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View Full Version : Ultrasoft Money for Windows Mobile

Ed Hansberry
08-11-2007, 06:00 PM
<a href="http://www.ultrasoft.com/Money/WindowsMobile/">http://www.ultrasoft.com/Money/WindowsMobile/</a><br /><br />As most of you with Microsoft Money knows, MS has effectively <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/hansberry/2007/msmoneymobile.pdf">abandoned the mobile device market</a> when it comes to syncing your financial data. Ultrasoft is a company that Microsoft has worked with for years when it comes to MS Money. They provide the MoneyLink addin for Microsoft Excel allowing you to import any or all of your data into Excel for more analysis. Now, they are working on an app for Windows Mobile devices, both Pocket PC and Smartphone variants.<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/hansberry/2007/20070811-ultrasoftmoney.gif" /><br /><br />It works with Windows Mobile 2003SE and Windows Mobile 5. WM6 support has not yet been announced. It works with Microsoft Money 2002-2007 as well as the new Money Plus program, which I think is just Money 2008 with a new name, probably to get them out of the hassle of upgrading that program every year with minor changes. ;)<br /><br />Ultrasoft has a download available that is a trial. Pricing and final delivery dates have not yet been announced. Note that the file is a pretty big download. This is because it contains the installers for different versions of MS Money and Windows Mobile, dynamically installing the right client. If you upgrade devices or MS Money, you'll need to rerun the installer to get the right version on your handheld.

Darren Behan
08-13-2007, 02:53 PM
I, for one, am thrilled to see another player in this space. While generally good products the competition is:

Cash Organizer: Program slags your Money file if you have your device attached to the PC and try to open Money. Issue outstanding for nearly a year.

SPB Finance: Doesn't work with Vista, also outstanding for the better part a year.

If Ultrasoft can get even simple entry and sync functionality going with Vista &amp; WM6, they've got my money - no pun intended.
