01-08-2007, 10:35 PM
I have sleeping problems and often lie awake until 4/5AM. To stop me getting annoyed I like to read a little on the internet using my iPaq 4155. However my wife wakes up and complains about the backlight. I'm on the lowest setting which is still very dark but I started to think back to my monochrome Palm Pilot days and thought maybe a screen inverter would emit less light? So white text on a black background? Are there any programs that do this? Anyone have any tips.
I have sleeping problems and often lie awake until 4/5AM. To stop me getting annoyed I like to read a little on the internet using my iPaq 4155. However my wife wakes up and complains about the backlight. I'm on the lowest setting which is still very dark but I started to think back to my monochrome Palm Pilot days and thought maybe a screen inverter would emit less light? So white text on a black background? Are there any programs that do this? Anyone have any tips.