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View Full Version : Bt mouse

12-29-2006, 01:46 AM
sry if this is quick, but I've only got my axim x51v.

Can I use a bt mouse with my axim? I'm using the widcomm bt stack.

Sven Johannsen
12-29-2006, 04:21 AM
I'll give you a half answer. I don't know if the X51V supports the HID profile or not (MS or Widcomm BT), BUT, I don't think either would give you a pointer. The profile supports using a Human Interface Device, like a mouse or a keyboard. If you get a ThinkOutside BT mouse however, the driver they include, does add a pointer when you enable and connect the mouse.

12-29-2006, 08:17 AM
I'd like one that I can use with my laptop as well.

12-29-2006, 09:04 AM
You can use the Think Outside BT mouse. I don't know about others.

01-01-2007, 02:26 AM
What If i was to get a thinkoutside keyboard, and THEN try to use a different mouse? Maybe the drivers for the keyboard would give me a pointer for my mouse. I'm just thinking that since the Thinkoutside mouse supposedly works with Windows XP, its probably just a standard mouse. The Thinkoutside drivers may not know the difference between its own mouse and any standard HID mouse.

I would get a thinkoutside mouse, but it is very small, and it costs twice as much as most mice do. I'm on a budget, and I'd rather have a bigger mouse.

I reposted this question to try to generate some more answers. I was posting this question from my Axim, and I couldn't give you much detail.