Jason Dunn
05-17-2007, 07:23 PM
For the past year or so, we've been working hard on creating a new back-end system for Thoughts Media sites - you can see the results of that over at <a href="http://www.zunethoughts.com">Zune Thoughts</a> where we have a new forum system that you can see (vBulletin) and a new content management system (that you can't see). Economic pressures force all commercial Web site owners to re-adjust their templates over time to accommodate new ad sizes, and we're no different here: you'll notice there are new ad sizes on Zune Thoughts, but that the content section is also bigger and wider. <br /><br />Pocket PC Thoughts will eventually adopt a version of that template, but until that happens, I have a serious problem: most advertisers don't want to buy 120 x 600 pixel banners (that's the one you'd normally see on the left side), everyone is buying 160 x 600 pixel banners. So we've done a slight alternation to our template: we've removed the 125 x 125 button banner and expanded the other banner. Did I like having to do this? No. Do I have a choice? No, not really - bills have to get paid, so I'd ask for your support in this (and a big thanks to those companies that do advertise with us). Back to Pocket PC news now...