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View Full Version : Will X50 & 51Vs sync on same machine?

08-04-2007, 12:40 PM
I've just bought myself an X51v and thought I'd give my wife the old 50v.

I'm using AS 3.8 with my X50v and have been reading all these posts of people running screaming back to it after trying to run AS 4.x. I'm also seeing posts which state that the 51v won't run without going up. So now I'm wondering if I'll be able to get the two devices to play nicely?

Anyone got any clues about should I/shouldn't I install the upgrade and what I might need to do to get things smooth? :?

Sven Johannsen
08-04-2007, 02:06 PM
You will need to move to AS 4.something to support the X51, a WM5 device. I sync'd my X50, and numerous WM5 devices on AS 4.2. (Using Vista and WMDC now). Some folks have issues, some don't. You hear more from those that do.

For the most part you won't loose anything when syncing the X50, because AS 4.x reverts to 3.8 mode when you connect it. You do loose a bit of capability on the X51 with AS 4.2. A number of the filter options are gone for contacts and calendar, Backup/Restore is gone. You do loose WiFi sync on both devices. It is just gone altogether.

If you both use the same profile in Outlook you shouldn't have any issues. If you don't, just make sure you are in the right profile when you go to sync a device. They don't know any better and will sync with whatever is up.

08-04-2007, 11:00 PM
Thankyou, Sven. Off to install now.

Coincidentally, my 3.8 installation has gone weird today! (probably due to having looked at trying to get Yahoo! calendars sync'ed)

It's not actually synchronising, though it says it is. I can install & remove software, transfer files etc, but appointments, contacts and Pocket Quicken data are not doing anything. AS says they are, the log says they have but neither programme is getting any new data.

Guess this is the perfect time to try the upgrade.

Sometimes the world just gives you these little nudges...

08-06-2007, 01:05 PM
I've done the install, but it hasn't helped.

Also, I've just installed a copy of PI5 on my WM5 DellAxim x51v. It seems to be running, but, although data is on the handheld, none of it is showing in PI.

I cannot get the options screen to come up. When I click on the tab the bottom 2/3 of the screen flash up then vanish.

Strangest of all, the programme is not showing up in the Axim's 'Switcher' programme so won't shut down properly.

Any help greatly appreciated. :frusty:

08-07-2007, 06:53 PM
THings are now much worse than they were. This is complicated, but I hope someone can help...

Since the original post I have upgraded to AS 4.5, installed it and downloaded the latest ROM update for the 51. I had hoped that the new version of AS would solve the sync problem, but it hasn't. The 50v is still suffering the same troubles. The 51v has a load of its own!

It won't sync through my copy of Zonealarm free edition. (The 50 still does, oddly enough). I tried following the fix for it, but it refers to using settings not available in the free edition. With the firewall off it does seem to be sync'ing, but it's doing really odd things with some of my programmes.

Pocket Informant will not show any data, even though the appointments are on the machine. It also refuses to run Options, with the screeen beginning to show then vanishing.

SPB's Powerlevel either vanishes completely or is unable to run several features the 50v can run. Like BT & IR business card sending. I think these are down to WM5 just being designed for phone edition machines, really and a lot of useful PDA-type stuff is gone; especially the 'New' button. So, I don't think I need any help with that.

Neither machine allows me access to the partnerships options in AS, neither the 'Mobile Device' one or the 'Delete partnership one any more. I got access to both via the 51 one time only.

If anyone can advise me on how to get the sync working right with these machines I'd be eternally grateful.

Oh yeah! As if that wasn't enough, Firefox seems to be incompatible with the updater utility for flashing the ROM. Since it won't offer a choice to 'run from this location' as required. I need to figure out how to get the programme to run the updater without choosing Firefox to view its HTML.

If I had any hair I'd be tearing it out!

08-14-2007, 07:06 PM
I am not sure if you've tried this or now. But on the Axim from the menu go to: Settings -> Connections -> USB to PC -> Uncheck the "Enable advanced network functionality"

Windows Mobile 5 devices appear as a "network connection" when trying to sync. Un-checking this selection will revert to the "older" method of USB sync'ing.

This might be why Zone Alarm is causing you some grief.

08-15-2007, 03:30 PM
Thanks Peter, trying that now. For some reason the PC re-installed it as a new machine, but it does appear to be working.

My version of Pocket Quicken, I have just discovered, is not compatible with WM5 so that explains that and why Powerlevel kept crashing. It always failed due to Pocket Quicken. Ah! Mysterious software conflicts, don't ya just love 'em? Now, if I can just get Pocket Informant talking to the PC all will be well.

Especially as, for no reason that I can figure out, the X50 is again working perfectly...

08-15-2007, 04:31 PM
If you're having problems with device names you might want to check a similar directory on your computer, mine is (because my logon name at home is "Peter"):

C:\Documents and Settings\Peter\Application Data\Microsoft\ActiveSync\Profiles

If you've had some problems with device profiles and want to delete a profile and start a new partnership, I've noticed that I've had bad profiles in that directory that I had to manually delete.

Also, if you can't find a solution for Pocket Quicken on WM5 you could have a look at SPB Finance (although it does cost $24.95 US):


I've not used it myself, but I know someone who has and they said it was well worth the money.