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05-05-2007, 11:38 PM
Hi. I own a Dell AXIM X3 BASIC Pocket PC. I just bought a generic SD Wifi Card, properly installed the DRIVERS for it, then, inserted the WiFi Card, and Voila, I can surf the internet on the POCKET PC. However...ONLY WHILE THE PDA IS CONNECTED TO MY DESKTOP PC AND MS ACTIVESYNC RUNNING! Sigh.

The second I disconnect the Cable (USB to PC & connector to AXIM) and the MS ACTIVESYNC is disconnected--in other words, I am now Wireless, I CAN NOT ANY LONGER SURF--PERIOD! I can see the Wireless Networks whereever I travel with the unit, and the unit shows it CONNECTING AND THEN, CONNECTED! Still, I then click MS Pocket Internet Explorer to surf, and NADA. It just says the site cannot be found or something like that.

When I'm mobile on the road, my card finds ALL the usual NETWORKS I find and use on my laptop, it even connects automatically (shows such anyway) but I invariably receive either the message "cannot connect to the internet" or "cannot locate website" OR on occasion after I fiddle with the settings, cannot find ip information or something like that. Bottom line is that the wifi card works ONLY WHILE CONNECTED TO DESKTOP PC with ACTIVESYNC. Why? My laptop has a wifi card inside, and I simply connect to UNSECURED NETWORKS and voila, I click IE and I am off and running. I expected I could do same with this now that I have the WiFi card.

As to the version of Pocket PC Windows I'm using, it says "Microsoft Pocket PC, Version 4.20.1081 (Build 13100) 1996-2003" 400 Mhz Processor "Intel PXA263", 64 megs memory. I don't know what this means as to version, but I thought it was Mobile Windows 2003 or 5.0? Please correct me if i'm wrong, but I believe it's Windows Mobile 5.0.

What am I missing? Please someone help me! Otherwise, I am stuck with a perfectly good NEW AXIM X3 with which I can Surf the internet ONLY WITH WIRES CONNECTING DESKTOP TO AXIM. Sigh. I so looked forward to surfing with my pda. Could someone please, kindly indulge this NEWBIE to Pocket PCs and take me through the process of setting this wireless up so I can use it on the road, for example, or at hotspots, much the way one uses one's Laptop wifi? I would be eternally grateful. I know I CAN surf with this unit wirelessly but I MUST be missing something. I do not know what, and you people are my last hope. Thank You Very Much in advance. Here's hoping! P.S. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you prefer. :cry:

05-07-2007, 02:34 AM
Hi. I own a Dell AXIM X3 BASIC Pocket PC. I just bought a generic SD Wifi Card, properly installed the DRIVERS for it, then, inserted the WiFi Card, and Voila, I can surf the internet on the POCKET PC. However...ONLY WHILE THE PDA IS CONNECTED TO MY DESKTOP PC AND MS ACTIVESYNC RUNNING! Sigh.

The second I disconnect the Cable (USB to PC & connector to AXIM) and the MS ACTIVESYNC is disconnected--in other words, I am now Wireless, I CAN NOT ANY LONGER SURF--PERIOD! I can see the Wireless Networks whereever I travel with the unit, and the unit shows it CONNECTING AND THEN, CONNECTED! Still, I then click MS Pocket Internet Explorer to surf, and NADA. It just says the site cannot be found or something like that.

When I'm mobile on the road, my card finds ALL the usual NETWORKS I find and use on my laptop, it even connects automatically (shows such anyway) but I invariably receive either the message "cannot connect to the internet" or "cannot locate website" OR on occasion after I fiddle with the settings, cannot find ip information or something like that. Bottom line is that the wifi card works ONLY WHILE CONNECTED TO DESKTOP PC with ACTIVESYNC. Why? My laptop has a wifi card inside, and I simply connect to UNSECURED NETWORKS and voila, I click IE and I am off and running. I expected I could do same with this now that I have the WiFi card.

As to the version of Pocket PC Windows I'm using, it says "Microsoft Pocket PC, Version 4.20.1081 (Build 13100) 1996-2003" 400 Mhz Processor "Intel PXA263", 64 megs memory. I don't know what this means as to version, but I thought it was Mobile Windows 2003 or 5.0? Please correct me if i'm wrong, but I believe it's Windows Mobile 5.0.

What am I missing? Please someone help me! Otherwise, I am stuck with a perfectly good NEW AXIM X3 with which I can Surf the internet ONLY WITH WIRES CONNECTING DESKTOP TO AXIM. Sigh. I so looked forward to surfing with my pda. Could someone please, kindly indulge this NEWBIE to Pocket PCs and take me through the process of setting this wireless up so I can use it on the road, for example, or at hotspots, much the way one uses one's Laptop wifi? I would be eternally grateful. I know I CAN surf with this unit wirelessly but I MUST be missing something. I do not know what, and you people are my last hope. Thank You Very Much in advance. Here's hoping! P.S. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you prefer. :cry:

When connected to Activesync, you are surfing through your PC's internet connection and not through your Wi-Fi...
This guide will correct your settings.

After which when your Pocket PC says connected, you'll be good to go.

Also some forum etiquette pointers:
Thou shalt use bold and FULLCAPS sparingly. They are the written equivalent of shouting.
Thou shalt not clutter up sub-forums with multiple posts on the same subject. That is just plain annoying.
[email protected] is an easy way to get spammed to death.

05-07-2007, 05:43 AM
Hi. Thanks for the info. I went to that site. Though I do not have the Connection Manager, I do have the "Network Managment," which I assume (?) is the same thing. Or...is there another set of instructions for this version? Most of the things pictured are identical, though not exactly in exact same order but findable, were there, and I did configure as pictured to the point of soft reset.

Then, I pulled out Wifi Card, put it back in, started the machine up, and it did nothing but flash the lights as usual on the wifi card, and when I went to settings and tapped connections, then Wireless Ethernet, I see a list of wireless networks, including my own PC's. It said connected though i did not press connect, but when I clicked on Internet Explorer on my Axim, it goes to go to http://www.google.ca, which is my homepage, but it says "the page you are looking for cannot be found." Sigh.

My Desktop PC's wireless network name is, Raymond, so, "Raymond" shows up on my Axim as "connected." When i click on "Raymond," it goes to "Configure Wireless Network" titled at top with below listed as:

"Network name [Raymond] "

"If this network connects to work via a VPN, select The Internet."

"Connects to: [The Internet]"

and a box below this which is UNCHECKED.

Under Configure Network Authentication, the boxes checked below it are as follows: Data encryption (WEP Enabled) CHECKED
Network Authentication (Shared mode) UN-CHECKED
The Key is provided for me automatically CHECKED
Network Key: [*************]
Key index: [1 ]
Enable network access using IEEE 802.1X CHECKED
EAP type: [TLS ]

That is exactly what is shown on my Pocket PC X3 BASIC.

I am so frustrated. Any other ideas? Or will this work outside tomorrow like my laptop does with "Unsecured Networks" found to which I simply connect with the laptop? I did not enter a key or WEP on my Pocket pc by the way. Would that make a difference? The asterisks were already there after I did the soft reset. Sorry for the bold, the Capitols, but I am new at this forum stuff. As you see by this post, I heeded your suggestions. Any help would be oh so greatly appreciated. Thanks again for taking the time, Cy.

05-07-2007, 06:57 AM
Under Configure Network Authentication, the boxes checked below it are as follows: Data encryption (WEP Enabled) CHECKED
Network Authentication (Shared mode) UN-CHECKED
The Key is provided for me automatically CHECKED
Network Key: [*************]
Key index: [1 ]
Enable network access using IEEE 802.1X CHECKED
EAP type: [TLS ]

That is exactly what is shown on my Pocket PC X3 BASIC.

Don't worry. Once you get the hang of it... it'll seem easy. :lol:
Since a Pocket PC is smaller in memory, a lot of the niceties found in a laptop such as automated connection configuration are left out.

The connection manager is used to switch between different types of connections. Since you are only using one...Now that you've set it...it is done.

Now did you you enable encryption on your home network? What type is it?

Where it says "Data encryption (WEP Enabled)" in the drop down menu select disabled for unsecure hotspots
log into your router and get the encryption settings so that we can configure your PPC to match.

Nurhisham Hussein
05-07-2007, 09:05 AM
Also some forum etiquette pointers:
Thou shalt use bold and FULLCAPS sparingly. They are the written equivalent of shouting.
Thou shalt not clutter up sub-forums with multiple posts on the same subject. That is just plain annoying.
[email protected] is an easy way to get spammed to death.

Good pointers, all.

Coppa, I've deleted the multiple posts, and please don't do that again. The sub-forums are mainly used as a convenient way for visitors to search through the forum for particular topics or questions. For posting, just select one likely sub-forum and post your topic there. If anybody has answers for you, chances are you'll get your answer. Multiple identical posts are just a good way to get yourself banned.

05-08-2007, 12:59 AM
Sorry I posted the below or following post twice in error (one WAS here), and I haven't a clue how it posted twice as I tried to preview, did, and then, after editing it, I submitted and two times. Sigh. Sorry for the trouble. I would delete this myself, but I do not see this option here.

05-08-2007, 01:09 AM
Hi again, Cybrid. First, thank you again for your patience and helpfulness. Where it says "Data Encyption (WEP Enabled)" the box is checked, but there is no drop down box or menu on my pocket pc? There is also no such wording for diable or anything to do with unsecured hotspots on my pocket pc. So, I'm a bit lost, but while this ENABLED box is checked by default, I always UNCHECK it when I cannot surf to see if that resolves the problem. Perhaps, you are speaking of my home desktop pc settings when you speak of the drop down box, etc. If you are, I shall have to check on that. As to my home pc, I have to admit that while I am able to surf wirelessly in home with my Laptop via the router in home, the original wired pc on which I set up my router is on the bink. Still, the other desktop pc continues to work fine wirelessly, but I have to admit I neglected to write down the wep password/key etc. Hence, I guess I shall have to wait until I get the original desktop back from the shop and hook it up to the router so that I can go in and extract the encryption settings to configure my PPC to match. However, I assume that in this regard, you are speaking in terms of getting the PPC to work wirelessly within my home via my home desktop only as opposed to getting it to work outside in hotspots, etc? Both are, of course, important to me.

It's funny but this PPC sees ALL the secure and unsecured Networks in my area. So, it would seem it works in this way, but something still preculdes me from surfing even though it says it is "connected." It invariably comes back with the messages I posted above or today, it started finding networks and asking if I wanted to connect X NETWORK to WORK or INTERNET, to which I checked on PPC "INTERNET" and later, "WORK" both of which failed when IE came back saying it "Pocket PC Networking: Unable to obtain a server assigned IP address. Try again later or enter an IP address in Network Settings."

Could it be that this whole problem emanates from my not entering the encryption key for my router in home into my PPC or would that affect only my surfing at home rather than out on the road? Dell was typically unhelpful as their technical support said I must contact the person in California from whom I bought this PPC NEW on E-Bay in box/never used and convince the elderly lady to contact them and convert the owner info to my name blah blah blah. Sigh. She got this thing as a gift a couple of years ago, found it intimidating, never used it, and sold it to me.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks for patience again, Cybrid.

P.S. Nurhisham: With the greatest of respect, I am an adult. You need not rub salt in the wound. I not only promptly heeded Cybrid's pointers to the letter--all of them--but I publically acknowledged my error. As to the multiple posts, I meant no harm. I am new at this stuff, and I honestly did not know which topic spot was most appropriate. It was an honest error, corrected and acknowledged. So, repeating the censure and speaking of banning in the same breath clearly in this circumstance would seem a bit of "overkill" and needless albeit your prerogative. I value this wonderful site and the fine people who manage it and contribute to newbies like myself. I would not like to be banned, but if this is all it takes, well, you're the boss.

Once again, Thank You, Cybrid Very Much for your efforts!

Nurhisham Hussein
05-08-2007, 07:40 AM
P.S. Nurhisham...

I do apologize if I came across overharsh - we do get newbies who do go overboard, and need to be led by the hand so to speak. I honestly wasn't trying to 'rub it in'. In my defence, we had another newbie yesterday who posted a link to cracked software, so the attitude might have carried over when I posted in this thread. That's my mistake, so don't hold it against this site for the 'frigid' welcome. And you are welcome here!

Could it be that this whole problem emanates from my not entering the encryption key for my router in home into my PPC or would that affect only my surfing at home rather than out on the road?

You'll only need an encryption key when you are trying to access a secured network (i.e. as in your home). I'd suggest actually trying it out on a public unsecured network, and see if wifi works there(say, your local Starbucks). If that's the case, then you've narrowed it down to the encryption being the problem.

Is there any chance you can hook up your laptop/other desktop directly to your home router? Any particular reason why you need the original PC to access it? As long as you have the user name and password (this is not the same as the encryption key), you should be able to gain access to the router from any PC/Laptop.

05-08-2007, 02:02 PM
Hi, Nurhisham. First, Thank You for the opening words in your reply.

That is a very good idea, Nurhisham. I hadn't thought of using my laptop, and you're quite right that there is no reason I must hook up my original PC to my router other than the fact that I installed the Router (Linksys) software on the orignial Desktop. However, I can install that software onto my laptop, of course. Great idea! I can then try to re-discover the encryption key I used and this time, record it. I will post once I have done that. I am off to Kosovo and then Vienna, Austria on business this week, but on the weekend I shall do that.

As to Starbucks, that is a good idea, but I have tried that at a similar unsecured hotspot, had the network detected, but I was unable to log in. This is such a bummer as I know this X3 IS WiFi capable with a compatible SD card, which this is. The networks are ALL detected, so, I have yet to discover what it is that is keeping me from surfing wirelessly anywhere.

I shall keep trying, and anyone who reads this series of posts and can offer suggestions, it will be most appreciated as I have not resolved this as yet. Once again, thank you very much for your attempts to help to date!