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View Full Version : Egress RSS doesvnot update all subscribed feeds

12-25-2006, 06:11 AM
I am using Egress 3.1.0 on my iPaq 2415. I subscribe to my feeds on Bloglines, then import the OPML file into Egress, installed on my CF card.

When I ask Egress to update all feeds it misses certain feeds - the same ones all the time. These include Lifehackers and Loose Wire Blog.

I have tried Newsgator to Go. I can access all my feeds in Newsgator to Go. I tried importing the Newsgator opml into Egress but I still have trouble with the same feeds that I do with Bloglines.

There some features in Egress that make it more to my liking so would like to continue using it.

Any suggestions about what I can do to get all my feeds in Egress???

