am just now coming around to even wanting to look at an LCD. UGH!!! I'd be interested in trying to get something like this going.

- Rex

Dale Daniels
08-28-2007, 04:01 AM
On the other forum we had several people donate items and once a week we would auction off one of them. Basically, we would just pm the person conducting the auction with our bid and they would announce the winner of the auction at the end of the week. If we were talking about full on mobile devices we could do one large auction a week. If it is smaller items such as accessories it could be a one or two day auction. The person who auctioned off the item sent the money directly to the person in need.

The second auction we ran we did a bit different. Everyone sent auction items to one person who ran the weekly auction. At the end he sent the funds to the beneficiary.

I am sure many of us tech-junkies have devices and accessories sitting around that we do not know what to do with. If you do have some items you would like to donate, sound off and let's see if we can assess what we might have going.

I have some iPaq items available like a bluetooth keyboard and iBiz radio receiver. I can dig around and see what else I have.

08-28-2007, 04:18 AM
I have some software development tools like:

1) Full License to Iron Speed Designer Enterprise Edition ($1995 Value)
1) Full License to JSCAPE Secure FTP Server ($2999 Value)
1) Full License to JSCAPE Secure iNet Factor - Java Library ($995 Value) It's totally awesome for Java Network Development.
1) Full License to JetBrains ReSharper 3.0 Professional ($299 Value)

I would auction those if people were interested but on a PocketPC site I'm not sure how many developers there are... I might be only one of a dozen or 100's I just don't know.

I don't have any PocketPC stuff of value :( though.