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View Full Version : New PDA for Mom

12-30-2006, 04:05 AM
My Mother was playing with my iPaq 4155 and now she wants one. She wants one like mine, but also needs to be able to carry Powerpoint presentations on it and transfer them directly to a different computer (without ActiveSync) to present. Is this possible? I've seen versions of Powerpoint for PPC, but I think they change it like Word or Excel to fit the smaller memory space. From what I understand, that would make it incompatible with computers that do not have Activesync to convert it back. Does anybody know of a solution to our dillema? My iPaq is aging and I haven't been keeping up with the newer technology. Thanks.

12-30-2006, 04:18 AM
You might want to look at something like Card Export (www.softick.com) which turns your PPC into essentially a card reader (so you can copy files directly to a flash memory card without the need for ActiveSync, and on modern OS's (Windows 2000 and later), without a driver I believe (just uses the USB mass storage driver)).

12-30-2006, 08:56 PM
As far as viewing and modifying Powerpoint presentations on the PPC, there's always Westtek ClearVue Presentation (http://westtek.com/pocketpc/presentation/). It works with presentations made with Office '97 and later. Also, as applejosh pointed out, for ease of transferring presentations and other files without activesync, you can use Softick Card Export and it will make your PPC show up as removable storage.

Sven Johannsen
12-30-2006, 09:57 PM
Want to point out that there is NOTHING that will let you edit a PowerPoint in native .ppt format on the PPC. Clearvue and the MS Pocket PowerPoint that comes in WM5 are viewers only.

There are programs that let you edit on the PPC, like Conduits Pocket Slides, but they work with their own format, which requires conversion to and from .ppt, which in turn requires ActiveSync.

To make life a little easier than the various make-my-PPC-a-USB-drive options. Mom could just carry a USB SD card reader, to get the .ppts on and off an SD card. Iomega makes a very nice compact one.

12-30-2006, 11:34 PM
Want to point out that there is NOTHING that will let you edit a PowerPoint in native .ppt format on the PPC. Clearvue and the MS Pocket PowerPoint that comes in WM5 are viewers only.

You're little wrong here. The latest version of Clearvue Presentation allows one to edit PPT files too 8)

Sven Johannsen
12-31-2006, 04:14 AM
Wow I hadn't seen their Presentation Professional product I guess. I'll have to give that a shot. Of course they want a bit more than what they wanted for the viewer, but it'd be worth it..

So, there is only one product that allows for editing native powerpoint .ppt's :oops: , but at least there is one.

12-31-2006, 07:26 AM
That Clearvue Professional is perfect. That and a card reader will do the trick. Thanks.