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View Full Version : Simple Page To Install Some Apps And Services On Your Device

Ed Hansberry
01-22-2007, 10:00 PM
<a href="http://www.ehansberry.com/mobile">http://www.ehansberry.com/mobile</a><br /><br />In the course of setting up a device after a hard reset, I found myself having to go to my desktop to search for the URLs to access some of the services I enjoy on my device. There isn't much point in being able to download and install directly on the device if you can't find the URLs. So, I created a very basic page on my website with a few that I use, mainly the Java based Gmail app and the Windows Live Search service. I also added the Java based Google maps app, though I personally find it inferior to the Windows Live Search tool.<br /><br /><a href="http://www.ehansberry.com/mobile"><img src="http://www.ehansberry.com/pages/images/download.gif" /></a><br /><br />If you have suggestions for other services, let me know in this thread. I am not really interested in links to cab installers for a lot of apps, though I will probably put links to <a href="http://www.ehansberry.com/pages/pocketpc.html">my favorite applications</a> on my Pocket PC if over-the-air installers are available, but it is mainly meant to be a mobile download portal for services that are ideally suited to Windows Mobile devices that have online access, like WiFi or any cellular data service.

01-23-2007, 12:56 AM
If you have suggestions for other services

Not services, but a memory card directory... hope this doesn't violate your "cabinstaller" limit ;-)

Since the Jornada days, I have maintained a "Cabs" directory on whatever memory card I have been using containing all of the cabs which I use (or might use) along with a text file containing the activation codes and related information.

Mark the cab files "read only" and keep a backup of the folder on your pc. If you have access to web space, you could also put the cabs in a hidden directory so they are available for download when connected.

Doing so has saved a ton of time over the years, plus it allows me to install the unregistered version of any of the apps on other ppc's in the field which comes up more often that would be expected.