Darius Wey
01-19-2007, 07:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.access-company.com/products/netfrontmobile/browser/34_wm_tp.html' target='_blank'>http://www.access-company.com/produ...r/34_wm_tp.html</a><br /><br /></div><i>"ACCESS CO., LTD. (TSE:4813) today announced the availability of a technical preview version of its NetFront Browser v3.4 for Pocket PC, an Internet browser for Pocket PC devices. By making this technical preview available, ACCESS expects to obtain extensive feedback from users prior to releasing the final commercial version of the browser, which is scheduled for release in the first half of this year. Both the Japanese and English language versions of the technical preview version of NetFront Browser v3.4 for Pocket PC will be available for download from ACCESS' website free of charge."</i><br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/wey-20070119-nf34tp.jpg" /><br /><br />It only seemed like yesterday that we were dabbling with NetFront v3.3, and now you can get your hands on a technical preview of NetFront v3.4. New features include improved performance, a Page Pilot mode, and visual bookmarks. As always, there are limitations with a pre-release version such as this. It time bombs on January 31, you're restricted to two tabbed windows, user agents cannot be modified, the Auto-Cruise feature is limited to the first layer, and there's a cap of ten registered bookmarks. There's more, but I won't bore you with the details. Head over to the beta page (<a href="http://www.access-company.com/products/netfrontmobile/browser/34_wm_tp.html">English</a> or <a href="http://www.jp.access-company.com/products/nf_mobile/browser/PPC/34_tp.html">Japanese</a>), download it, and give it a test run. And one more thing: Windows Mobile 5.0 is a requirement. Happy surfing.
01-19-2007, 09:22 PM
My review:
NetFront (NF for short), the alternative Web browser for the Pocket PC, is constantly evolving. It was in last summer that the last, 3.3 version has been released and, now, the first Technical Preview (TP for short) of the forthcoming, 3.4 version is out, with a lot of advertised new features; for example, AJAX support. No wonder I was more than eager to (thoroughly – after all, I’m also a HTTP / programming / AJAX megahacker / pro!) test it. Let’s take a look at how it compares to the previous version!
(Note that this is NOT a beginner's introduction to what NetFront is. Play some hours with it to discover it OR make sure you read my previous Web browsing-related articles (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&cat=61) to get a picture how previous versions compared to other Web browsers on the Pocket PC and what niceties and secrets it has.)
The download page is here (https://www.access.co.jp/english/nfppc/agree_34.html); the product homepage here (http://www.access-company.com/products/netfrontmobile/browser/34_wm_tp.html). Note that the list of restrictions has a mistake: “User Agent cannot be edited” is, fortunately, not true.
Also keep in mind that this version can only be used in January; this, fortunately, also means there will be a new TP version before the end of this month.
Two important notes: coexistence with NF 3.3 and WM5 only!
As with the 3.3 Technical Previews some 1-1.5 years ago, the new, 3.4 TP’s can safely co-exist with 3.3. That is, if you already have 3.3 on your device, you can still safely install the 3.4 TP version(s) on the same Pocket PC. They are completely independent of each other.
Furthermore, the current version is WM5 only. Sorry.
Unfortunately, it’s not possible to hack the commercial 3.3 Java / Flash / SVG plug-ins into the 3.4 TP version. That is, for example, it’s not worth trying to create a registry import file to create the above-listed registry values in the registry.
The same stands for the User-Agents defined under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ ACCESS\NetFront34\UADataX – even if you import the UAData2… UAData7 subkeys, they won’t work.
There aren’t files to hack (by, for example, copying binary config files from 3.3) either
All in all, it’s not possible to hack the TP version to have the same functionality as the commercial one – don’t even try it.
Changes from version 3.3
In Menu / Tools / Browser Settings, the Misc tab has an additional “Enable Visual Bookmark” checkbox to en/disable the new Visual Bookmarks (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34SettingsNewCheckbox.bmp.png) functionality (old 3.3 screenshot here (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF33BrowserSettingsMisc.bmp.png)). When it’s enabled (it is by default), this mode instead of the “boring” traditional bookmarks (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34VisualBookmarkOld.bmp.png), a graphical representation is used (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34VisualBookmark.bmp.png). Unfortunately, this TP version doesn’t seem to save the thumbnails as yet, which makes this feature, for the time being, useless. That is, make sure you disable the by default enabled checkbox in the current version.
The Browser Settings dialog itself has also changed: now, it’s the right menu that has the tab names and tabs aren’t used any more. This way, it’s easier to access invisible tabs. (3.4 screenshot (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34SettingsTabs.bmp.png), 3.3 screenshot (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF33BrowserSettingsMain.bmp.png))
There is no “Security” tab any more; its contents have been transferred to a brand new “Security Settings” menu in the Tools menu. I don’t think it was a good move: after all, it’s very rarely used and, therefore, it’s better not to crowd often-used menus with submenus like this.
As far as the default settings are concerned, they’re the same; for example, in View / Advanced Settings, the default Courier is still not changed to a proportional font (you’ll want to do this first thing after the install; unfortunately, it’ll also result in another reboot). Similarly, General / Advancerd Settings / Software Keyboard / Auto pop-up is disabled by default. You will need to enable it if you want to enter anything in the Address Bar in full screen mode using any on-screen (not hardware keyboard based) input method. The only difference is that the contents of the “Range to hold decoded images” in View / Advanced Settings is changed from All (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF33BrowserSettingsViewAdv.bmp.png) to Viewport Only (with Margin).
In the protocol level, the “Mozilla/4.08 (PDA; NF33PPC3AR/1.0) NetFront/3.3" User-Agent HTTP request header value has been changed to "Mozilla/5.0 (PDA; NF34PPC/1.0) like Gecko NetFront/3.4" (see THIS (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=796&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1#more796) for more info on all this.)
As far as the Registry is concerned, there are, naturally, no "ACCESS cvmplugin", "SVG" and "Shockwave Flash" values under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ ACCESS\NetFront34\ Plugins
In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ ACCESS\NetFront34\UAData*, the values of "Platform" ("Pocket PC" -> "Windows Mobile"), "AppVersion" ("3.3" -> "5.0 (Windows; en)") and "AppName" (“ACCESS NetFront" -> "Netscape") have all been been changed. They have, however, absolutely no effect on the HTTP headers passed. That is, just disregard the people that tell you to set any of the text input fields except for the User-Agent text input area.
Under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ ACCESS\NetFront34\BrowserPref, there are some new values related to the new Visual Bookmark feature (state; saving thumbnails): "VisualBookmarkSaveThumbnail" and "VisualBookmark". Also, there is two new values, "BrowserProfile" and "ScrollType"; "DOMDocumentAll", which was related to the in-memory HTML parsed representation, is gone.
In some cases, it’s more intelligent at rendering multi-column stuff in the Normal mode, with all settings being the same. For example, my Game-Over test page looks this in 3.4 (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34GameOverTwoColumns.bmp.png) and this in 3.3 (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF33GameOverTwoColumns.bmp.png). The 3.4 rendition is indeed much better. (Incidentally, 3.3 TP versions (for example, 1.04 (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=502&more=1)) had problems with this page too – that is, they haven’t rendered the contents in Full rendering at all as can be seen in this screenshot (http://www.winmobiletech.com/kuvat/nf33_104/NF33_104_GameOverTest.bmp.png). This is no longer a problem in the final version of 3.3.)
As opposed to 3.3, it has no longer problems with IHT (http://www.iht.com). For example, my test IHT page (http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/01/08/news/finland.php?rss) is rendered correctly (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34TP0IHT.bmp.png), as opposed to the 3.3 way of rendering (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF33IHT.bmp.png) (that is, not displaying the main article at all)
Fortunately, there's no change in the SmartSKey support (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=1077&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1) either: it's working just great for full page scrolling, independent of what scrolling method is set in Misc / Cursor Key. That is, you can set the D-pad to link scroll mode (if you, for example, prefer one-handed navigation) and use the volume slider to scroll pages. Then, you get the best of both worlds. (Now, I wish Opera Mobile supported SmartSKey + volume slider-based scrolling!)
It, however, has some problems. For example, the Google ad is completely misplaced in 3.4 (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34GameOverMisplacedGoogleAd.bmp.png) while it’s rendered OK in 3.3 (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF33GameOverGoogleAd.bmp.png). Both, again, using exactly the same (Normal display mode) rendering settings. (This is a problem with ALL Game Over pages!) Switching to the Smart display mode (which isn't so important with 3.4 as was with 3.3) fixes this problem.
Page Pilot
In addition to the, in my opinion, pretty useless visual bookmarks, the new version sports another brand new feature, Page Pilot, which is pretty similar (but, unfortunately, still inferior) to the well-known page navigation / zoom-out feature of Nokia's excellent Symbian S60 Series 3 Web browser.
If you long-press the "Down" arrow on your D-pad, then, the view will quickly zoom out entirely to show the entire Web page, with the need for vertical scrolling only on very long pages (like my benchmarking page). An example of such a zoomed-out state are as follows: QVGA (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34PagePilotQVGA.bmp.png) and VGA (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34PagePilotVGA.bmp.png) screenshot. There, you can freely move the red selection frame with either the D-pad or with the stylus; after doing this, it'll promptly zoom back to the previous (normal) zoom level.
In most cases, this feature uses a far too zoomed out state, which renders the feature, in general, pretty useless (at least on low-resolution QVGA devices; hope the Access folks come up with a configurable zoom-out percentage), but, at least, it's nice to see the NetFront engineers try to implement one of the killer features of the new Nokia browser.
CSS and AJAX compliance
(See THIS (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=1241&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1) for more info / background on these tests!)
As far as CSS is concerned, as can be seen in this result screenshot (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34AQcidTest.bmp.png), the CSS compliance has only slightly been improved over the previous version. Opera Mobile and Minimo (two excellent alternative Pocket PC browsers) are still way better in this respect.
As far as AJAX is concerned (the new browser is also advertised to have a brand new Ajax engine), the AJAX support has really been improved. NF 3.4 has passed my Test1 (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34Ajaxtest1.bmp.png), Test2 (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34Ajaxtest2.bmp.png), Simple Ajax Address Book - 1 (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34AjaxSimpleAjaxAddressBook.bmp.png) and 2 (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34AjaxSimpleAjaxAddressBook2.bmp.png) tests (click for screenshots as usual). It's only the ImageLabeler test that didn't run (it just presents an empty screen (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34AjaxImageLabeler.bmp.png)). This is very good news! Now, while Minimo and Opera Mobile are still better at this compartment, NetFront is getting closer.
In these tests, I’ve used my well-known benchmark page (http://www.winmobiletech.com/072005BrowserRoundup/PPCMagTest/) (please do read my past articles on how it should be used). I’ve benchmarked both page loading times and memory consumption of the loaded page (NOT NetFront itself!).
As far as page loading times are concerned, they are considerably (about 35%) lower than with version 3.3 and are slightly above the HALF of AKU2+ PIE times (and, therefore, even better than pre-AKU2 PIE's). Impressive!
As far as dynamic memory (RAM) usage is concerned, I’ve benchmarked really unbelievable results with the new version – it even beats Opera Mobile, the, up to now, most memory-friendly full-blown Pocket PC Web browser (note that Opera Mini and Thunderhawk both have even better memory usage but they’re using a simplified page structure) out of water!
All in all, the engine has REALLY been improved, speed and dynamic memory usage-wise! Thumbs up to Access – this is what I call REALLY cool!
That is, Pros
Vastly improved memory usage and considerably decreased page loading times!
Quick reload when you press Back, like in AKU2+ PIE or Opera Mobile (a GREAT feature in a Pocket PC Web browser with an expensive and/or slow connection!)
The general Web compliance has been greatly enhanced (see for example IHT)
AJAX support is getting pretty good (not so good as with Minimo / Opera Mobile though)
The new Visual Bookmarks are pretty cool-looking, albeit a bit slow in use and, therefore, seems to offer limited usability
The same stands for the new Page Pilot functionality.
Currently, WM5 only – don’t even try to install it on your pre-WM5 device because it won’t work
You may run into some overlapping problems even in unrestricted Normal display mode, necessitating the change to Smart-Fit Rendering (which roughly – but not always, see the Game-Over screenshot! – corresponds to “One column” in the PIE parlance, particularly when the "Simple Browsing" browsing mode is (also) active)
No real plug-ins and the restrictions are pretty severe. The plug-ins / the number of parallel tabs can’t be hacked and, therefore, the browser can’t be “hacked” to become a fully-fledged one, not even for paying customers of 3.3 and it’ll take long-long months if not even a year (as was roughly the case with 3.3) for Access to release the final, commercial, unrestricted version. Note that the lack of the Macromedia / Adobe Flash plug-in (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/menneisyys/052006FlashPlayers.asp) also mean I couldn’t test whether the Flash plug-in bug of 3.2 / 3.3 I’ve discovered (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=889&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1) has been fixed or not
When you change for example the zoom factor, the text size, the browsing and the display mode (all in the View menu), the visual change is considerably slower than with PIE or Opera Mobile because NF still checks whether there is a new version of all the used resources (and reloads them if they've been changed). This behavior, in addition to the (in most cases, little) network bandwidth usage, also makes any of these changes considerably slower. Unfortunately, the cache setting (Network first (only on startup) / Cache first) don't have any effect on this.
Still no hardware button support, including the inability to redefine the WM5 softkeys. A quick note: fortunately, they're better-behaving than those of PIE in full screen mode: when you press a softkey, the submenu will be promptly displayed. With PIE, you need two softkey presses to achieve the same.
Still impossible to hide the scrollbars / tabs in full screen mode
Still pretty bad CSS compliance (albeit a bit better than in 3.3)
Unfortunately, the download dialog is still modal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modal_Dialog) (under WM5), which means you can’t do anything while downloading – this can be a major pain in the back if you, for example, download over a slow (say, GPRS) connection. This is a definite minus compared to almost all the other Pocket PC Web browsers, which do allow for continued Web browsing / navigation while downloading in the background. (VGA screenshot (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34DownloadVGA.bmp.png); QVGA screenshot in full screen mode (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34DownloadQVGA.bmp.png) and not in full screen mode (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34DownloadQVGANonFullScreen.bmp.png)) Please see this roundup (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=1302&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1) for more information on all this.
Still has problems with Unicode (for example, with Word punctuation) when using the (default) Western alphabet as can be seen in here (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34UnicodeWestern.bmp.png); this problem can only be eliminated by after switching to for example Central-European (http://www.winmobiletech.com/012007NF34TP/NF34UnicodeCE.bmp.png). (Also see this thread (http://www.aximsite.com/boards/showthread.php?t=139037) on this problem)
I certainly welcome the vastly enhanced engine in many respects (except for, unfortunately, the still pretty bad CSS compatibility). Way to go Access!
Give this browser a try particularly if memory usage is a concern (because, for example, you’re accessing VERY big Web pages on a low-end Pocket PC like the 32M RAM (12M usable at most) HP iPAQ rx1950) and the lack of Flash / Java support isn’t a problem.
UPDATE (01/20/2007): AximSite frontpage (http://www.aximsite.com/boards/showthread.php?p=1282787). It might be worth checking out because there are some additional success / problem reports in there.
Other (also reader) feedback available at http://www.aximsite.com/boards/showthread.php?t=146178 , http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=428534 , http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=1091673 , http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=1092210 , http://forum.brighthand.com/showthread.php?t=236000 and http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=290504 .
01-19-2007, 10:19 PM
# ActiveX (Flash/WMP) plug-in is not supported
# JV-Lite2 is not supported
When will the programmers realize this is what PPC's need.
If you'd read the page that the TP was released on, it SAYS that neither Flash or JV-Lite2 is supported... because the TP is basically the trial version with a set expiration date.
I'm waiting till it's out of TP status, myself. So far, if it actually HAS the better JavaScript support that it claims (Netfront 3.3 fails to load a LOT of pages for me which are heavy on JavaScript), then it may be worth the upgrade price.
01-20-2007, 09:13 AM
can it show the flash animated sites.. i dont know if thats the correct term for what im aksing.. basically u see the part of this site below the ppcthoughts banner.. the one that has a spbmobile dvd animation on it.. does it render that kind of stuff or not coz no ppc browser yet can
Plain Flash: nope, as has also been explained in my review, the TP versions do NOT contain Flash support, onky the commercial ones.
BTW, you can (as is also linked from my review) easily add Flash support to your built-in PIE.
01-20-2007, 09:16 AM
# ActiveX (Flash/WMP) plug-in is not supported
# JV-Lite2 is not supported
When will the programmers realize this is what PPC's need.
If you'd read the page that the TP was released on, it SAYS that neither Flash or JV-Lite2 is supported... because the TP is basically the trial version with a set expiration date.
I'm waiting till it's out of TP status, myself. So far, if it actually HAS the better JavaScript support that it claims (Netfront 3.3 fails to load a LOT of pages for me which are heavy on JavaScript), then it may be worth the upgrade price.
Unfortunately, its JavaScrpt-compliance isn't much better than that of 3.3 (see the AJAX test). Currently, Minimo and Opera Mobile offer the best JS support.
01-21-2007, 06:13 AM
# ActiveX (Flash/WMP) plug-in is not supported
# JV-Lite2 is not supported
When will the programmers realize this is what PPC's need.
If you'd read the page that the TP was released on, it SAYS that neither Flash or JV-Lite2 is supported... because the TP is basically the trial version with a set expiration date.
I'm waiting till it's out of TP status, myself. So far, if it actually HAS the better JavaScript support that it claims (Netfront 3.3 fails to load a LOT of pages for me which are heavy on JavaScript), then it may be worth the upgrade price.
Unfortunately, its JavaScrpt-compliance isn't much better than that of 3.3 (see the AJAX test). Currently, Minimo and Opera Mobile offer the best JS support.
It's not the greatest, but it's still better than 3.3 was... and yet it still fails to render my work pages. :P
I'm hoping to see Opera 9 show up soon - NetFront 3.4's greatest virtue is the faster page renders... way faster than 3.3, and slightly faster than Opera.
01-21-2007, 10:10 AM
# ActiveX (Flash/WMP) plug-in is not supported
# JV-Lite2 is not supported
When will the programmers realize this is what PPC's need.
If you'd read the page that the TP was released on, it SAYS that neither Flash or JV-Lite2 is supported... because the TP is basically the trial version with a set expiration date.
I'm waiting till it's out of TP status, myself. So far, if it actually HAS the better JavaScript support that it claims (Netfront 3.3 fails to load a LOT of pages for me which are heavy on JavaScript), then it may be worth the upgrade price.
Unfortunately, its JavaScrpt-compliance isn't much better than that of 3.3 (see the AJAX test). Currently, Minimo and Opera Mobile offer the best JS support.
It's not the greatest, but it's still better than 3.3 was... and yet it still fails to render my work pages. :P
I'm hoping to see Opera 9 show up soon - NetFront 3.4's greatest virtue is the faster page renders... way faster than 3.3, and slightly faster than Opera.
Could you provide some URLs 9if not confidential)?
If it's confidential, could you save them / one, remove all personal info (while making sure the're still unreadable by NetFront) and send it to me?
I'd really include these pages in my standard Web Page Compliance Test Suite to immediately test upon each new TP/browser release whether future versions of NetFront improve upon in this respect.
01-22-2007, 04:44 AM
Unfortunately, its JavaScrpt-compliance isn't much better than that of 3.3 (see the AJAX test). Currently, Minimo and Opera Mobile offer the best JS support.
It's not the greatest, but it's still better than 3.3 was... and yet it still fails to render my work pages. :P
I'm hoping to see Opera 9 show up soon - NetFront 3.4's greatest virtue is the faster page renders... way faster than 3.3, and slightly faster than Opera.
Could you provide some URLs 9if not confidential)?
If it's confidential, could you save them / one, remove all personal info (while making sure the're still unreadable by NetFront) and send it to me?
I'd really include these pages in my standard Web Page Compliance Test Suite to immediately test upon each new TP/browser release whether future versions of NetFront improve upon in this respect.
Can't do that, I fear. All I can say is that Opera Mobile renders them properly, even to the point of showing the dropdown menus that come up, while NetFront 3.3 and 3.4 just don't show ANYTHING there - no color changes, no graphics, nada.
01-22-2007, 09:38 PM
you will find here a page for testing javascript. Does not work with NF 3.3. The javascript is used to enter the password clicking on digit written in the square. Works with Opera the last time I tried
Another bug I have with 3.3 is that I can not import certificate.
Concerning both issues Ihave contacted Access without any success, and I am a regisfred user.
And lastly, Access have an unacceptable upgrade policy from 3.3 to 3.4 and infact from any 3.n to 3.n+1, so do not expect if you purchase 3.4 to have 3.5 free. And even do not expect to have any 3.4.1 to solve bugs.
if I hare to buy again a web browser for my pda it will not be from Access. In fact neither a browser, nor any Software.
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