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View Full Version : In the beginning stages

03-12-2007, 09:28 PM
Hello all. I'm glad to find this site. I just recently purchased the Verizon XV6700 PPC and it's working out great. I was just wondering if there is a site out there that can help me protect it. I email a lot of sensitive materials and I need the type of protection that my laptop has.

Any suggestions?

Please advice.

Nurhisham Hussein
03-13-2007, 05:54 AM
Hi, welcome to PPCT!

First off, it isn't necessary to double post a query in different subforums, so if you don't mind I've deleted your other post.

Second, what type of 'protection' are you looking for? There are file and volume encryption programs available to protect your data (almost all payware) which you can look up through our affiliate store (http://software.pocketpcthoughts.com/).