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View Full Version : help S620/DASH and tethering/DUN to PocketPC!!

03-23-2007, 06:58 PM

i am going away tommorrow and need to be able to connect to my S620 from my Pocket PC (HP 2495) using bluetooth..

can anyone point me in the direction of setting this up so I can get a internet connection to my PDA via my S620? (I have a dataplan on the S620)


Mark Kenepp
03-23-2007, 11:48 PM
I don't remember where I originally got the information to tether my n560 with my SDA and/or my p800 but I did pass on the settings for T-Mobile (USA) to a user over at Howard Forums in this thread (http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=1121857).

What information you will need to get is the APN for your network service provider. Use it in place of the APN for T-Mobile and you should be good to go.

One of the replies gives that information for Fido, if that is your provider.

Good luck,