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View Full Version : Help me stop my 8125 from dialing a long distance modem.

12-10-2006, 08:52 PM
I just bought the 8125 / HTC Wizard recently and I noticed that once in a while, a message will pop up indicating the the unit attempted to dial a long distance number. The message also says that it could not connect to a modem at that number.

I have a wifi router in the house which the unit is able to connect to, so I can't understand why it's trying to dial a modem.

I'm really worried that I might get charged for these calls.
Can someone tell me why the unit is doing this and how I can switch that "feature" off?


Nurhisham Hussein
12-11-2006, 01:32 AM
Did you get this second-hand, or did it come auto-configured?

To get around this:

1. Go to Start->Settings->Connections tab->Connections->Advanced tab->Select Networks

2. Under the bottom drop down box, tap new, fill in a connection name (My Connection for instance), and tap ok.

3. Make sure your new network configuration is selected in both drop down boxes. Tap ok until you get back to the today screen.

As to why this happens, typically carriers have phones set up to call their data line service irrespective of whether you've actually subscribed.

12-11-2006, 02:22 AM
The previous owner had a setting in there with that phone number.
I deleted it now.
I think the dialing thing has gone away now.
Thanks for the tip.