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View Full Version : SKTools released – with a greatly enhanced registry editor!

12-30-2006, 01:30 PM
I love writing detailed software reviews, in which I mercilessly point out problems even in top-rated, really high-quality products pf decent, capable developers. The vast majority of developers (yeah, I sometimes also receive flames) do read my reviews and try to improve on the problems I point out. This is advantageous for the entire Pocket PC community: after all, solid software products are released, which really add a lot to the usability of these devices.


One of the, in this respect, most responsive companies are the S-K folks (http://s-k-tools.com), the developers of, without doubt, the best all-in-one Pocket PC tool, SKTools. It was just a few days ago that, upon reviewing the, then, brand new version (http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=1541&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1) I’ve pointed out it the missing functionality in the newly-added registry editor module. The excellent S-K folks didn’t leave it at that: they have implemented all this stuff at once, and released a public beta (available for download here (http://s-k-tools.com/sktools/skt.zip)), in which, as of the current ( version,

binary search has been implemented (http://www.winmobiletech.com/122006SKTools311/SKTools3114RegBinSearch1.bmp.png); you can even switch between Unicode, ASCII and hexa (!) searches (see the above screenshot)
hexadecimal DWORD value editing is already allowed (http://www.winmobiletech.com/122006SKTools311/SKTools3114RegHexaEntry.bmp.png)
support for importing REGEDIT4 files (in addition to version 5) added

This utility is getting better and better – now, in some respects (see for example hexadecimal or ASCII searches inside binary data), it’s better than Resco Registry Editor!