Jason Dunn
05-29-2007, 11:25 PM
Over the past seven years here at Pocket PC Thoughts, we've had all sorts of contests. One contest I don't think we've ever had is a "cutest ever" contest. This contest is inspired by this photo that <a href="http://www.ppcsg.com/">Shane Chiang from PPCSG</a> shared with the Mobius email list - this is his daughter, Shannon. Isn't she adorable?<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/small-shannon-jasjar-may29.jpg" /><br />[<a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/large-shannon-jasjar-may29.JPG">click here for the high-resolution version</a>]<br /><br />Shane says <i>"...could not resist taking a picture when my daughter grab[ed] [my] Universal and “seem[ed]” to be typing away...start them early I say...anyways after taking the picture, [I] notice[d] a faint sound of someone saying hello. She made a call to someone, thanks to WM and typing any letters on the screen brings up a contact! Made easy even for a child...now to teach her to type “dad”..."</i><br /><br />So here's the contest: I want to see the <i>cutest</i> photos you can manage to capture that incorporate a Windows Mobile device of some sort. It's pretty hard to not have a cute picture when a child or animal is involved, so the above image should give you an idea of what I'm looking for. In order to qualify I need to see the device (and be able to identify it, though I don't need to see a logo or anything like that), so don't send me a picture of your cat and tell me that he's sitting on your Pocket PC. That 'aint gonna' fly. ;-) Photo quality is also important, so try to have it well-lit and, let's face it, taking a picture with your Windows Mobile device probably won't turn out too well.<br /><br />Once you've selected your best photo, just email ([email protected]?subject=Windows Mobile Cute Photo Contest) it to me. I'll collect them all, pick the top three cutest photos by <b>noon mountain time on Friday the 8th of June</b>, and put it to a community vote over the next week. The winner will receive a <b>$75 gift certificate from Amazon.com, a Pocket PC Thoughts or Smartphone Thoughts micro light</b> and <b>another goodie I haven't thought of yet</b>.<br /><br />Go get started on taking the cutest Windows Mobile photos ever! :D<br /><br /><b>UPDATE:</b> To clarify, one photo allowed per person. Send me your best single photo...