Nurhisham Hussein
02-23-2007, 08:30 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div><i>"Today Orneta announced the immediate availability of Explorer Mobile 2007, the fastest file viewer and manager available for Windows Mobile based devices. The powerful and easy-to-use filters make navigation fast and simple while presenting only the files requested. Browse, Open, Copy, Move, Rename and Delete files from the elegant and simple interface."</i><br /><br /><img src="" /><br /><br />Yet Another File Explorer (YAFE - patent pending :))? Not quite - there are a few frills here that make this an intriguing app. The filter function and user interaction make this a bit different from most file explorers we've come to know and er...know. To my mind, this seems particularly suited for smartphones...sorry...<i>WM6 Standard</i> devices, though any <i>Pro</i> device would also benefit from the focus on one handed use. EM2007 is a free upgrade for registered owners of previous versions, and can be purchased through our <a href="">affiliate link</a> for $14.95 (14-day trial available as well). One gotcha though - EM2007 only supports WM5 and WM6. An archived version of Explorer Mobile is available for Smartphone 2002 through to Windows Mobile 2003SE, but it is not supported - if you're on an older OS, you're out of luck in terms of the upgrade.