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View Full Version : Windows Mobile Basecamp Integration Coming Soon

Jason Dunn
04-10-2007, 04:30 AM
If you're a fan of using <a href="http://www.basecamphq.com/">Basecamp</a> to manage projects, this offer just might interest you so I thought I'd pass it along:<br /><br /><i>"...we're nearing the release of a Windows Mobile solution that integrates with the wildly popular online project management service Basecamp (<a href="www.basecamphq.com">www.basecamphq.com</a>), and that allows users to access their Project information on the go. Currently, we are seeking a handful of qualified beta testers. This is a limited time, must-pass-muster opportunity-but for the right folks, you'll get to enjoy early access to a 'very cool tool', bragging rights with your Basecamp buddies, and the ability to use the product without cost for a while after we release. If you've been using Basecamp for a while now, have at least a couple projects active at any one time, and work other colleagues or clients on your projects, E-mail me at [email protected], and include a summary about how you currently use Basecamp and your Windows Mobile 5 mobile device today and we'll take it from there."</i><br /><br /><b>UPDATE:</b> There's now <a href="http://www.carrytheday.com/">a Web site</a> with further information you can check out.

04-10-2007, 05:13 AM
I actually created a Basecamp account years ago, but haven't done anything with it. The biggest thing that turned me off was the lack of Windows Mobile integration. And I have no need for any kind of a project management app now.