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View Full Version : Spiral Mile releases action / platformer game Droid - The Beginning

03-19-2007, 05:27 PM
Looking for a simple and entertaining action / platform game? Then, you may want to read further.


Availability: the game is available here (http://www.spiralmile.com/products/droid/droid.htm) with a trial. There also is a desktop Windows version.

Compliance: I encountered no major compatibility problems with running the game on some of my test WM2003+ (the game isn’t compatible with OS’es prior to WM2003; it’s, of course, WM6-compliant) PDA’s: the HTC Wizard with the Bpepe / KTamas AKU3 ROM (overclocked to 240 MHz), the HTC Universal (running Helmi 1.1), the Dell Axim x51v with ROM version A12 and the WM2003 HP iPAQ h2210.

However, keep in mind that

albeit it runs in Landscape orientation, do NOT start the game in it unless you want to have a reversed and, therefore, useless D-pad. (And, yeah, Left-handed Landscape is even worse: then, not only the D-pad will be reversed, but also the touchscreen.)
on VGA devices (this was particularly a problem on the x51v; the Universal was still playable), the game is decidedly slower than on QVGA ones. That is, it’s highly possible you won’t like the game on VGA devices at all because of the slow scrolling / animation, which can’t be fixed at all.

Graphics: QVGA only; nothing to write home about. The same on the desktop Windows – it uses QVGA-resolution graphics there too, displayed in a VGA-sized window. (At least, it doesn’t have speed problems on the desktop – actually, it’s MUCH faster and pleasing on my 3.6 GHz P4 than on any of my above-listed QVGA Pocket PC’s.)

Music: pretty cool tracked music and, what is more, it’s played back in stereo.

Verdict: IMHO, it’s not as good as, say, BoneyBoy (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&title=mobisation_releases_great_platformer_gam&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1) and it might be slow on some devices. Still, the trial might be worth giving a try.