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View Full Version : Treo 750v performance

05-15-2007, 01:53 PM
Hi, thinking of getting the Treo 750v, how's the performance since it uses Samsung 300MHz processor as compare to others that use 400MHz and above?

What about application software and games? Unlike other pocket pc devices that have 240x320 resolution, it has a square 240x240 resolution.

09-28-2007, 10:10 PM
wow, this is a old post but I can give you a answer since I have had both a 400mhz samsung, 195mhz Ti, 400mhz intel, and now the 300mhz Samsung.

Out of all of them the 400mhz Intel is the fastest as far as PDA functioning goes.
I was using the 400mhz Samsung at&t branded 8525 and the Treo 750 using the 300mhz Samsung feels faster.
Programs respond faster, and very little delay.

The 195mhz Ti was not that bad but the battery life is amazing on the 8125.