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View Full Version : The market POLL of MMO-TRADE

07-05-2007, 10:50 AM
The market POLL of MMO-TRADE
2007 Gamers’ Poll Starts, Enter to Win Dual Core Gamer PC & Logitech K/M!

http://www.swagvault.com/images//banners/468x60_scions.gif (http://www.swagvault.com/event/poll-event/)

Dear Customers,
As one of the leading internet gaming service provider in the world, SwagVault is always customer-oriented, attentive and responsive to our customers’ gaming needs. Since the culture, language, and business practices vary greatly from country to country, so to get a better understanding on what service our European gamers most want, further enhance our service quality & broaden our products range, we launch this poll event. Your active participation and any kind of suggestion & feedback for us would be highly appreciated. We also want to take this opportunity to extend our thankfulness to your long-term support to us by awarding more than 1,500 Euros of prizes to the participants, including Gaming Dual Core x2 PC Gamers Computer,, Logitech G15 Keyboard, Logitech G5 Mouse. The poll will last from June 8, 2007 to July 23, 2007. So what are you waiting for, enter to grab the most professional gaming gears!
For more details, please click the following links:

English: http://www.swagvault.com/event/poll-event/

Good luck with the event!

The Swagvault Team