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View Full Version : Modern Nomads publishes decent RSS reader roundup!

03-09-2007, 09:59 AM
Unfortunately (not counting in my articles & roundups), there are very few comparison chart-based, full roundups on Windows Mobile-related subjects. As we all know "no application exists in void" (that is, without comparable alternatives) and comparisons should be made between (preferably all) competing apps in order to help the reader to choose the one that best fits her or his needs, I really welcome all kinds of articles that do compare all the available existing solutions for a given problem.

Enterprise mobility-centric Windows Mobile site Modern Nomads, who, in the past, have also published some of my articles, have just come out with a VERY nice RSS reader comparison. It's available here (http://modernnomads.info/wiki/index.php?page=RSS+readers) and is highly recommended.