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View Full Version : Method/programs for converting/viewing Tivo'd programs to PocketPC ?

04-05-2007, 05:47 PM
Okay, I'm ambitious a bit:

I want to take TV shows that I have recorded on my Series 2 Tivo DVR;
Move them to my Dell Inspiron laptop via Tivo to Go;
Convert them (if necessary) to the proper format;
Copy them to my storage card on my iPaq 2190 Pocket PC;
Watch them on the Pocket PC.

(I commute alot back/forth on a daily basis via mass transit).

1. I was thinking of PocketTV; any other programs that you would recommend?

2. Any problems on file format of the TV file? MPEG, or WMV, or ???


Jim the Anatomy Man

Sven Johannsen
04-05-2007, 09:50 PM
Don't have TIVO or TIVO-To-Go, but have a question. Can you watch the recorded TV, once on your PC with Windows Media Player? If so, than you can sync the shows to the PPC using Media Player, and it will automatically transcode (format, screen size, etc.) suitable for Pocket Media player as it syncs. May not be the quickest method, but uses what you already have, and is pretty painless.

Nurhisham Hussein
04-10-2007, 04:55 AM
1. I was thinking of PocketTV; any other programs that you would recommend?

TCPMP - it plays most of the formats out there.

05-04-2007, 06:02 PM
Thanks to both of you for helping me out.

I've tried using the PC's Windows Media Player - originally version 10, then 11 - and that works for converting and synchronizing the file onto my pocket pc. The only objection is how looooooonnnnng the conversion/sync takes (2.25 hours to do a 1.5 hour program). This may be a function more of the 3 year old laptop's hardware than anything else (video ram, regular ram, ATI video card). I' d might try one of the other programs such as TCPMP or PocketTV if that would speed up the process.

Again, thanks!

Nurhisham Hussein
05-05-2007, 08:33 PM
TCPMP and Pocket TV are players only - they won't help to convert the files, if that's really necessary. What kind of format are your TIVO files in?